Talking About Race | Simon Sinek

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As we start to have more and more difficult conversations about race and social justice, an infinite mindset is key. Instead of quick fixes or short-term performative actions, we must focus on long-term growth to continuously work towards all the time.

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Simon is an unshakable optimist. He believes in a bright future and our ability to build it together.

Described as “a visionary thinker with a rare intellect,” Simon has devoted his professional life to help advance a vision of the world that does not yet exist; a world in which the vast majority of people wake up every single morning inspired, feel safe wherever they are and end the day fulfilled by the work that they do.

Simon is the author of multiple best-selling books including Start With Why, Leaders Eat Last, Together is Better, and The Infinite Game.

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Racism is always an uncomfortable topic especially in school among growing kids and we need to understand culture, backgrounds, up bringing, etc to understand other races. 🙏. ♥ Thank you Simon Sinek 💕 💘 💕.


As a black man, I resonate with this. Unfortunately companies jump in this for the optics and not to influence change. Our podcast (coming soon) gives us a platform to address this very subject amongst other things. Thank you Simon!


I am an educator, and I would like to share my experience working with kindergarden students and children as young as 4 yrs old.
I live in London, a city with a wealth of people from all around the world which is always fascinating to me since I was a child.
My classrooms were always full of children from... yes! all around the globe! It was through them that i learnt the differences between different cultures, nationalities, religious backgrounds, foods, etc... We one day, had a little black boy joining the class as he had moved to London and it was half second term... Although there were other students like him in class, for some reason... he was being picked on. You know how this works, right? One starts and the rest follow!
The following morning, I decided it was going to be more beneficial to help children see that we have a lot more in common than not. I used the simile of eggs, how they come in different sizes depending on the bird, also they have difference in colour... some are darker, others have spots, others are very white, etc... I did this through asking questions like... have you ever seen eggs? have you seen eggs in different sizes? we talked then about the bird's size relates to the size of the eggs... we even made it humorous :D we can't expect a sparrow have an egg like that of a duck Lol... and other examples. Then I asked questions about the difference in the eggshell, like colour, shape, size, etc... (needless to say we had the giggles too with some silly examples :D) all fun, then we narrowed it down to hen's eggs, since they all ate them and we shared how some are darker and others are almost white, others are nude and many can even have spots (excluding the poop! hahaha yep! that was mentioned... the joys of working with little ones)!
I asked them what they knew was inside each egg... they all mentioned the yolk and the white...(again some like fried eggs and explained why, others boiled, etc... it never ends Lol) we all agreed that they all have yolk and white.
Then I explained to them, the same way the eggs can come in different sizes and colours on the outside... we all have different colour skin and different size but we are all human beings... or are we something else?? (hahaha their imagination ran wild, but we all came to the conclussion that, yes, like eggs are different sizes and colour yet they are all eggs, we are all human beings and each has a unique skin colour and size.
That lead to cracking the eggs and explain how we all have a heart and a brain, like the eggs have a yolk and a white... we as human beings, with a heart and a brain, means that we have to think before we speak, that we have to be kind to one another and accept one another because that is what makes life beautiful and compassionate. If we are able to be thoughtful and compassionate with one another, we'd not bully nor do name calling... we'd set an example of what being a good friend too and we have all been new in class at some point, we are to be welcoming, caring and helpful... what do you think? Children are very smart, never again have i ever had that problem again!
Children at times, are better examples to adults than adults themselves! Let us be kind and compassionate with others as we want others be with ourselves!
I love Simon, i share the same values, principles and standards! Anything done based on appearance alone... for the sake of "looking good" never lasts long and has desastrous consequences and it is an obstacle to change for the better! Much love to all <3


I feel he's the only practical motivational speaker IMO


We need to keep talking about it until it's not uncomfortable any more.
I see lots of societal back-peddling right now. The issue seems monumental, unsolvable, and painful, and so we're seeing this quiet withdrawal from it, when this is when we all must press forward.


I would love to see whole talk, I wonder if it was for difficult conversations.


Thank you for your bravery in tackling this topic Simon.
As a South African and a bookworm (I practically taught myself to read before I had started school), the thing that bothered me as a kid, really got under my skin, was the portrayal of Black people whether in books or by Hollywood as inherently bad, violent, dishonest, promiscuous etc.. It was therefore hardly surprising to see all the racist videos coming out of the USA with Karen's calling the cops on Black people. Remember the one with the Ukrainian woman (mail order bride!) telling the Black lady to "go back where she came from "? There has been so much conditioning by the media that perpetuated and built this belief that Black people were inherently bad.
My discovery of John Grisham in my early twenties, was an enlightenment. Here was someone who wrote about Black characters that were highly intelligent, who pursued knowledge, were honest, loving and kind people. Sydney Sheldon sent me down rabbit holes learning about the mafia (I pulled massive volumes of non-fiction from our public library), to a more detailed knowledge of Italy and it's role leading up to WW11, the German U-boats etc and discovering Gone With the Wind. Sheldon broadened my horizons but Grisham showed ubuntu. A Zulu (South African Nguni ethnic tribe) word: Ubuntu means 'humanity' or 'I am because we are'.
You Simon have shown ubuntu here. So thank you.


My issue with all this and even Simon's views are as follows:
- I feel like this is all a way for certain groups (read majority middle and upper class people) seeing this stuff and needing to deal with their guilt. This guilt from their own racist or what ever other '-ist' they have engaged in the past directly. They then over compensate and then discriminate against other disadvantaged groups to make them feel better. When those other groups say wait a minute what about us (such as the poor, who are predominately white) they then project their past racism on them and call them racist or some other '-ist'.
- They don't also work on the basis on that "everyone should be judged on the basis of their character" as someone said in the past but more on what guilt can I deal with now.
- This is now a 'diversity' industry and there are people who need to keep this going for money and power. They are usually of black or a white female.
flimsy or


Inspirational - as always! Thank you for this insightful perspective Simon.


I recommended The Infinite Game to our local sheriff. I heard that he bought it.


"People are overestimating - what they can achieve in 1 year!"
"And - people are cronically underestimating - what they can achieve in 10 years!"

- to be better - tomorrow - is a way too fast!

- good things take time 💕

'Do a one pull-up in with-in a year - make a ten in after 10 years' - what's wrong with that? 💕💕


Simon, I appreciate your insight and forbearance on the topic.

On an individual level, cause that’s where this lives… there is a useful and simple question. When you look, what do you see?

When you look do you see a life? Or do you see a <insert group label> life?

You can’t can’t make life. You can’t make yourself. That’s a power greater than what you have. Thats whole, undivided. That’s sacred.

You (humans) can create groups. That’s well within your domain. Here you can separate. That’s profane.

Your Word creates your world. Logos. Simple. Life matters. Every single human being who ever lived is once-in-a-forever.

This whole thing on a collective level is gross over-responsibility. Gross narcissism. Mass amnesia. Collectively we have a name this, it is called fascism.

Humanity has known all this for a long time. It’s self evident, no? How easy we forget. God help us.


Exato. Isso não fala sobre ela, isso fala sobre você. ( Quando alguém é racista )
Digo não ao racismo.
"Porque quem ver cara, não ver coração."
Mas estamos muito longe de viver em um planeta livre do racismo. Acredite! Já conheci pessoas negras que não gostavam da própria pele, e tinham preconceito consigo mesmas!!!! E essas pessoas não gostavam de negros.
Gratidão por compartilhar conosco.


If you’re watching this, I hope your dreams come true even bigger than you could ever imagine! ❤️


Hello Mr sink
I hope you had a content creator helping you making covers and sometimes animations for your videos.
It makes them more attractive.


What a disappointment Simon. The only thing you will accomplish is create more. I despise CRT and clearly you subscribe to that. Speaking of which I am unsubscribing.


There is no such thing as race!

Racism is to perpetuate the notion that there are races when there are not. What we call racism - thanks to white religious colonialists, who coined this term to assert dominance over the world - should be called "Ethnicism", as it is a negative stance towards other cultures and origins, whether they are real or just falsely perceived as such. The term race in itself keeps segregation alive. Using the term race makes one a racist; hating on others for their heritage, origin or culture, makes one an ethncist.
And yes, there was a time when there were indeed other human races. They all died out and are known today as Neanderthals, Denisovans, Heidelbergensis etc.; it's all the late cousins of homo sapiens that died out very long ago. Today, all that is left is us, homo sapiens, one singular race.

Semantics matter, as they shape our semiotic realities and inform our perception of the world around us. As long as people falsely use the term "race" when they mean ethnicity, racism isn't going anywhere.


S/S. Race is a four letter word-avoid sir ! It's all about culture that's acceptable ? V
