Flight of the Navigator (1986) Retrospective / Review

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Flight of the Navigator (1986) Retrospective / Review

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this movie was so awesome to me as a kid, and 20 some years later as an adult-IT STILL IS!


The first half of this movie is absolutely, insanely, mind-blowing. Creepy as hell and with amazing direction.


I was growing up in Russia when they showed it on the big screen there in 1990. I went to see it three or four times. It was so beautiful. I guess the reason it was allowed there was because NASA in it was depicted very negatively. For the same reason Starman was also shown in Russia in 1987, which my mom loved so much, and I was amazed to see how cool America looked.


This is one of my favourite films from the 80s! You're quite right about the soundtrack, it's fantastic!

Two movies I enjoy which I associate with this one are Batteries Not Included and Fly Away Home.


For me this could very well be the best childhood film of the 80's, besides The Neverending Story of course.


Am I the only one that thinks the first half of this movie would have fit in well with an X-files plot?
"Hi, I'm agent Mulder and this is agent Scully from the FBI. We understand you have a 12 year old boy in your hospital that reportedly hasn't aged since he went missing in 1978. Would you mind taking us to him, Doctor? We would like to ask him a few questions, if that's alright."


I disagree about the emotions. That's what stuck with me the most from my childhood watching this movie. I was eight years old when this movie came out.

When he came back home and his house was different inside, there were different people living there, he panicked and broke down into tears and begged for his parents, I really felt that. I also felt an ache of sorrow for the little orphaned alien and was really glad that he got to stay with David. Also the fact that David was willing to risk everything for a chance to get back home just made me really emotional. The tension of when his brother was trying to signal him and it wasn't working at first, etc. And of course everything his parents were going through.


RIP Paul Reubens, the voice actor behind Max 😢


Next to the Neverending Story, Goonies and Labyrinth... this stands in the top tier of 80s childhood fantasy adventure films imo 🙂


looking at the review and looking back on the movie.I really didn't notice the sudden shift as much as you did. I also didn't think it was that much of a shift, the film is very meditative and I felt that throughout every scene. The concept of waking up and suddenly being younger than all your family members was compelling. I do agree about the story arc with the older brother being compelling. That made the film for me, he had a out of this world experience, saw life from a totally different view and also saw that when people grow older they also grow up and how it changed his view of his brother, that made the film for me. Also I don't think the film needed a villain or any sort of plot narrative other than expanding David's view of reality.


R.I.P. Paul Reubens (voice of Max) 1952-2023.


One of my all time faves! Disney pushed Joey Cramer in tv films. He was also in Runaway. The perfect 80s feel in the music, too. The film's subtext is that you can remain a kid forever or you can grow up.


A good review. This movie impressed me beyond words when I saw it as a kid on the big screen. And the reviewer is right - there is a definite shift in tone half way through the picture. The first half has a lot of mystery, suspense, wonder and depth to it. But after David's memory scan, "Max" gets a new personality and the tone changes. The original tone returns towards the end, but before that, the feeling is that you are slightly watching a different movie - like a fun version of the original. But the effects are wonderful and done with class throughout the whole movie. And the music fits the movie well. The Ship Drop theme is breathtaking.

If they ever do a remake, I hope they stick to the original, more serious tone.


Joe Dante's "Explorers" is similar to "Navigator, " in that the first half is this serious, often emotional sci-fi flick and then the second half turns goofy and humorous. And in both cases, a lot of people couldn't take the shift. (Notably, both films underperformed at the box office, but have become far more popular over time on video and DVD.)


Loved it as a kid in the 90s. One of my favorites. I sometimes blast the soundtrack on my PA system and in my car. I immediately bought the remastered Blu-ray that came out in 2019. Having not seen it in many years and as a 40 year old dude, I still love it. My friend's 11 year old son really enjoyed it. There's also a father / son reaction on YouTube. It's really cool that youngsters are enjoying this underrated gem of a film. The blu-ray remaster looks great. They did a very good job making it look like a newer movie.


I love how all these movies are presented in your intros.


It's a corny movie. But the idea behind it is great. Almost scary. I say it needs a remake. I feel there aren't enough kid movies with kid actors in them. I'm in my 30s now. But I still remember how it was like being a kid and get excited seeing another kid in a movie doing and experiencing grandiose things.

I wonder if kids today ever get to feel like that.


this was one of my favorites movies when i was a kid


Haha Just watched this a few weeks ago an then came across your channel. I'm 32 and this just brought me back to my child hood.


Alan Silvestri really is one of the greatest composers of the 20th century. Up there with John Williams
