Perception, explained in 3 minutes | Alva Noë

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What is perception, really? Philosopher Alva Noë on why perception is a puzzling phenomenon.

Does perception exist outside of our own nervous system? Philosopher Alva Noë thinks so. We can visualize the back of a tomato, even if our eyes cannot see it. We aren’t offended by profane statements written in a language we aren’t fluent in. This is because our perception is based on more than our five senses; it relies on experience and context as well.

Alva Noë unpacks this puzzle with a few examples, from being able to visualize things we are not looking at, to a phenomenon called “change blindness.”

Ultimately, this information can be used to challenge our original understanding of perception, and can expand on the idea that the way one person assesses an object may not precisely match the assessment of another.


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Another way of explaining it (a simpler way, I think) is this: we perceive not only from the data received through our senses, but also from our memories associated with the data


nah but in all seriousness, this channel is doing really well in terms of the content you guys are producing, definitely my favorite channel right now


We see more than what meets the eyes because of what we have learned through experience since childhood, so we presume.


This is a great topic and certainly worth elaberating on. What we percieve in our day to day lives.


Awareness is known by awareness alone.


Also highly relevant, we're forever cutoff from experiencing all that's there.


There are several dimensions to this idea. I think that we end up perceiving more and less of what is around us is true for all the creatures. All living creatures, quickly and inaccurately sift through the available information and direct and limit their attention only to those that are relevant to their immediate purposes. That is why we are directed, even fooled, by advertisements and propaganda, and this is why predators can kill and prey can run away to safety. This points to two things: the attention, and the purpose. We don't know much about attention - for example we hardly know how the infant directs or chooses to direct its attention. Second, it has been proved experimentally that when we count the number of passes of ball we miss the gorilla in the room. Finally, there is the question of limitation of the sensory apparatus. We can see, smell, taste, only a limited spectrum of the attributes of the stimuli. All this points to our ignorance about what is possible, what matters and why.


He was my professor at Cal! Go Prof. Noe!


In the video's conclusion, you mentioned that it's more about our success or failure in understanding the events unfolding around us. So, how can I improve my ability to accurately perceive the reality of my surroundings?


Perception is the act of the One Consciousness becoming Conscious of (the One) Mind, via all of us unique Perspectives (Souls)!


We perceive invariant and timeless representations of the world from limited amounts of sensory information, and the vast majority of the time we are correct. We do indeed perceive something more eternal than what is before our eyes, while at the same time perceiving less of the physical thing than we thought. It makes you wonder, if we are so good at perceiving reality using this strategy, then what really is reality?


It's like the higer consiousness or higher level of consciousness of human brain is operating from higer Dimensions of spacetime and then make senve if this 3d world.


So, access to what’s going on around us is produced from memory rather than the actual visual experience itself and it’s not true because it’s just a simulation of what memory is guessing about what is going on around us. This means that the past knowledge and experience is constantly evolving and changing the new ‘what is’ and we aren’t aware of it going on.


I wonder if some keys to understand autism is how their perception dont make the same types of interpolations. I also wonder if we interpret the object as having a backside because we are conditioned to think that way, and that it is not a natural way of thinking in a strict sense. As an example, children have to develop their perceptions to have object permanence.


For me this doesn’t explain “perception “ an ability that a large number of people, particularly in the U.S. are seriously lacking


Emmanuel kant
sensation is unorganized stimulus.
Perception is organized sensation.
Conception is organized Perception.
Science is organized knowledge.
Wisdom is organized life.


How does this explain what perception is?


The tomato and graffiti is a very worthwhile combination to explain this complex topic, if you ask me. You can call me impressed. 😉👍


Did you just say "We have bias awarenesses"?


5th 😏
I know theres no trophy for 5th place, but still . . . .
