Praying in Jesus' Name (John 14:13-14) | Straight Outta Context | Jon Benzinger

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In Jesus' Name (John 14:13-14) | Straight Outta Context | Jon Benzinger

Can you pray for anything you want (job, car, house, husband), and Jesus will give it to you as long as you attach the words "in Jesus' name" to the end of your prayer? Pastor Jon answers.

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Thank you for clarifying this and correcting years of receiving false teaching on this verse. It’s liberating.


I never end my prayers in Jesus' name not because I expect him to be a magic genie but because it's habit. Rethinking this now. Thank you!


So great! I used to do the "in Jesus' name" on the end of my prayers of fleshly wants and desires and hoping it would happen because I followed the correct formula. How arrogant we think The God of the universe has been reduced to a genie in the sky.

Praying His Word! Pray in line with the Bible! Thanks RBC


Here is a show you can love and appreciate as it not only grows on you, it teaches you essential truths you need to walk well in your faith w the Lord Jesus. I love this show!


I say “Jesus name” to emphasize who I’m praying to… nothing to do with treating Him like a genie.


Seems pretty clear from the line before that "12-Truly, truly, I tell you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I am doing." I get from the chapter that he was speaking to his disciples then and now that the Spirit of Truth (17) will move through anyone who keeps His commandments in His name - love thy enemy, etc. Guess I have to give back the money.


I've learned to read the entire chapter to understand the context. To me, it would be directed to the apostles. I need to dig deeper into the actual writing. Perhaps something is mistranslated. It would not be the first instance. The only material items that Jesus has instructed us to pray for is our daily bread, which may go beyond food to include basic human needs, like clothing and shelter.


So are you saying it is bad to say in Jesus name ? Bc other people misuse it?


'In Jesus name' is a state of being, not a magic mantra. Prosper word of faith saddos won't like 😊


Pastor Jon brings up a funny thought, he may trust and like Pastor Kyle, but he isn't about to give him the family checkbook w all signed checks. He succinctly points out the problem, that prayer is not "magic" nor is it an instant mathematical "formula" that aligns with our desires. It is not about us. While God does love and care for us, He does want our best, and often we don't see we settle for less. It's not about our Best Lives Now, but rather our Best Eternal Life then ... God's Will not our own. The flesh cannot serve God but those who worship God in Spirit and in Truth, those who ask something so that God can work and show His glory, bringing praise to Jesus, drawing people to the Good News, that is the kind of prayer that will be answered. So you may pray w envy in the parking lot, God you know how good this Lamborgini would look in our driveway, you want your kids to succeed and look good w tremendous wealth, right ... WRONG. Because when we pray like this, we ask amiss. Like a foul ball in baseball, or out of bounds in football, the ball is incomplete, no matter how good the catch was. God mercifully does not answer these because we may or may not see years down the road, how he saved us from destruction so many times with the poor choices we just gotta have. I love Pastor Jon because he brings you the straight-out truth. No sugar coating. As real as it gets.


Pretty vague and not very helpful. But thanks for trying


This is the most pathetic crap I've ever heard. So... if we ask God to do what he is already going to do, or wants to do he'll do it. I'm sure glad Jesus clarified that. Would have been good not to include the word anything in the that verse. I hope children involved in sex trafficking who are praying for rescue or those who are starving and sick who aren't having there prayers answered understand that it's because fixing their situation won't bring enough glory to God. God is either NOT REAL or he is a liar!!
