How To DRAW A BOW | Save your shoulders!

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Gear I Use!

Bows: Elite Energy 35, Elite Answer, 30" draw, 50-60 pounds
Vanes: Blazer, Fusion X Qii, Bohning X Vanes, Bohning Heat Vanes
Full Saddle Hunting Setup:
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Thank you !! I've been bowhunting for 25+ years and you just showed me why my shoulder hurts after shooting. I've been drawing wrong the whole time. Gonna take some practice to break the habit. You're never too old to learn something new.


As a new bow hunter, this was extremely helpful. Great video!


Well Sean, after 45+ years almost 59 now. I too either came up with a new bad habit or I'm just getting old. My shoulder was fine 5 months ago after archery season, but all of a sudden my shoulder now hurts. I watched AJA video and thought ? there's no way i could be doing it wrong. Well guess what, I have either been doing it wrong for all these years or i just started this bad habit. With all that said, we are never to old to learn and listen. I also just attached a knock point on a dumb bell which i attached my release. Bent over with good form and drew it like i was drawing my bow as AJ explained. It worked perfect.Thank you Average Jack for getting me back on track.


drawing compounds are easy peazy. its recurves that mess my arms and shoulder up bad.


This video saved my archery season! I was having shoulder pain and thought I would have to give up on the season or buy a new bow, but after this video I could shoot without pain and even tagged an elk last Saturday. Thank you very much!


I want to thank u so much. I quit compound bow hunting because I was in a bad street bike accident. Kills my right shoulder to draw my compound back the way I was doing it "wrong". Doing it the way u said and think I be able to draw it and hunt with a compound again. I will be calling u to get new cables and string for my compound. Thankx


I just got my first bow 2 days ago and my shoulders are killing me! Came to YouTube for answers… isn’t that what everyone does 😅. Was not disappointed!


You read my mind! I’ve been having some pain in my shoulder from drawing my new bow and now I know what to work on to alleviate that!


Best video I have seen for explaining the proper way to draw the bow. I had my wife watch this before she started shooting. Thanks for the


This is one of the very first things they teach you in target archery.

That said, I keep seeing world-class compound archers go through some really weird draw cycles (some even wriggle their head as the whole thing looks like trying to put on a tight t-shirt)... but they're hitting the 10 zone time after time...


I’ve owned a compound bow for a while but, because I wasn’t shown the correct way of drawing this type of bow, I ended up injuring my shoulder and distal biceps tendon. After I healed up, I tried your method and what a huge difference. Thank you!


Super helpful Video. My dad has been shooting the wrong way his whole life and I just showed him this video. He will be making some changes. Thanks Jack


Outstanding! I have shot and bow hunted over 30yrs and just learned from you and 1 other during winter to draw correctly. Big difference! TY


Dude is a great teacher. Alot of useful info In a humble package


This is a great tip. I was drawing across my chest and then moving my draw arm up and it was causing a lot of elbow pain because of the rotation. Didn’t even know until someone told me I was doing it wrong a while back and the pain went away.


You know, I've been hunting for 35+ years with the compound bow, I've had a bunch of them, expensive ones mostly and I've killed near 100 deer possibly more and believe it or not I pull the damn thing back wrong. I don't know what started it, I csnt remember doing it sny other way. It sucks but I think I have a bit of roter cuff damage from this but all I can do is try to fix it and I thank you for showing me the proper way . I knew something wasn't right but was to hard headed to seek someone out I figured I'd find a video and well I did. Thanks again.


Outstanding video. I've been struggling to draw my bow after a rotator injury. I tried your method and it works great. Can't wait to get out in the woods after some practice of course and deer season to get here. I'm 62 and in good shape but I was afraid I might have to get a cross bow. Not now. Thanks very much for this video.


This video is the BEST explanation I have found.


Thank you! I'm just getting into compounds & already have shoulder injuries so you can imagine how difficult it is already. Tried your method & was able to get a full draw 1st time! Will definitely keep practicing this.


Coming from someone who just had rotator cuff repair surgery in February and starting to learn how to shoot a compound bow at 43 years old...this info is priceless
