What Do the 16 Personalities Get WRONG About THEMSELVES?

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What do each of the 16 MBTI Personalities misunderstand about themselves?

Merchandise designed by the talented Maria Filar 🎨

The 16 Personalities of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are INFJ, INTJ, INFP, ISFP, INTP, ISTP, ISFJ, ISTJ, ENFP, ENTP, ESTP, ESFP, ENTJ, ESTJ, ENFJ, ESFJ

#16Personalities #16Types #MBTI #MyersBriggs #INFJ #INFP #INTJ #INTP #ENTP #ENFP
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The whole “I am so unique” thing literally drove me to be in a depressed state. My cure was saying “actually, I’m a regular old person”. It was a relief. Made it easier for me to connect with others.


I'm an INFP and I'm low-key terrified of being put in a leadership position. I remember in high school one of my English teachers said I could make a good leader and some people agreed, and there was one girl that shook her head and said "She's too quiet." Despite all the other comments, that's the one that got to me the most. I have often have a hard time believing in myself, and I'm so used to being and doing things on my own. I've also had some of my ideas stolen, making it difficult for me to trust people, so I'd say this "misconception" is pretty accurate in my case.


As an INFP, I have always found it odd that I get placed in leadership roles mostly against my will. I would never apply for a job that requires leadership but end up being in one. I think it's because I am 100% passionate about what I do and people find me to be very supportive and innovative. Thanks FJ. 😁


As an INFP who is in a leadership position and has doubted my capabilities to lead and would not, for the life of me, delegate tasks, THIS IS HELPFUL. Thank you, FJ ✨


As an intj, I thought that having fun is pointless, way before I gave mbti. But during covid, even though the home school was like living my dream. But after a few months, I learned one important lesson. Give yourself experiences. I started doing shopping with my mom, attend different online fests, try silly games. These all let me learn so much more about my surroundings, and expand my strategy quota. And I still try to keep up my hunger for learning new things. So, FJ sure is true.


As an INFP who has been put into leadership positions, I find it's easier to be in charge when you go in with a plan, especially for when things go wrong. Although, your colleagues will look to you for guidance, it's not a bad thing to get their opinions on things every once in a while. Sometimes they may know something you don't.


You are so right! As ENFP I had so many interests, like theatre, writing, singing, dancing, painting, animals, criminology and more that I couldn't choose because of FOMO. I almost lost my chance to do sth in life as a career but fortunately I chose psychology and now I have as wide range of possibilities as I like to have


As an INTP, I agree with this 100%. I worry way too much about what other people think of me and sometimes I find myself just giving up and thinking that I just can't fit in with people. But I think that me, and other INTP's underestimate our inferior Fe by a lot. We can fit in with almost all the other types, it might just take a bit of work. For any fellow INTP's, just get yourself out there! The more experience you get, the more you will be able to hold a conversation and understand social cues. And just be friendly in general. Like FJ said, nobody cares that much if you mess up. You got this lol


I liked that analogy of an INFJ as a Charmander that little by little evolves in this world until it reaches its goals. thanks Frank for this video 😎💜


As an INFP, THIS IS SO TRUE. I’m a musician who makes all his music alone in his room because I’m uncomfortable with others meddling in my ideas, and I’m too timid to be a band leader. I want to respect the musicianship of others, but as such I hate telling people what to do. My whole life I’ve dreamed of musical success, but I know it will never come if I can’t assert myself in my own vision. (That said, doing everything on my own has forced me to develop skills I otherwise wouldn’t have.)


For INFJs thinking that they can't find "their place", I have a couple of pieces of advice, because I was in a very similar situation.

1) like Frank said, we (INFJs) are rare, but not THAT rare, and there are many people similar enough to us that it's absolutely possible to find a place where you feel more comfortable. If you're a bat that's grown up around birds, you're gonna think that there's no one like you, but as soon as you find another bat, you'll know that you're not alone. Indulge your "weirder" interests, and you'll surely find people more similar to you.

2) Even if you don't find "your place" out there in the world, you can Make your own place. I know we have Fe, and we want to fit in with everyone else, but it might actually be detrimental to us to try to fit in Too much. You have skills that many other people don't, so if you can find comfort in being "different" and starting to share it more, you can carve out your Own place in the world; you don't have to fit into a slot that already exists.


1:44 estp
2:12 esfp (me)
2:53 istj
3:51 isfj
4:42 estj
5:38 entj
6:16 esfj
7:10 enfj
8:00 istp
8:58 intp
9:56 isfp
11:10 infp
12:15 entp
13:24 enfp
14:26 intj
15:20 infj


As an INFP, today I was reflecting on my leadership skills according to my previous experiences on such posts and just this video came.


As an ENFJ student I have always asked my teachers questions and tried to foster connection with people in my classes... Sometimes it's hard for people to realize but that social interaction helps me learn!


When you first began to mention INFP’s misconception, I thought you’d say “they aren’t good *enough*” and I thought “yep 🥲 so true.” Leadership is somewhat true only because I’m capable of stepping up when necessary but can come off as an ESTJ when I do it (and it scares people 🤣)


Man, callin me out with INFP... This is completely accurate. Worrying about being a good leader is lower on my list of insecurities - I've been placed into leadership roles quite a lot, and I really don't mind it, I find it rewarding to be the guidance that someone needs - but I absolutely am protective of my projects and the dreams I want to accomplish, I struggle with letting other people in on it, even when help would be incredibly beneficial in so many ways. I've had a very "if you want it done right you have to do it yourself" type of mindset. It makes me very possessive over projects and the specific image I have of them, in a sense that if someone else worked on it and they didn't produce something exact to my vision, I wouldn't be able to do anything about it cause it'd seem mean to criticize them when they're just trying to help kfjfhj. Definitely something good to realize and keep in mind for improvement!


Frank, I am an INTJ and my jaw almost dropped in surprise when you talked about "fun being a waste of time". Days ago I said this very thing to my wife and she, a probable ESFP who didn't want to take the test, got a little scared. Thank you


This is why I don't buy the notion that typology "puts you into a box". Who you are as a PERSON is not limited to your PERSONALITY type. If anything, typology SHOWS you the box that you ARE in, so that you can GET OUT of it


The whole sponsor section felt like a separate video lol


Frank, this is your best educational video lately. Just pure practical advice for 16 types to be better versions of themselves.
