The Hidden Teachings of Jesus Banned from The Bible Reveal Shocking Secrets of Humanity | Part 1

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The hidden teachings of Jesus banned from the bible reveal shocking secrets of humanity.

In this video, we're going to look at the secret and forbidden teachings of Jesus that explain powerful things and because of that they were banned and removed from the Bible.

Jesus said: "Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death."

In 1945, a peasant from Nag Hammadi in Upper Egypt dug up a jar made from red clay. Inside were 13 ancient manuscripts scrolls, bound with leather. Known today as the Qumran Caves Scrolls or the Dead Sea Scrolls. The rest attracts the attention of all researchers.
One of the texts was smuggled out of the country and was even offered on the black market. Parts of it got into the Carl Jung Foundation and it turned out, that it contained the famous Gospel of Thomas. When the Emperor Constantine I convened the First Council of Nikea in AD 325,
they examined it in details and decided what should remain and what should be removed
from the New Testament. That is later known as Christian theology.
To put it mildly, they edited and removed whatever suited them, like the Gospel of Thomas,

The Book of Enoch, Gospel of Mary and others. But why were these important Gospels ignored in such a brutal way and are there any secret teachings that perhaps could give us another perception of our own history as civilization?

The universally known theory being that this was done in order for everything to be very easily accessible and understandable to people. But the other theory is a bit more interesting and it says that the texts contained very ancient and powerful knowledge, that did not correspond to the direction they wanted to follow, and so the texts were removed.

It's important to mention that even in the past there were people, that followed these teachings, but were burned and killed because of that.They're better known as Gnostics, who unified and shared some of the ideas of esotericism, theosophy and occultism. Today we're going to look at this particular not-so known version of what Jesus had told us.

We will look at The Gospel of Thomas.

“Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty.”

"He who seeks, let him not cease seeking until he finds; and when he finds he will be troubled, and when he is troubled he will be amazed, and he will reign over the All."

Again we are told that there are no levels. There are no Inferiors and Superiors. And the one who's making mindful choices in the present moment, the one who knows his inner true self as a meaning of existence, as a seeker of the knowledge, as an explorer of the reality, he will always find what he set out to find. He knows no boundaries, no limitations, because he realizes,
that he is the one who creates the boundaries and the limitations. And when he realizes that,
he will always find what he wants at the most right and necessary moment, for him, and for everything else. And then he will rule over the All.

He'll be the king of everything, that was created and built by his decisions, of everything he has consciously chosen and already knows, and has explored long enough. So he will be able to move forward in life's endless progression. This is what is meant. We just want to insert here, that word religion, comes from "religare" that means – the return to yourself.

Isn't this about the same "religare" here, a return our true nature? Return to the already familiar "self", to what we have deeply forgotten so we can perceive it a new way.

And when we get to know it, we'll be troubled, we'll be astonished, and we will rule over the All.. Why?

Well, because we know it. That's exactly what he meant, when he was saying pretty often: I am the way.

The disciples say to Jesus: "Tell us what our end will be." Jesus said: "Have you then deciphered the beginning, that you ask about the end? For where the beginning is, there shall be the end. Blessed is the man who reaches the beginning; he will know the end, and will not taste death!"

#jesus #jesusteachings #biblesecrets
Рекомендации по теме

I really don’t understand why they kept a lot of the books out of the Bible. I wish I could have been able to have lived back then to hear Jesus Christ speak because I would have learned so much more than reading the Bible and listening to preachers. I feel we have been chosen to suffer by the elites to only for them to keep the knowledge for themselves and to distort us from the true gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. May the Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on the people who are trying to keep his life away from us. I love Jesus very much and when I was a child I always cried for him when he suffered on the cross for our sins because I couldn’t understand the meaning of it till I was older. I know now that he did this to free us from our sins. I’m sending prayers and love to everyone.


I am an African, I have travelled the world extensively, North and South America, United Kingdom, Europe, China, Japan, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, Singapore and Africa. In all these places people I spoke to believe in some supreme being that was responsible for all creation. The million dollar question for me is why there is obsession with Proclaiming the Love and trust in Jesus yet, there is very little discussion about how we treat other fellow human beings, animals, and the environment. We focus on wealth creation in the process destroy the planet and other earthly beings. When our bellies and bank accounts are full, it’s only then we start talking about and thanking our Lord Jesus for the spoils.

We are focused on the outside and ignoring the inside!


I've never really spoke of this but I'm 53 yo. When I was about 30 I was at home felt the presence of God so strong. I started saying lord this group says do this, that group says do that, they say repeat this, they say read that. I said lord who am I to believe. I felt to go get the Bible when I randomly opened it I looked down and the first words my eyes fell on was when you seek me with all of your heart then I will be found. To this day I don't know exactly scripture or text to where that is in the kjv holy Bible but that is exactly what happened.


Just seconds before my moms death she came out of a coma like state, looked me square in the eyes. Then in her normal everyday voice smiled at me and said “Denny, it’s so beautiful” closed her eyes, and passed on.


We mostly grow up in ignorance. Takes manyt years to even begin to really understand, to develop that feeling of knowing and believing in who we are. I am 73, it took me many years of searching to even begin to start to see the truth about life and who I am. I had a desire to know. Many do not even have a desire to know, they do not see there is more to life than how they think about it. If you do not search for sure you will not find out who you are. I find, not enough teachers with true understanding of who we are, but if you keep searching you will find the answers you are searching for. Bless us all


1 Timothy 4:4 (NLT)
*Warnings against False Teachers*
Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true Faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons.


They didn’t want everyone to know that you don’t need the church to have a relationship with the creator


It is the HOLY SPIRIT that guides us and leads us to righteousness, by God’s grace. Anyone who adds or takes away from the word of God, let him be accursed. We are not gods, but it is God who lives in us! When we are born again, we are RETURNING to the Father, we are restoring that relationship that was separated with the Father due to sin. We are being brought back home, just like the prodigal son. Praise Jesus! We serve an awesome, mighty God 🙏👑✝️❤️


Since a child these feelings of deep connection within epiphanies of "remembrance" have flowed through me. Through such fighting to achieve externally all along knowing within I have exactly what I need. Not in ego or pride, but in love compassion and hope. Thank you


Glory be to God Almighty ..yay 🥰🙌🙏🤝👏👏👏... No one can hide or hinder God's word! The word of God is Living and Active forever... Thank you so much Jesus Christ. Everything you have said m brother is very true indeed.. Jesus Christ came to return us(humans) into our first creation (Glory/God's Divine nature) before Adam and Eve sinned against God. The more we become like him(Jesus Christ), the more we shine, prosper, succeed and fulfill God's purpose in us in this world. LIFE IS SPIRITUAL Y'ALL, WHETHER YOU BELIEVE IT OR NOT! Thank you Jesus Christ, thank you holy spirit 🥰🙌❤️❤️❤️📖🙌💪🔥🔥🔥🔥


Just remember Jesus is the truth the light and life.


Jesus loves you, this is shown in that when we were still sinners Christ died for us. Stay Blessed. Jesus Loves You


I follow Jesus teachings in his words. no one else has the authority.


Heavenly Father, fill our hearts with your boundless love, that we may love one another as you have loved us. Help us to show kindness, compassion, and generosity to all those we encounter. May your love shine through us, bringing light into the lives of others.


We are LIGHT.
We are Divine LOVE.
When we seek, we begin to see, and when we sit in stillness, we begin to understand.


We are light.
We are love.
We are here.
Thank you. 💚


Gospel of Thomas leads one to self realisation to seek his own power rather than God's glorious presence through His Son Lord Jesus Christ & the power of the Holy Spirit.


Praise honor and glory to Jesus Christ forever


I just LOVE JESUS that s it that s everything to me that s how i feel ...THANK you FATHER thank you JESUS AMEN and AMEN


I love this explanation. Through many trials the gifts of the spirit finds it way and I believe we can all tap into the Akashic records. I grew up wandering the woods and meditating. Later having dreams of the future coming true. Hearing many ancient languages, offering headache healing and seeing into hearts. I was baptized at 26 in full submersion and now listen to prayer in Jesus native language. My whole life since I was a child has been helping others and people always find me. I want to see a United world and I believe there is hope for that. Whether science proves or disproves it does not shake my faith. Only the power of God does.
