Why I Use LaTeX to Write Professionally And You Should Too #045

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What is the best editing tool to write a thesis, a dissertation or a paper? NOT Word or Pages! It's LaTeX.
In today's video I show you why I decided to use LaTeX to write my data engineering cookbook.
I used it before for my diploma thesis and I am in love again :)

Here's the link to the cheatsheet:

►Learn Data Engineering with my Data Engineering Academy:

"Day One" by Declan DP
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#datascience #latex #bachelorthesis
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Thank you so much for the cheat sheet! I'm trying to read and understand some LaTeX and it's helping a ton


To Lorentari: First, CONGRATULATIONS on earning your Masters in Chem Engineering! I'm a fellow Chem E: a BChE (1986) U of Del. Secondly, AGREED to all else you said.


After watching half of this video, the way to use LaTex gives me flashbacks to WordPerfect for DOS when thinking of user friendlyness. That was the time before windows, so you had to push F7(?) to get a preview.

Making Table of contents automagically, managing citations and sources...word does this. I must be missing something.
When i got my Certificate of Apprenticeship, I used Word to write my exam. Lightyears away from a diploma thesis or something like that :D
But I felt using word to write it felt like a breeze. I saw in real time what it would look like, and that is a good thing.


I was curious why so many people love Latex rather than word, that's why I'm here, but my impression is that people that says latex is better than word does not really know all the functions of word, . Word does exactly the same things and many more, the only real difference is that you can see the final look of the paper while working on it, I can not see how having to bake the result to see the preview every time is better in any way :D.


Emacs Org mode is routinely used to build and manage complex workflows. It does this using an elegantly simple syntax that scales from basic markup to full LaTeX typesetting and from plain text notes to literate programs.


thank you for sharing! i've never tried latex, but your video made me want to give it a try!


Why I Use Word to Write Professionally And You Should Too:
1) Change your font of Word and it will be nicer than the ugly default font of Latex.
2) If it has to be as ugly as Latex, but userfriendly as in Word, use Wordtex within word.
3) If you still really should use Latex, use Overleaf which also provides a way of seeing what you do (rich text).
4) Latex can get clumsy to read and it is horrible to read it without nice captions. I understand you should read the pdf, but sometimes you want to edit the latex source. It is just easier to read the real formula (² instead of \sup{2})
5) If you want to, you can insert formula’s latex-wise.
6) Don’t search half an hour on the internet to do the most simple things.
7) Use Zotero in combination with Word: just click the article you want and the references are taken care of by Zotero/Word.


I wonder why the teachers back in high school didn't teach us how to use LaTex.


The main issue I have with LaTeX is people's reluctance to adopt it as their standard document app. My PhD advisor refuses to use it, so all of my manuscripts are in Word. Otherwise, LaTeX is far superior to any word processor I've ever used.


the problem of overleaf is that when you make a mistake or delete a text for example, you cannot go backwards to recover it


I don't get the urgent point to use latex, maybe if what is done is a formula related to latex mathematics, it still looks better. However, considering all the features offered, word and similar softwares are much more suitable for mass use because of their ease of use which is much better than latex. Or maybe some people can't move on from latex?


I just had a really hard time with Word and started to finally look into LaTeX today. I'm very confused, though. I thought it would be something like html+css, where you keep the structure and content in one file, and the styling and formatting in another.

All the examples I've seen so far include both on the same file, which seems really weird, to me (it was something about centering, no indent, width of an image, vpace, hspace etc). Equivalent of setting fonts and sizes, etc inside the html (which makes no sense imo) instead of the css file, for example.

Ok, nice, I get to TYPE my formatting, but I'm still thinking about my formatting. A lot. And then I see people teeling other people to use some whatever extra thing so they can have access to more fonts... !?

And then I saw someone using a website to generate the code for a simple table. A very simple table....

It just does'nt make any sense to me, unless you're writing lots of maths, perhaps?

What am I missing here?


Nothing you've said seems like something I couldn't do faster or easier using Word (Windows) with the Mendeley reference manager plugin.
I've just graduated my Chemical Engineering Master's, and all 10 semester-projects I've used Word. People tell me I should use LaTeX but I still don't see the point. The setup, the packages, the lack of immediate feedback when formatting, the apparent need for a "cheat sheet" to learn how I make stuff
YOU: cross references acting weird if moved around; ME: CTRL+A then F9 = Done all dynamic fields updated
YOU: Equations; ME: There is a VERY intuitive equation editor in word that even a 6th grader can use. For the one or two cases I've dealt with were I couldn't use the UI and shortcuts I just did it in VBA (which is pretty much the LaTeX experience (correct me if I'm wrong).
YOU: Tables, bulletpoints and numbered headings ; ME: Ehm... Yeah word does that too?
YOU: Dynamic figure text and cross references to figures and headings; ME: Yep word is excellent at that too.
YOU: Citations; ME: Okay... Granted Word's own citation manager sucks. But... 3rd party plugins like Mendeley exists that keep all your references (along with their PDFs) in a free-text searchable (also within the PDFs themselves) online database to which you can add complete citations from various journals with 2 clicks with their Chrome extention. This again seems quite a lot easier that LaTeX.


Hi Andreas, Thanks for this great video. Currently I want to decide if I will use Latex or Word for my thesis and this makes it easier. Also I fully agree on what you wrote about outsourcing based on my expirience... :) greetings from Vienna


So we start off by demonstrating using WORD incorrectly... So with a false opening premise, the rest of the video is invalidated.


looks great, how you change font? if you want impact for example?


Thank you for good introduction on latex !!


Can LaTeX print in boustophedon or bi-directional text?


Check out Luke Smith's LaTeX playlist.


So basically a plugin for maths equations, and Word will be just fine. Obviously the learning curve for finding "indexing" in word is just the same as Latex. So what are the real advantages? Ps. your cookbook should be great!
