Jaquish Biomedical X3 Bar

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I've used it for almost 2 years now and in all my years of lifting and working out I've never experienced as fast, consistent and injury-free gains as with my 10-15 minutes each morning with the X3.


The X3 Bar & Bands have forever advanced the building of strength, health, and muscles. My personal experience has been that X3 gets better with each passing week. One day you wake up and feel an integrated tautness in your whole body—-which is a great feeling! Suddenly you’re aware your muscles are interconnected—and they’re “alive”.


I love the X3 bar, front squats with the black band will turn you Super Saiyan!


As a triathlete, former marine, and fitness junkie... this program fills every one of my needs and has helped me hone and enhance my fitness like never before.

Any fitness is good fitness, but this is optimal and un-invasive. Easy to use, easy to stay with.

The risks of using it mainly is dependent on your ability to retain the bar and proper form. This can be solved by going slower, learning to squat to escape if you're losing your balance, and strengthening your grip (grip trainers not necessary, you can engage your grasp firmly on the bar with almost every exercise every time.).

This works your stabilizer muscles and targets muscle groups to exhaustion, like The Doc says it does, so you will see that polished body and physique if you follow the program and push yourself beyond how strong you think you are.


This thing is well built and provides an intense workout with absolutely no joint pain or soreness. Would recommend to anyone.


Love my X3. It's the only workout I've ever been able to stick with. It's so straightforward and efficient. If you have 10-15 minutes a day, you will see results.


I've been using the X3 for 8 months now and I love it! It really helped to give me that push I needed to begin a healthier lifestyle.


Great product! Bought it for lockdown training since gym closed, but I'm sticking to my X3 and not going back to training in the gym.


X3 bar has been hands down the best resistance training I ever invested in.


Hi. I am a 60 year old female, have never lifted weights except for 5-8 lb dumbbells. I want to get stronger and was thinking of getting into weight lifting to get stronger. Would this way of excising be good for someone like me? I find it difficult to pick myself up from the floor or lift up from a very low squat uses arm strength (the strength is not there). I have to put hands on floor in front of me and push up in order to get up off the floor. I guess I have very weak arm and legs muscle tone.


I love the X3 system. I have the vibe plate and use IN-Perium and Fortagen as well. It is amazing.


You know there was a oldtime strongman that only use cables and chest expanders I think this is very and very useful I would definitely like to buy one


I bought your system about 3 weeks ago. While I’m still trying to get used to this new way of training for me, I find the system well built (at least thus far). There are some things I personally find frustrating about the system. One being the difficult method to get into position for the standing chest press. The bands always seem to slip too far down my back and I have to take it off completely and reload it, sometimes three to four times. The other issue I have is with the bar itself. It’s well made but that isn’t the issue. It would seem that developing a wider bar would be prudent for certain movements, specifically the chest press and shoulder press. The narrowness of the bar works well for biceps, triceps and even deadlifts. But I don’t feel a lot in my chest with the narrow bar. I feel way more in my triceps. Are you considering developing a wider bar to possibly add as a separate purchase option? Thanks


My biggest question for Dr. J is about the chest press. John, when I see you do the chest press I only have one question that comes to mind and please understand that I ask you this with all due respect because it is just a question that comes to my mind and it really is the one thing that makes me hesitant about jumping in and buying your system. I wonder if you could speak to it either in a video or here. Since you have been using the system for awhile now, it would have been interesting to see through some MRI pics if there has been any spinal damage from the extreme forces that you repeatedly subject your upper back to when performing that standing chest press. I continually struggle with believing there won't be some really bad structural damage caused to your back after so many years of performing that particular exercise. You are the Doctor and not me, so are there any studies showing that my fears are unfounded?


Can I get a link to your study on band training vs weights? I found your study on bone density on Pub Med but I dont see the one you keep referencing in your book.


How did you manage to fit those massive arms into that shirt?!? 💪


This whole system seemed like such a rip off but the more I listened to Dr. J speak, the more I really started to respect this guy. He's not afraid to talk about subjects that others seem to shy away from and that is because he KNOWS what he is talking about. At first glance, the price is what hits you in the face. It's crazy expensive. At second glance, you begin to understand the science behind it. The platform that you stand on makes sense. I have been lifting heavy with the bands out there on the market and my ankles and feet are starting to suffer. It is because of the force that they are subjected to when standing on the bands during heavy lifts. You need a flat surface that will help absorb that stress and keep you feet and ankles stabilized. The bar looks to be super solid and that alone must be expensive to manufacture. The platform, as I just referred to MUST be solid too and able to withstand the forces cast upon it. That must be expensive to manufacture too. Quality does not come cheap. I have not seen any reports of people complaining about the quality of the bands, the platform or the bar as of this writing. Could the system be a bit cheaper? Maybe so but there is another factor to consider; that being SAFETY. What price do you put on your eyesight or overall safety? I have been smacked in the cheekbone (just below my eye) twice by band failures and these were the so called best bands on the market BLastics. I have since gone to closed loop bands and that has helped alleviate those fears but not entirely.
It looks to me that Dr. J has spared no expense on putting the best quality into the bands that come with his system. Remember too that prior to the X3Bar system, Dr. J developed a Bone Density exercise regimen with equipment designed to reverse bone density degradation based around what his own mother was going through. That equates to a decent person in my book!


Because I am a weight lifter and I eat chicken and steak and all the other meats and race
