Can we see evidence of what killed the dinosaurs? 🦕 | Earth - BBC

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A moment that changed the world forever! ☄️🦖 #Earth #iPlayer

There's nothing else like it. Chris Packham reveals the epic, 4.5-billion-year story of our home - from its dramatic creation to the arrival of human life... and whatever's next.

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I think this is the first time I've heard of anyone challenging the Yucatan asteroid hypothesis. It's refreshing.


Iridium. The fossil layer that holds the record of the die off has a layer of iridium in the rock which could only come from space. The iridium layer is world wide but there is a twist to the story. Several subsea craters were recently discovered that have the same age as the Yucatán strike. It may not have been a single asteroid but several strikes hours apart on the same day. The reasoning is that there should be a separate layer in the fossil record for each of these asteroids if they came in even a few days apart. The fact that world wide there is no separate iridium layer for each of these other strikes indicates that they happened within a few hours of each other. Iridium is a very dense material that precipitates very quickly out of the atmosphere. Each one of the strikes was large enough to throw iridium around the world, making a separate layer for each one. Yet there is only one very narrow layer of iridium. This indicates that the strikes came in simultaneously not sequentially. The best way to investigate this is to analyze the airborne particles of iridium and look at the trace element signature. If there is more than one the the hypothesis has to be true.


Non avian dinosaurs. Not all of the dinosaurs died at the time, some of them are living among us.


There is a fossil bed in the US that shows the asteroid hit the Earth during the Spring, because fossils of spawning fish were found.


No trace of the asteroids...did it erodes?


Are you ever going back to planet dinosaur?


No and we never will why you ask do your homework


The message from God I got in the clouds back in the 80s was the Greek symbol Omega then a meteorite fell to eath


I needed a break from real life... I love thinking about the 🦖 🦕 times. I can't believe that people actually make a living talking about things we can't really be sure of. Kinda like ghosts and God and stuff. What if the timeline is all messed up or what if pur parallel universe selves are messing with us and making us believe really weird things. I'm glad there were only a few kind of dinasaur to learn about when I was a kid. So many discoveries and such since the 80s.😅 But then at least you have the internet and instant communication that bridges language and cultural differences in an instant. The cave People must be so proud of their descendants 😁 yo grammy hagurghal!! we made it🎉 now we can change the planet back to how it was when y'all had it. Some folks messed it up along the way. The instant mind communication is kinda neat tho. I always wanted to be able to say things to people in the room without other people knowing 😂I think it will be neat when civilization is so bound together on the information highway, that we are able to exchange solutions about everything, stop crime, make everybody equal in society, stop the damage to the delicate ecosystem that supports our very lives, etc. It's a better goal than just blasting ourselves out of existence cause we can't stop playing with chemicals and things that make loud noise and pollution. Reminds me of the ferngully the last rain forest movie.


So it was the reason why many dinosaurs bone was burried and discovered in China?😅
China is very far from Mexico.
