CHRIST IS NOT A PERSON: The Powerful Symbolism that Was Hidden from You

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For centuries, the most powerful teachings of Jesus remained hidden. Perhaps the story of Jesus is very different from what we have been told. In this video, we will try to unveil some of his hidden teachings and the symbolism of his words. The Christmas tree, the dove of baptism, and many other aspects that perhaps are indicating to us how to awaken to a power, to a higher consciousness.

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there's a book called whispers of manifestation on borlest, and it talks about how using some secret tehniques you can attract almost everything in life it's not some bullshit law of attraction, it's the real deal


As a former Christian who turned to Ancient Spiritual philosophies, I have come to understand the Christ to be the Divine Light of God permeating all space and time. Jesus - man, Christ - the Divine that was within him which was the Light. What Christians and the church don't seem to realize is Jesus is not coming back! What IS coming back is the Christ Light. Jesus spoke both as himself, (man), and as God, ("I and the Father are one."). When he said "I shall return" he was speaking not as himself returning but as the Light. The Light is already returning as more and more people wake up to the lies we have been deceived with by the church and other authoritative establishments.
In Acts 2:17 "and it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all (KJV)


Did always wonder about people who worship something outside of themselves. The kingdom of heaven is within you.


That divine light is our soul, the true beingwearing a temporary vehicle made of flesh and blood. GOD dwells within us all.


There is not a guy named Jesus coming to rescue everyone, nor did a guy die a long time ago so that every person after could be hateful, greedy, gluttonous, envious, prideful, lustful, and lazy. We have to become conscious and forgive Self for embodying those energies when we didn't know better. The energy's us, we did this to Self. It's up to us to heal the damage we caused. How are we supposed to rest in peace without first making peace? A vengeful spirit isn't welcome in a place of peace, we must become that peace in order to rest.


Lots of people want a strong authority figure to rule over them instead of taking responsibility for the state of affairs. Its true in politics and religion 😢 the amount of posts i have seen made by people wishing for the return of some warrior like figure who will show you Mercy if you bow down and lick his boots and will slay all the rest.
Like Alan Watts said the Gospel was distorted from the very beginning.
I rejected religion as a child because I felt a big disconnect between what the priest was preaching and what I read myself in the Bible and how I understood what I read.
I found out later in life that I am not alone in understanding the Bible the way I Did😊


Christ Consciousness... Within your heart and soul.


Like Neville Goddard said! Our consciousness is God/Jesus! 😇🫶


Jeremiah 31:33 I've known in my heart and in my mind since I was 8 years old that the Christ is within. The Laws of the Universe cannot be broken. No one needs ssving, which means no one is left behind. The great "rapture" is the ascension thst every soul on earth will experience... eventually.


"narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." This is not found through religion. The gate is within.


Listening to this video, I have goosebumps because I hear the truth not religion


I was an atheist till I was 42. However Jesus called me in meditations and dream experiences to investigate Christian mysticism. I experienced the energy raised from my coccyx up along the spine and over my head and down to my spiritual heart on the front of my chest and gave me a cosmic orgasme and a burning hearth. Later I understood that it was the creation of the holy child in me and the longing for God grew and led me on the way back to oneness with God. It lasted 4 intense years with studying my psykology and the Bible and scriptures from christian mystics and the vows and terms from monasteries and a visit of a guru with a warm and open heart and lots of prayes before God's grace blew away the rest of my ego for a moment and met me in eternity. I expirienced the son of man i me and realized, that this was the ressurection. and I saw the creation with the eyes of God and exclaimed: "all is good". I didn't need the gospel of Thomas, all I needed was still to be found in the new testament. Still it was obvious to me that it is not possible to realize truth just by reading and there is reason to go behind knowledge about good and evil in order to realize truth.


We are who we been waiting for, the Creator became concious then created One, divided then multiplied. The light is within us all.


How refreshing to hear the truth about what Christ is. I have often compared it to what is called the Buddha in a different culture, the culmination of self-realization for which each of us carries the potential. Most so-called Christians are entirely ignorant of the extent to which the Romans incorporated elements of their pagan mythology into the collection of writings they selected to form what is today called the New Testament.


I hope every christians will find realization to themselves and be awakened from the Roman enslavement of our souls.


It's beyond sad the rulers of the world are so engulfed in greed and selfishness that they'd keep this from virtually everyone. It's painful to have a understanding of how they want the world and how they treat it, it's painful to see those engulfed in darkness. The amount of disappointment i how towards those individuals is beyond my comprehension level. The amount of trying and to and attempting to make sure not 1 individual reaches this consciousness by harming ALL is disgraceful to all, humanity, themselves, the world and the future.
No matter how bad we fail and struggle with ourselves becoming our reaching the level of disappointment these monstrous individuals display is almost unobtainable.

Thanks for this video ❤


Our Earth Mother’s vibration/frequency has increased and earth changes are occurring around the globe as I type this. Those of us drawn to these videos are here to serve as portals of the golden Christ Consciousness. This requires us to elevate our own vibration/frequency so we can be of service to both humanity and the Earth Mother. She is creating new cracks/crevices in her skin, allowing the lower frequencies to be transmuted into higher frequencies while simultaneously allowing the new frequencies to pour into her new openings. This is all happening THROUGH US! No one is coming to save humanity…WE are the saviors. Whatever daily practice you find drawn to, such as meditation, long nature walks, mindfully exercising/dancing/singing (I personally use chakra and Solfeggio tuning forks, upon awakening and before bed) it’s all good…each of us is inspired to do what we intuitively know will be the most effective method…and we may change our methods along the way, as our intuition guides us to. Have no fear, for we are protected while we serve our mission that each of us agreed to before we came here. So thankful to find community through channels such as this…love and appreciate meeting all of you.


In India, Krishna Consciousness and Christ Consciousness means the same thing. Namaste


He just teached tha we can all be "I AM". Easy to understand when u read a bit of eastern philosophies.


✨be here now do no harm help others be still close eyes listen to your breathing✨
