Spray Painting Furniture | The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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Spray painting furniture can create a long lasting, durable paint job on your wood furniture. Just follow these steps on how to spray paint furniture and you'll be golden!

🌟Supply List: Scroll down this description for the full supply list. 🌟

|What to Expect|
0:00 Before
0:19 Cleaning the Furniture
0:34 Fill Wood Grain
2:02 Protect Everything from Overspray
2:41 Prime with Spray Primer
4:32 Sand
5:05 Spray Painting the Dresser
6:35 After
6:51 Spray Painting Furniture Review

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I came here to find out how to spray my 2 drawer bedside cabinet with spray paint. Now i feel i might need to sell my house to do it.


A really good multiple grit sanding prior to your grain filling might have helped? BTW, thinning a spackle compound is a new one for me - good on ya! Nicely done.


I'm planning on painting my melanin desk, just by chance i bought the same primer🎉 I have hugh hopes, wish me luck


i think it looks great. one can always use more storage, and this is an attractive piece of furniture! i can't remember -- do you typically tell us the total cost of each project, including the cost of the piece of furniture and all of the supplies? thank you!


Super helpful. One day i will need to pain my kitchen cabinets (wood, oak). Huge job and I am terrified to ruin them as I have no too much experience, especially with something as high-traffic as kitchen. So I started to watch videos like this one to understand how to diminish my chances for failure. Thanks again!


How would you spray paint a three shelf circular book stand with about 12 inches between each shelf. The difficulty is spraying in the middle of the shelves being each shelf about 30 inches in diameter. You video is excellent.


Flat sand using 800/1000 and Polish using compound and drill with mop like the do on cars for high gloss.


I would have sanded it by hand! It’s not as labour-intensive as one might think. I like to feel the sandpaper in my hand.


Nice video. Just gonna pay full price for the furniture with the right color lol


the water and spakling and to roll it on is such a smart move


Thanks for the video. Looking at repainting my chalk painted dining table etc. Must get the suggested primer and do the scrub. I will probably use a sugar soap and whatever primer the local store has. I live at the other end of the world so brand names aren't really useful...the how to ....is


looks great. But convinced me to just buy a new one :)


I'm super allergic to wood especially just cut wood but treated makes me sick for weeks I've been looking for a way not to sand a dresser and headboard from the 40s 50s that mod blonde wood that was so popular, I've got a Kirby vacuum with the sanding attachment but I have no idea how it works? If this wasn't sentimental I'd pay someone to Carry it to the dumpster😆


Have you tryed the new colorshot? It doesnt smell like paint & the VOCs are low it comes in primer+ paint, Satin, gloss, flat and others cuz its from californa where their stricter with the chemicals it says no sanding needed, I spray painted a rolling cart with mesh curved shelves out on the balcony I think it was around 40° humitiy very high cuz I didnt finish before it started raining cuz management was going to tear down balconys and replace I had 1 day to finish I didnt have drip marks or blotchs or bleed threw of rust, I had a black 6ft screen room seperator and started with rustolum black gloss ran out & finished with the colorshot had to go over many times since the rustolum had bleed though of the rust, seems like the paints are not interchangable end result seems like it never dried completly sticky to the touch leaving fingerprints oh and since I was outside I sanded the rust with diffent grits! Doing restoration i cant learn enough but I know some sprays cant be used together, now i have to figure what type of material will be stiff enough and not see through I think its 5x5 originally fiberglass inserts that would cut your fingers just moving it, its also sentimental probly 40s asian style some people might call it a changing screen you see em in the old westerns


Can HDF Bedside Table be spray painted? Kindly reply pls 🙏🏿


All you had to use is a roller and oil thick based paint, like eggshell or enamel, like... for a radiator. These paints naturally get smooth like butter. all you had to do is disassemble the table before painting it lying flat for no drips to occur. Spray paint you can add in the end on top of primer and some light sanding to the dried thick paint. It's painful watching this... floor paints are cheap, and you can probably paint 20 of these will little to no cash. And these paints stick like mad to anything, plus dry in smooth finish. I really don't understand what you mean when you say it's durable... since wood will expand and contract, and crack even if it's plywood... the paints you used in spray paint are brittle and will flake off that wood over time, unlike the paints i told you about which are flexible when they dry.
PLUS, you could've just drilled a small hole before putting in the screws... so the legs would hold. Also, so they hold better could use Super glue on them just before screwing them in lightly, LIGHTLY! It shows you don't know much about wood since that bit of 2/4 there cracked from your screw up. 6:17 and... these are short as hell to hold such long legs. If you want your spray paint job to look smooth.. by the way, it's a lot more work. you need to add lacquer and then compound it and polish... then you will have mirror smooth finish on spray can job.


The video is very helpful. Your experience with this piece is a great learning lesson. Thanks for that👍I think the overall look is nice.


It’s very pretty. I don’t like using spray paint on furniture because like you said it’s ver inconsistent. Also did you fix the side where it split from the legs?


Okay, I am a bit confused. Instead of filling the woodgrain (valleys), couldn't you just sand the thing down to remove the peaks? This seems like less work.
