What About the Miracles of Other Religions?

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Addressing the issue of miracles asserted in other religions.

#FrankTurek #Miracles #Religions
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"The church becomes all about me and what God can give me, then that's not Christianity" wow, that truth hits


I’m addicted to these videos. Frank Turek is an awesome God fearing man and I love watching these. It answers a lot of questions I have and it helps me in my walk with Christ along with the Bible and prayer. Knowing why I believe what I believe is my struggle but these help me.


I was asked that once. I brought up pharoah's magicians when Moses threw his staff down and it turned into a snake. The magicians threw their staffs down and they also turned into snakes. Ending with Moses's snakes devouring the other magicians. In other words other religions can counterfeit signs and miracles but they are nothing compared to our God.


So many of these questions start with "I'm asking for a friend" lol


“Maintain spirituality without the moral accountability” BINGO!! I feel like thats what most people want...they don’t like truth


The real miracle is just life, the fact that life exists here is so amazing yet people can't see that. If people could see this then every day would be a gift.


Matthew 24:24
24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.


This guy is quick to scrutinizes other people's beliefs like it's the most obvious thing to do. Yet accepts his own as if there's no possible way he could be wrong.

"what do you do with the miracles that other faiths claim?"

"I think you have to evaluate them on a case-by-case basis. And when you do they pale in comparison to Christianity"

Yeah okay buddy. He totally did that to Christianity to the point were he can confidential say that on stage, classic apologetics.

A lot of other religions are not well known enough to be able to just lump them in that pile and stamp them as not having miracles. Most would just fad from memory when only a couple people know about it.

To those 15 thousand people that liked, this my heart goes out to you, you poor poor misguided people


Thanks bringing this out ... 'when the church becoming...about me and what God can give me... that is not Christianity'. Good reminder. Thank you.


So it is so simple! Christian miracles don't require any evidence. For any other miracle evidence is required.


Other religions: "Miracle X happened". Frank Turek: "Do you have any evidence that happened?"
Do you, Frank? Do you? The inability of some religious fanatics to reflect on their ideas and actions, is incredible.


Matthew 24;24 - "False prophets and false christs shall arise and perform signs and wonders and will deceive, if it were possible, even the elect."


When you apply the distain for other religions to your own, you will understand the atheist perspective.


So basically - if a Christian sees a miracle it is true- don’t question how the the “miracle” could have happened naturally; if someone from another religion has a miracle question it a little and then dismiss it


An excellent point which I wish Frank would have brought up (and I know he already knows this) and one that I think answers the doubts from the skeptic even better is that we can sidestep the entire question of "what about the miracles of other religions?" by simply pointing out the exclusivity inherent in the Christian religion.

Jesus Christ claims to be the ONLY WAY TO GOD and, in fact, ONE WITH that same God, not to mention that he claims to alone be "the truth and the life" (John 14:6)

So he claims to be God himself and the ONLY God there is.

So right there, even if we have miraculous supernatural things truly occurring in other religions, it stands to reason, that if Christ's claims are true (proven thru various means such as the resurrection, etc), then that automatically excludes ALL OTHER religions from offering anyone any hope of some sort of pleasant afterlife, meeting God, going to heaven, being true themselves in offering a different God, etc

So it does not matter whether the skeptic of Christianity can prove miraculous things occurring in other religions, so long as the Christian claims concerning Christ remains true and haven't been aptly defeated by the skeptic, then it follows that all other religions are false except for Christianity.

As a side note, from a Christian perspective, there could indeed seem to be miracles occurring in other religions with no natural explanation. This could simply be the work of demonic forces as we know from scripture that they do such fake miracles to deceive others.

So we needn't automatically assume we have to DISprove miracles of other religions, because, given my above argument, Christianity would remain the only true religion despite the occurrence of miracles in other religions.

This is why I believe the above argument is a stronger one than what Frank offered (certainly no discredit meant to him) because Frank's answer could be problematic if one can prove a miracle(s) as happening in another religion, whereas the above argument is immune to any such attack no matter whether a miracle occurred in another religion or not.


I also had a friend who was Christian but then became Buddhist. He was doing things that he knew he aught not do, and Buddhism was a way to put away a guilty conscience.


I love that last little bit about the church being the church. That’s something I’ve been talking about for a couple of years now, and finally starting to understand what true Christianity looks like thanks to that.


Well, other religions also perform miracles and signs but the source of it's power is what makes the difference.


When he accuses people who believe in different faiths of avoiding accountability, he's actually projecting his own shadow onto them. Because Christianity is all about dodging accountability; Jesus died for your sins, and you can avoid accountability and consequence if you believe in Him obey the Bible's commandments. But if you sin afterwards, don't worry, he'll forgive you of those sins, too. Just be sure that you feel really bad about yourself, and perceive yourself as a worthless dog that needs soul saving.


What evidence does he have that Christian miracles are more relevant than any other belief systems relationship to miracles. This guy has a really simplistic view of life
