✔ How To Install Java Development Kit (JDK) | (Video 52)

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How To Install Java Development Kit (JDK)

We are going to search for JDK version 9. Select Java SE Development Kit 9. Now we are at Oracle’s website. Click the radio button to Accept License Agreement. There is a JDK for each platform.

The platforms are Linux, Mac, Windows, and Solaris. I have a Windows platform and will download the executable file for version 9.0.4. Save the executable file in my Downloads folder then wait for it to finish downloading.

It is finished downloading. Open the folder then prepare for installation by opening the JDK executable file. Click Next in the Installation Wizard. We are getting ready to install the Development Tools, Source Code, and Public JRE. This is the JRE that is included with JDK.

While the Status is in Progress, let’s go to the JDK folder for Version 9 within the Java folder. We see a jre executable application within the JDK folder. After the Status is complete, we will be prompted to install JRE.

Click Next to install jre-9.0.4. Close the Complete dialog since jre has been Successfully Installed. Now, let’s go back to the Java folder and we see 4 folders: 2 folders for version 9 and 2 folders for version 8. Both versions have a jdk folder and a jre folder.

Let’s copy the bin folder’s path so we can add the bin folder’s path to Environment Variables. To copy the bin folder’s path, select Shift key and click the right mouse button at the same time to see Copy as path. You will not see Copy as path if you only click the right mouse button without selecting Shift.

To go to Environment Variables, we navigate to System, type System, select System, click Advanced system settings, within the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables, go to Path within System variables section, click Edit, then New and paste the bin folder’s path.

There are 2 reasons for adding the bin folder to Environment Variables. The first reason is to help Windows Operating System search the path entries for Java’s executable applications. The second reason is to bypass writing the full path to the executable file every time we run it.

Notice, I have a bin directory for Version 8 and Version 9. There should only be 1 bin directory for JDK in the path at a time. Therefore, I will delete Version 8 and keep Version 9. Click OK three times (1, 2, 3).

The next installation will be Eclipse IDE.

#JDK #SeleniumAutomation #BeginnerSeleniumTutorials #JavaDevelopmentKit
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