Trimmer won't stay running, fixed.

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Thanks for watching. This Stihl trimmer starts and runs but it won't stay running. Fortunately the fix was pretty simple.
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Thanks for the video. My trimmer was running rough even after I changed plug and air filter. Watched the video and checked my screen in muffler. Clogged with carbon deposits. Burned carbon and used wire brush to clean screen. Runs like a champ now! Thanks again!


I don't watch vids that are too wordy and poorly shot. This was PERFECT! Clear, concise, and to the point.


I bought the disposable weed eater when that all I could afford. I now have an Echo and it’s been wonderful I actually let my wife pick it out since she does 90 percent of the weed eating. I have an old 034 Stihl chainsaw and I wouldn’t part with that baby ever. I think they are all good depending the job matches the product. Care is what it’s all about


I've had the same Stihl weed trimmer for 20 years now and I haven't done nothing to it FS 56 RC runs great


I grew up using stihl, its what my dad always bought. Every year we spent hundreds on "tune-ups" between our saws, trimmers, ect. Now that I have my own house I bought a husqvarna saw and it's never given me trouble. I do try to take good care of my equipment. I have switch everything to husqvarna and i am happy with how they run.


I have a Murray and it did the same thing, took the carb apart cleaned it, still the same problem. I used a cut off wheel cut slots in the screws 1/4 turn and it worked fine, I wound up turning the screw close to the engine 1/4 and the outside screw about 1/3 of a turn. idles good going from idle to full throttle it's smooth and fast .
Glad I found your channel
Seems amazing that such a small adjustment makes such a big difference.
Thank you SIR for posting this video


I have a Stihl fs74 trimmer that is ~30yrs old.
Last few years it was not running well. Pretty sure the diaphragm was shot, but put a whole new carb on it last year, and it ran pretty good out of the box. But this year I had the same problem as described in the this video - runs but quits at idle after < 1min. So followed the tuning recommended by adjusting the Low jet screw to give it a bit more gas at idle. Got it running perfectly again!! Thanks for these video's you put up, they are super clear & very well done.
And yes btw... I would highly recommended Stihl. They make great power tools.


Stihl all the way I have a trimmer I bought in 2003 brand new and it still works excellent. As long as you keep up on maintenance it will last

I had a STIHL FS56 RC trimmer too. I got it on July of 2015. But I had to sell it year on August. Because we moved to South Carolina. And the private gated community I live in. They not really any grass there except for small parts. And plus since it’s a very quiet community people don’t like gas equipments. The only gas equipments I see are when the maintenance people in our community are trimming grass and weeds. And two of my neighbors have gas power leaf blowers. But thankfully since I work for maintenance at our golf course I still get to use gas power equipments there.


I own an FS-91R and love it. It really helps with the thicker SE Louisiana grass. (Dat torque!) I have a larger yard too so the extra fuel capacity ensures I don’t have to go back to my shed to refuel. It is heavy, but I added a Darwin’s Grip and a speed feed to make the job easy. Plus I’m a big guy so weight isn’t and issue. The factory Stihl head is ok for a tap and go but the Speedfeed is way easier to re-spool. Echo has Stihl in that department. I figured I spend a little more ($300 new) for a unit I can maintain for a decade or more rather than a cheapo unit that will last a couple of seasons. I contemplated the FS-94 as an alternative but I figured the extra torque would be better for the pole saw attachment or brush cutting when I needed it.


I have had an FS 45 trimmer for years and had running problems. The selling dealer was over a month behind in repairs, so I bigger a new carb on eBay, installed it and it runs great. That was when I switched all of my 2-cycle engines to canned pre-mixed fual. No problems since. Eould I buy another Stihl? No. You can't get parts just anywhere.


Thank you for your time in producing and uploading the video. I have the same trimmer with exactly the same issue. Its now fixed thanks to you. Cheers!
Edit: I forgot to mention that I subbed to your channel as well. Thanks.


I’ll take Stihl any day over any other brand I’ve had one for years .matter of fact the one I use now I’ve had over ten years it’s a fs 55r it’s a little heavy but will cut through anything and if your not cutting thick stuff you don’t have to run wide open I try to talk my friends and the people that bring me there weed eaters to fix to get one they cost a bit more but if you take care of them I feel like they will last a long time and save you money in the long run . Great channel be safe


Well I just bought a FS 56 for 200$ new, and not long ago I bought Echo 2320 for the same. So far running both The Echo has a better balance a couple inch's longer shaft. I would say the Stihl has more torque an is more stable on the back of a truck. Echo has a pretty strong motor for 21cc though were as you have a bit heftier motor on the Sthil at 27cc. So far happy to have both my Kawasaki ktf27b has seized up. I took the spark plub out an could see metal all round the piston moving. Not good lol had her for 16 18 years though so was a solid machine.


I bought a sthil trimmer. It has been good for trimming around the house.


Great video! I have had one of these for three years and has been flawless. Lots of torque


I bought Stihl products new. Yes, they are expensive, yet are of high quality. I own a FS56CE and it has not gone wrong in nine years. It is a great machine.


I only buy Stihl products. I have several weedeaters that are close to 20 years old and still running fine. Same with chainsaws. I seldom have any problems with any of my Stihl products and when I do it is easy to get any parts and service that I need. A little more expensive, but like anything else in life, you get what you pay for.


I bought a used Stihl trimmer from a guy I worked with because he bought a new one. About a month later he ask if he could buy it back. Told him no and I still (stihl) have it. That must be pushing 20 years ago. Good trimmer.


The first two minutes of your video helped us find what we spent days trying to figure out! Thank you!!
