Return of the Jedi (1997) 'Victory Celebration' Ending [HD]

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#StarWars #ReturnoftheJedi

This is taken from trillary dump's 1997 Special Edition Reconstruction v3.
You can find on OriginalTrilogy . com

I've uploaded this because, this is easily my favorite ending to Return of the Jedi.

Hope you enjoy!
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Can you imagine being a 10 year old Hayden Christensen in like 1986 or so and watching this on a VHS tape and having no idea that you'd be in the ending scene some day when you're older. Crazy.


By far the best version of the ending. The added scenes of Cloud City, Mos Eisley, and Coruscant, Victory Celebration instead of Yub Nub, and Sebastian Shaw instead of Hayden, and really good quality to boot. Perfection.


The true ending to the Skywalker Saga… beautiful


This is what I felt like when I graduated from college.


This is the best version of the finale of the movie! Better music and Sebastian Shaw is still on screen.


Happy 40th Anniversary to return of the Jedi


This is the true ending of Star Wars. There are no sequels, no loose ends. The story ends here. Palpatine and Vader are dead. Anakin Skywalker was redeemed and destroyed the Sith once and for all, fulfilling the prophecy as the Chosen One. The Empire has fallen, the Rebels have won. The Skywalkers go on to rebuild the Jedi.


This is the perfect version of the ending for Star Wars Retrun of The Jedi, never knew it existed, with both the better music and the original Anakin Skywalker!


"None cheered harder than the people of corruscant" - Luke Skywalker


Much better than the original ending. It's great to see scenes of people across the galaxy rejoicing after the defeat of the Empire at Endor, and I also like how Sebastian Shaw was included instead of Hayden Christensen like in some other versions. Anakin Skywalker was in his 40s when he died, and it's logical that his force ghost will be around the same age as when he passed. The music is also nicer!


That ominous masked figure in black that we first saw at the start of A New Hope has become an angelic being of light, now at peace, redeemed by his son's love.


This is by far the best version of the ending


As far as I'm concerned, this is where Star Wars ends; the emperor is killed, the empire is abolished, Anakin redeems himself a hero by destroying the sith and peace is restored to the galaxy. They tied this knot so tight it should've been sequel proof, it's the same deal with Terminator 2, that's also where that series ends for me.


Getting emotional. When I was a twelve year old bullied, abused kid and I retreated into these movies it takes you back to comfort and safety.


I actually love the inclusion of Hayden and Naboo, but growing up this was the VHS we had at home, so this is what I remember most.


I love Hayden Christensen and hè will always have a special place in my heart for the performance he gave as anakin, BUT this is my favorite version and I love seeing sebastian shaw as old man anakin....


0:07 My Favorite scene in any Star Wars Movie is right here. So emotional. All 5 Movies were built to this moment in particular. From Anakin to being a slave with his Mother, to becoming a Powerful Jedi, to being conflicted at what to do, his turn to the Dark, which led to the loss of Padme, loss of limbs, burnt and living 22 years in constant pain of the suit he was wearing and constantly being reminded on how he got to that point, pain of Padme and Obi-Wan Haunted his dreams, until Luke came into his life, beforehand Vader had always thought that his children died with Padme, which was wrong, Luke was Obi-Wan and Yoda's last Hope, Vader basically lost it when Luke would've rather died than joined his father in the Dark Side, which is why Vader said, "Bring My Shuttle!" In A pissed off mood, but it all came to a head in this movie, the constant manipulation Palpatine put into Anakin since he was 10 and now look at him, a broken man in a painful suit to stay in the Dark Side. But when Luke would've rather get murdered by Palpatine than joined the Dark Side, really spoke volumes at just how much he loved his Father. Luke knew their was good in Vader, but just then as Luke was getting attacked by Palpatine's force lightning, he remembered things from his past, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Padme and the children they had together, from that, Anakin broke free from the shackles and killed Darth Vader right then and there and killed Palpatine. Thus bringing Balance to The Force and Fulfilling the Prophecy, but most importantly saving his son. Anakin Loved his son Luke and Daughter Leia. It was those who brought him back to the light. And Anakin Skywalker was able to die in peace. And Become One with The Force. Anakin's turn hurt the Galaxy, but his redemption was what saved the Galaxy.


This was truly the star wars ending giving me goosebumps


Despite me accepting Hayden Christensen replacing Sebastian Shaw, since Hayden played Anakin in the Prequels.
This one, The 1997 Special Edition ending will always be my favorite.


This music is honestly much better than Yub Nub. It's much more fitting, not just for the conclusion of this film but the Saga as a whole.
