How much should you spend?

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A $1000 is a nice sweet spot to make a setup. It's always fun to start looking at the cool stuff first so let's start with guns, we have the Dye DSR, Empire SYX, Planet Eclipse 170R, and Shocker XLS.




Hoppers are a bit easier as our options are fewer, as I see it with have three great options the Virtue Spire IR, HK Army Speed, and Dye Rotor LT-R. All are good options the HK Speed is super light-weight, the LTR is really durable, and the Spire comes apart in seconds. If I was picking just one though, I would go with the Spire IR.

Compressed air tanks are the easiest, we can go the cheap aluminum route or go with the better carbon fiber HPA tanks. There are a lot of great tanks out there, where it's from GI Sportz, HK or Ninja, but for the little extra cash you need to speed Ninja is the best.


—My Paintball Gear—

—PaintallRuinedMyLife Stuff—

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I got a Gtek 160R (less than 1500 shots), Sl 77, Dye LTR off Craigslist for $440. Pretty good deal to me 🤷🏼‍♂️


If you're buying a new setup make sure to look at an Etha 2 over the Gtek 170r. While it lacks the cosmetic features of the Gtek, it has the exact same bolt system and shoots the same for much cheaper.


I have the exact same setup but, with the LTR instead. I only have 5, 000 shots on the clock but not one jam or break so far. I absolutely love it


never had an issue with my ltr ever. Never had a jam, never had to clean it except wiping it off after being shot. reliable as hell. hell I haven't even changed the batteries in the 3 years of use.


Ok so here is my setup for 1, 150 Planet Eclipse ETHA3, Virtue Spire 260 hopper, Empire 68ci 4500 psi carbon fiber bottle, and HK Army LAZR XL barrel kit! Also my g7n is set to NXL ! It all works and I would put that against any pro gun !


That’s my Setup! I’ve had it for 9 months and no problems so far!! 170R, Spire IR w/N-Charge, Ramp and Speed Feed; Ninja SL2 68-4500, Carbon IC Barrel and Infamous Deuce Trigger


Spire IR is nice and all but I'd pick the LTR every time. The build quality is ridiculously good on the LTR, the things bulletproof. And I've found I've only ahd about 5 jams total with my LTR in over a year of using and every time it jammed, pull back the shark fin once and its working perfectly.

The IR just feels quite flimsy and I don't think the build quality is as nice. Also all the electronics are near the feed neck, so if you get some bad paint in your hopper it can mess up the whole thing, which is the exact reason I'm going back to the LTR.


Best PB channel ever. I got the DSR based on Brad's reviews and opinion. Excellent advice Brad, thanks!


Personally, I'd switch out the tank for First Strike Hero just for the adjustable reg collar. Can't stand fill nipples and such digging into my wrist, and the Heroes are almost always on sale for about the same price. Another gun option I'd throw out there to get the setup well below $1000 is an Etek5. Love mine


I got the same set up just with an etha2 from planet eclipse amazing and reliable i think i pay $700 or so perfect for someone with a lower budget


Definitely a great set up, I have the gtek 170r, spire ir, but with a ninja sl2 77/4500. Changes made, Switched the bolt with soft tip, and barrel with a freak xl/barrel kit.


I know that barrels weren't considered for this, but the stock 170R Shaft, even with a .689 back, is a pretty damn good stock barrel.


Pretty much the exact set up I got, except I went for the Bunker King control loader and SL2 pro v2 regulator


Love your vids man, your reviews are so straight forward, completely unbiased, and incredibly professional as compared to watching like Lone Wolf Paintball where they are really biased, un professional, and the main dude kind of condescending


*takes best $500 setup video and upgrades the $300 marker to an $800 one*
brad: "it's free real estate"


How much did the 170r used to cost? In 2021, brand new ones are $850-950 (depending on color), and used ones are $725-790. I've seen two used ones that were <$700 and they got snatched up immediately. I know PE prices went up ~$50 earlier this year, but I thought the 170r started out around $700 new.


This was a really good video man, keep it up!


I think the PC Gtek 170r is my next gun. It just looks likes like great value. Shocker Looks good too and I like the freak barrel but it doesn’t looks as quality to me.


Dye rotor R2 or Spire IR? I’m really torn between them and I get mixed opinions from everyone. What would y’all go with? Spend the extra for the R2 or go with the IR?


My next set up will be Emak ($220), Spire IR ($125), whatever HPA ($150) and maybe a freak barrel kit ($100) seems like a plan.
