The Downsides of One Tricking in League of Legends

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Episode three of hot takes is here! Today we'll be discussing comments pertaining to one tricking champions/roles, along with brief discussions on climbing advice as well as summoner spell variety! Should be a fun episode :)

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"You cant play rammus in those roles" yeah thats what you think


"One tricks are running the game"
As if there aren't at least 12 other things running league at the moment


Otps are my fav part of league. The fact that you can be no one and become specialized and renowned for a specific champ. I think it’s dope


Bro tricked me with the title. Half of it is complaining about autofill.


Uh, no. One tricks are very often the ones keeping champions alive, they are creative enough to come up with new builds when their champion gets nerfed.

Take Zilean mains as an example, pretty much their entire build was deleted from the game with the removal of AH from many items. To combat this, they came up with the Warmog's rush build and some even tried out Grasp - a seemingly meme build that appears nonsensical at first but works out fine once you figure it out.

It's the other kind of players who are ruining the game, the ones that hop onto whatever is meta at the time and don't even know why certain items and runes are used. The ones that cry for buffs when they don't have easy wins and say "champ is dead", instead of actually thinking outside the box. That kind of player.


There is certaintly a difference between main a champion and one trickimg. It is better when you have the main champ to climb while you have back ups just in case it gets banned or picked by other team.


No matter how many people shit on onetricks for how bad they are when they aren't on their main, you have to take into account the fact that whenever you're looking for latest build and runes for a champion, who do people generally go to? The one tricks (or the stats sites with all their data there). So I wouldn't say they are exactly ruining the game.


As a jungle main I dont think I have ever been autofilled into another role


Considering how annoying League is and considering how futile grinding ranked can feel like, I play league because I genuinely love playing as Poppy and attempt to learn and try to master all situations thrown at me. There is no over champ I love as much as Poppy. I would rather climb ranked with a champ I love, rather than some meta champion that you still can likely lose with. It seems like time wasted rather than keep learning with your main champion.


theres a bit of irony at the 3:30 mark mentioning the jack of all trades mentality. the sentiment has been shortened was originally "jack of all trades, mastery of none, but better than a master of one"


While I agree that players with less experience or skill are less qualified to talk about balance, I think the bigger issue is that there is an overall sentimate that players who are "low elo" don't have opinions that matter at all and are lesser, which doesn't help with the toxicity at all. Instead of any discourse its just people shoving their ranks at each other to decide who's worth more which is sad imo. One of the first rules of debate is that you only address the person's argument, not who they are.

I have issues with the terms low and high elo because it's gotten to the point where its basically just anyone who isn't a top 100 in Korea is "low elo" which is just getting to a point of insanity. I can't think of any other game where you are still considered bad when you are better than 80-90% of the players in the game.

The sheer amount of people who literally look down on others and see them as lesser people because of the size of their rank number in a video game is the biggest reason I hate interacting with the league community. Its wild honestly. It breeds such a toxic mindset in players who get into the ranked latter and its the worst part of the game.

While I've seen it most on reddit, i've also seen it a lot in comment sections on youtube as well. Idk just throwing in my mini rant about how i feel like a fundament part of the communities mindset is breeding toxicity. I'm a low to mid emerald player so feel free to roast my opinion since I'm low elo i guess.


I sure am glad I never touch ranked games, so I can stick to my 2 roles (one and a half, really) and autopilot all I want with all chat muted and not a care in the world. The extent in which so many people treat this game like a job you have to be perfect at/constantly improve on is astonishing.



“That’s not really an excuse given that; every game you have a jungler, every game you have a support, every game you have an adc. You should at the very least be expected to understand the fundamentals of that role because you play along side those players”

Same as saying :

“I work in the same building as you, therefore I know the basics of how to do your job”

League is too complicated for that and just existing near someone does not mean you actually learned anything from them or how to play their role.


5:47 That sentiment is bs in my opinion. Even if you were to try to get decent (not great decent) at EVERY roll you will be an over all worst player and it will hurt your ability to climb.
People you need to understand, ranked is not a race it's a marathon, it's fine to have some games you just lose as long as you stay consistent you will climb. And when I say you I mean YOU the player, because climbing is in your control, not fully but enough to the point that a bad player on your team will not doom your whole match as long as you are able to pull your weight.


People constantly confuse me for a one trick when they see my mastery.

But I've just been playing the same 5 champions for 8 years


"Hot takes"
"Utimately it's about moderation"
Dangerously cold there, vars. People on the internet are not going to like subtlety.


From my experience the biggest issue is people thinking they can play any champion instead of a handful.


The reason I main supp is that back in season 3 nobody ever wanted to pick support. This means that a supp main is most likely to not autofill and means that all time spent playing that role will be relevent in the largest number of games. Until season 6 I has never played mid lane, ever. Not a single game. Because since everyone wants to play mid lane why bother trying and then get an autofill supp that can't play the role.

Still the case tbh, most mid lane players are way worse then people who play the other roles are for the ELO. At least when i somehow get autofled mid I tend to somehow beat every person I come across. Might also just be a problem in plat and below though.


Anyone should know how to gank as a jg? I played enough and seen enough to know that knowing when, how, which line and how long you should wait for opportunity makes it the hardest role to learn. Especially for support main, that doesn't know how to farm efficiently, meaning even if they focus on power farming, they'll still can easily be behind average jungler.
Riot should just let us pick which roles we want to play with queue times being shorter the more roles you pick, or give up option to opt in and out of autofill which affects queue times. So people who absolutely want shorter queues can get them at risk of being autofilled.
As for macro summoners, that made me remember times I played Revive/Fortify Karthus. With so many new ways to damage turrets now, being able to make them invulnerable just as opponent is about to hit them with Herald, Demolish, Trist's E or Ziggs W would be so much fun. I wish it was brought back.


14:34 I still remember the 5 man dives after 7 minutes in botlane thanks to the old teleport, good times
