Why you Should NOT use Ruby on Rails

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Hey there, I'm Malachi, and I'm passionate about one thing: helping YOU succeed in mastering Ruby on Rails! With years of experience in the world of web development, I've been through the ups and downs of learning Rails firsthand. Now, I'm here to share my knowledge and expertise with you.

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Hey guys,
I am a big Rails fan, as you can see by my channel. If you'd like to learn Rails check out my Free NEW Youtube courses


the comparisons in the video are not only for ruby. they apply to all other high level software. python, javascript, php... after all, who wants to make a website with c++?


The reasons to use Rails today are exactly the same as in 10 years ago: if you need a framework to quickly go to the market, test and iterate your business ideas with a fast feedback loop, Rails is still unbeatable. If you need something crazy fast you have plenty of alternatives, but these languages can't get you the same productivity level as Ruby and Rails.


None of them will stop me from using Rails. Non sense comparison.


The main reason to not use Ruby/Rails is to allow Rails developers to continue being more productive and earn more :)


I agree the last statement. Rails is not the best choice for every project. But it should be the first consideration for enterprise web application. Ruby might be slower than others languages. But the most bottleneck come from io (db query, external api call). if the language related tasks take 10ms out of 500ms of response time. using another language with 2x or 10x faster doesn’t create any difference.


I am new comer to Ruby on Rails
I will continue using it even more


I don't agree with the statement that Ruby and Rails can't go low-level.

I can just run C and C++ from Ruby as DLLs or sub-processes.

There's nothing that Ruby cannot do. If someone provides me with something they think Ruby can't do, and I'll do it in Ruby.


I would double/triple check all of your facts before teaching other people the wrong things. Some of your statements are correct while others are used out of context.

While Rails is a framework with all the limitations of ruby, rails does not compete with other languages directly. Web development is not systems development and does not require the same level of performance. Also, ruby is written in c, all of the lower level file access APIs are written in c... and when you scale horizontally like you do in server pools, you don't run into multi-thread concerns.


None of these are valid reasons to not pick ruby for web development...


Cool video, but would have appreciated a more detailed comparison. For example, how about instead just stating that Rails has lack of support for low level operations, give explicit examples of this. What exact low level operations are not supported? Other than the lack of specifics, good video. It’s always important to point out the flaws in the tools we use and love 😊


Ruby on Rails MAJOR advantage is that it supports rapid development, which is essential when you are in a start-up environment. Raw speed and multi-threading only become relevant much much later, when you have millions of users and want to curb your hosting bills. Rails is an awesome framework and choice if you want to iterate fast! If you start a new project, and are open to try a functional language and don't mind a learning curve, I would recommend Elixir/Phoenix - it also has a very strong framework (naming conventions etc), and it is much faster than Ruby, and fully supports multi-threading.


I think Rails is great if you are a single developer and want something quick and stable going, everything out of the box


Agreed. In my experience we used Rails mostly when a local shop/hotel/store wanted to have an online platform for sales. These guys are not Tesco, these guys are not Airbnb, they surely are not Amazon. So for their needs Rails works just fine and its cheap and fast to develop.


If you happen to get to a point where you are smashing against the rails performance edges (you probably wont)... Congrats! You have a seriously popular product.


Rails app + a Computing Server seems like the best mix 💯


00:16 Rails is not a language but framework, and there are several implementations of ruby significantly reducing the performance factor. Yes though, there are projects where Ruby won't match. As with every technology out there


Why do you want to interact with OS with a web framework?


What about Ractor? This is a Ruby feature - ROR truly unsupport this feature?


lol Rails is not less scalable, there's huge apps running on it, what's less scalable is the code written by shitty devs on it
