how to use a Therapy in Motion Stability wobble cushion

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The Therapy in Motion Stability Wobble Cushion is suitable for use in a variety of rehabilitation, exercise and fitness settings such as: physiotherapy practices and departments, rehabilitation centres and clinics, sports teams, gyms and fitness studios, and for personal use.
Mainly used to improve balance and proprioception, wobble cushions are filled with air and offer a challenging platform to balance on.
To purchase a pump please see Faster Blaster Pump
Wobble Cushions are regularly used by professional therapists in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of a range of sports related injuries: such as those relating to the ankles and knees.
They can also be used for a wide range of muscle strengthening exercises (in standing, seated and press-up positions) and as an active seating aid.
Wobble cushions are also commonly referred to as stability cushions, balance cushions, wobble discs, stability discs and balance discs.
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As a chair cushion, they will develop good posture, and provide spinal flexibility.

Inflate the cushion so that the top is level (not rounded or depressed).

Place it on a chair and sit on it.

(1) Slide your rear end forward to arch your back, all the way from your sacral to your cervical. Pull your shoulder blades back. You might hear a healthy click.

(2) Slide your rear end backward, flexing your back and neck forward, rounding your back.

(3) Repeat the extension and flexion a few times, and whenever you feel like it. Otherwise, sit with a straight, slightly arched back.

(4) For lateral extension, sit with your torso erect, while shifting your hips to the right. And then to the left, as far as they can comfortable go.

(5) Rotation: Sitting with your torso erect, circle your hips as if you were spinning a hula hoop.

(6) It is not a sin to occasionally relax into the back of your chair. You do not want to fatigue yourself. But later, when you remember, sit up again with good posture.

I have two of these cushions, one on my chair at the meal table, and one on the chair at my computer. You do not need to exercise constantly (that would be overdoing it). But sit erect, and exercise occasionally.


Would I be able to do ankle stability jumps on it as a substitute for the gym version cushions?
