RESISTANT STARCH is Loaded with Crap!

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🩺PrevMed Health, founded by Dr. Ford Brewer, MD, MPH, board certified in preventive and occupational medicine, focuses on preventing heart attacks,strokes, type 2 Diabetes, cognitive decline, and other chronic diseases. We are your Prev Med Health team, here to reduce or eliminate risks through education, attentive care, state-of-the-art genetic testing, imaging, lab tests, and telemedicine options.

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The book The Skinny Carb Diet is all about resistant starch. Unfortunately, the cook and chilling methods typically do not convert more than 1/3 of the high glycemic carbs into lower glycemic carbs. I know someone that wears a continuous glucose monitoring patch who reports significant but disappointing results.


😒 👉 I tried the "resistance starch " cold oats, potatoes, noodles, etc. There is no or very little difference in BG.


Resistant starch is not for diabetics in my humble opinion because it only reduces the carb intake by approx. 40%as per theEuropean research on resistant starch and the 60%(approx.) Undigested starch is food for the good bacteria which converts it into an important product called Butyrate which helps with our overall health. The approx. 40% digestable starch is absorbed and usual reactions insulin spikes etc plays out, it's like eating a whole potatoe but absorbing only 40%, and winning part is feeding the good gut bacteria to give us Butyrate...2 birdys with a stone.


I've tried it as well with oats, with no apparent difference in BG. I did find that sometimes (not always) drinking some ACV with water immediately before the oats lowered peak BG, but that also extended the period over which the BG was elevated. I think that is due to ACV slowing gastric emptying.

My conclusion is that reducing the glycemic index of a carb does not necessarily lower the glycemic load. If you are wanting to keep your insulin lower then it may be slightly beneficial, but if you are wanting to reduce the amount of energy you are consuming, then it won't work. You probably won't lose weight if you are over-eating 'resistant starch'.


Greetings from Australia, love your content.


Hmm, BUN 40, Creatinine 3.3 (blood), total protein normal, eGFR 19, microalbumin/creatinine 261 (0-30 normal), Albumin normal, potassium normal, calcium normal, phosphorus normal, magnesium normal, intact parathyroid very high (230). Glucose normal. Total cholesterol 130 (very low, 5mg daily on crestor and LDL normal and HDL normal and triglycerides normal, but still this looks way too low). High blood pressure, 160 over 80, amlodipine obviously doesn't do much. A1C 5.4. Is this the end of kidneys, or it might be acute injury because of the medications (person is 80 yo in good condition, never smoked or drank, healthy with cooked food daily, but more sedentary lifestyle)?


Dr Eric Westman of the Duke Keto Medicine Clinic would disagree with you about fiber not counting in regards to carbs. On his prescription strength keto plan, he says to consider TOTAL carbs, not net carbs.


I had starch in my shirt and froze it over night and all the starch was gone.


Resistant starch isn’t resistant for me.


does rosuvastatin affect qtc?i have found mixed studies. i have had had arrythmias for 3years now but after i started rosuvastatin (every other day 5mg) i started having worse palpitations of my life and im a bit scared because qtc has been a little bit longer in some past ecgs. i had to stop it because of felt like having a heart attack(jaw pain, chest pain). symptoms went away after stopping the medicin. anyway my doctor wants me to try it again. and i too want to try it again before changing to some other medicin but this qtc thing just bothers me.


Hi Dr. Brewer. I've been reading about Serrapeptase and Nattokinase. Can they help reduce plaque or be beneficial people with atherosclerosis? atherosclerosis atherosclerosis


I just saw a cid on this lately although they mentioned Freezing bread etc. And - some master baker replied why the do this and how it works in great detail. Hmmmm
