Perspective Vs Perception

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If you had one chance to learn the most important lesson in spying, this would be it. Join former covert CIA intelligence officer Andrew Bustamante as he demonstrates the unquestionable advantage gained by exercising perspective in a world full of perceptions. Whether buying a car or commanding a board room, Andrew shows that it is always better to recognize the one-way mirror rather than stare at your own reflection.

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40 years ago the two words were taught differently. People would say that sympathy is when you understand their dilemna, empathy is suffering along with someone.


This is what I loved about studying Anthropology, and studying abroad. You get the advantage, from a young age, of seeing just how much the average American's day to day life (a series of actions and thoughts that is rarely if ever questioned) is a series of programmed routines and assumptions. Understanding *that* freed me to consider a vast realm of perspectives and ways of being that otherwise, I almost certainly would've never had reason to consider.


Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. - Marcus Aurelius


You have switch the definitions of empathy and sympathy. Empathy is defined as having a greater depth of feeling than sympathy.


1:26 so true! We love watching others live


I saw your reddit AMA, and just saw you on the David pakman show. Your insights are amazing and eye opening, because I never tied together intelligence training and real world situational awareness.


GOOD CONTENT...haha Andrew, my three takeaways, the difference of perspective vs perception, benefits of knowing the difference, managing conversations, possibly predicting possible behaviors, very minor suggestion the shirt at the end; use Polo t shirt, unless you already taped all episodes endings, we look forward to the rest of them


Excellent! So much more could be talked about this. Reminds me of an adage: Seek first to understand and then to be understood.


1:50+ "Perspective takes a lot more work than perception" amazing. Like so many individuals I've tried to explain what you say here & or we have waited to hear someone tell us this mechanistic fact. exactly yes & as you know you can track all the work and records of perspective


When you use perspective you see all of the ways to be perceptive. Perspective is like astrology and the angle and compartmentalizing, and the perception is the accumulation of bits and is like magic to do gathering for doing particular shuffling of space.


Awesome content. Love this vid. Definitely going to remember this the next time I buy a car!


I know you are working with millionaires now…but this stuff is gold.. over the last few years I’ve run into people that change my life such as Jordan Peterson Jocko Willink… And so for your contact is right up there an actual things that people can use right away …this has already within the 15 minutes that I’ve watched it …has been ingrained in my mind. Thank you. Please do more of these things because there are people that maybe they don’t have $1 million but they’re generally good people who want to improve their lives and this type of content can really help them in a lot of different aspects


I liked the way you correlated both examples
Worth watching .


"If you had 5 minutes...", but you took more than 17 minutes. Overall, great content, love it.


My perception now has perspective, thank you!


He changed perspective to perception and vice versa


Just found you, and this is extremely interesting to me, It seems to me I might have been able to do this in the most miniscule way, I look forward to taking all your classes, and thank you for your service, and valued insights!


8:37 "Perspective & perception are two different things" yes in yours & your wife's job it makes sense that you must be as accurate ass possible especially if in information gathering you have limitations & boundaries to be mindful of in assessing/gathering information As you both know people could find out or die if you are not constantly in perspective mode This is such an invaluable brilliant lecture thank you guys


How did this video manage to pop into my life at this exact moment?! 🤯


I heard someone like Andrew use the phrase 'God perspective' all the time. What if someone is looking over your shoulder to see what you are perceiving? Now take that idea and keep moving back...what would the person see looking over the first observers shoulder? And the next...till you get to that God perspective.
It is an interesting thought experiment, especially if you can do it in real time when you talking to someone.
It is also humorous to me how many people missed your message and got hung up on simply switching empathy and sympathy around.
