The Best Spray Paint for Wooden Furniture | Rustoleum VS. Krylon VS. Behr VS. Color Place

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This week I'm comparing some of the most popular aerosol spray paint to find the best spray paint for wooden furniture.
Krylon Fusion, Ruso-oleum Protective Enamel, Behr, Rust-oluem 2x, Fusion Color Maxx, and Color Place spray paint!
This was also a no sanding test, as well as with BIN Primer and 123 Primer.

What spray paint do you think did best?

🌟Supply List: Scroll down this description for the full supply list. 🌟

|What to Expect|
0:00 The Spray Paint
0:34 Setting Up the Comparison
1:46 Spraying the Spray Paint
6:36 Scratch Test 7 Days Later
12:42 Scratch Test 46 Days Later
16:39 My Final Thoughts - Which Spray Paint Worked the Best?


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**This video may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I also earn from qualifying purchases through other companies, or may receive free products. This does not cost you anything extra! All opinions are my own.

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I was extremely impressed with Behr spray paint. I normally use Rust-Oleum 2x Paint and have been happy with it but wow, Behr blew me off the last time I painted an aluminum trim piece with their bronze paint. The process was smooth and the outcome was phenomenal.


This was amazing! Thank you for taking all the time and effort to do this, it was so incredibly helpful as a viewer.


I am going to do spray paint on wood tomorrow. This is by far the best spray paint experiment! Very helpful!!!


I know this video is a year old but the comparsions were very good. I noticed that when you were spraying the coats weren't consistant. In other words it needed more overlap and instead of spraying here to there, top then bottom next time go right to l;eft, overlap when going back left to right. These little cans don't have a real good nozzle to perform like a paint gun. I liked the Behr the best. Thank you for the video.


I can personally attest that that Behr black spray paint is by far the best one I’ve tried


Good video! But I got to the end and you said what one do we think is better 😳! Thought that’s what you where going to tell me 🤪🤣🤣


This is the best comparison I've seen so far. For me the primer I will choose is the BINSHELLAC and either the Behr or Rustoleum 2x. Thanks for sharing 👍


That's an original Sears light maple wood coffee table btw and it's worth alot of money, you can tell it's Sears from the fat drumstick style leg and golden orange stain.


Fusion wasnt meant to restore wood, it was created to solve a demand for spray painting and adhesion problems w plastics, good video, I do alot of spray painting, smooth even strokes across and OFF the piece is key, always prime, light sand, 3 light coats always does it for me, large surfaces are tough as striping usually occurs, I love Behr, 2X my 2nd choice, I always put a light satin clear usually also


This is a very comprehensive experiment! I applaud you for your effort! And feel a lot better about my purchase now


Thank you so much for making this!! Looking forward to using my Behr paint :)


Thank you for this video! Behr. Seems to be the winner. Decided to scuff sand, prime, and use Behr, although they don’t have exciting colors!!! Good colors for one project, but not for another.


I thought the Color Place would be my choice, until I heard only available in Black or white. I think I’d choose the Behr paint. Thank you for making this video.


If you ever do this again, you might consider a wire brush for the scratch test, it will be much easier on your nails, and you could tape a brush to a cup, and do some simple drag tests, empty cup, and add water as you go to see what increased weight does to it.


Thank you! That was a lot of work, and so helpful. I appreciate it.


Amazing video, this comparison has been needed for so long, I've always been curious.

These types of videos are the type to good views over time since people will always be looking it up.

The only thing i would say is that it would been nice to see a sanded section to compare


Super informative vid. I had decided definately on the the no primer Color Place until you said that it only came in black or
white so now I need to watch the comparisons again. :^D Thanks so much!


Awesome stuff color place will surprise u ive used it on wood trim in the house and for a bunch of welding repair work and i can truthfully say that it holds up way better than people give it credit for


Awesome video! Colorplace would be my thrifty option but Behr seems to be more durable. Thank you for this


I just found your YouTube channel and hooked! I love experiments and this answered a lot of questions for me. Great information and results!
