Charity Gayle - I Speak Jesus (feat. Steven Musso) [Live]

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“I Speak Jesus” by Charity Gayle feat. Steven Musso (Live) | Written by Dustin Smith, Abby Benton, Carlene Prince, Jesse Reeves, Kristen Dutton, Raina Pratt | Produced by Kyle Lee | Directed by Chase Condon

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I went to wake my daughter one morning five years ago and found her dead and cold. I started screaming to the top of my lungs JESUS JESUS JESUS as I dialed 911 and the operator answered I was still screaming Jesus name and like a flood I felt what I know deep in my heart were angels wings and a rushing mighty wind and my daughter’s body began to breathe and cough. The 911 operator was in tears as she was asking me what was going on and told her my daughter was dead and now she is alive. The story goes on about how good our Father is but I just wanted to let y’all know how much He truly loves you and just hang on and don’t let go.❤🙏🙌✝️🛐


My dad is near to his death. He then told my mom to call a Pastor to pray over him so that he would be healed. Then, he fell asleep and when he woke up he told us that he dreamt seeing a Angel in the Hospital door and it was so bright then in that dream he got up and he kneeled and prayed then he was healed. God gave my dad a 2nd chance to live. Our God is a Miracle Worker! ❤ All Glory is to God!


I have been diagnosed with kidney cancer but God I’m believing in Jesus Christ word


I speak Jesus over my son, Cale. Break the illness of Ulcerative colitis and heal him right now. Thank you, Jesus.


was homeless, got into drugs, went into prisons, then i got to know Jesus, He changed my life.. Now i have a home, a wife, a lovely daughter and a new identity... A child of God..


I'm a Muslim. I find myself here listening to this song and I feel peace come over me. Thank you


i claim healing over my 85 year old dad who is currently in hospital, in Durban, SOUTH AFRICA. I Break every chain, no weapon formed against him will prosper in Jesus name Amen 🙏🙏🙏


My 36 y o daughter who has austism choked while eating meat, thanks God my son is there to relieve her of the choking. After that she had anxiety and afraid of swallowing solid foods. We are worried coz her weight is going down.we brought her to a hospital, gave an IV drip and sent her home.we prayed for her, my family, our pastors and the church.I cried to our God to open her mind and delver her from her anxiety... then after a few days, she suddenly
told me that she realized that she can now swallow the solid foods and nothing is wrong with her throat! Praise God! praise Jesus! Our great healer and deliverer!


To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind right now. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. Amen.💕


My only son died of fentanyl overdose in May of 2020. I found him 7 days after he had died… he had been deceased for an entire week, laying face down in his apartment with a needle stuck in his foot… I couldn’t imagine a more cruel and horrific way for a mom who deeply loved her son to find him. I wanted to die too - and I almost did. Yet God… God has brought me through such deep pain, depression and grief . He has taught me to worship through the darkness, the horrific nightmare, and grief. When his dad, my husband, died 2 years later - God said to me, “Worship through it.”
I continue to worship through the grief- and although I miss my son every single day, I miss them both - I am making it through the worst things in life more gloriously than anyone ever could have anticipated. I am a pastor and am ministering through my testimony. He has brought beauty from the ashes of my life. That’s my God! That’s my GOD!!! So so very grateful ! ❤


Dear Jesus my mum constantly reminds me of how much she's always praying and fasting for me and my sisters, dear Jesus i pray today that may you bless us for her, i pray today that let every request she brings to you be heard in Jesus name. Mother's are truly a blessing who agrees with me🥺


Today, I declare that everytimeI speak the powerful name of Jesus all evil strongholds in me and family's life are broken down and defeated. And His salvation will remain in our lives until the Lord calls us, sealed by the Holy Spirit, in the Mighty name of Jesus


*Microwave oven exploded in my face and damaged my sight. I instantly cried out for His name as I couldn't see a thing. Four weeks later my sight returned. Praise the Lord 🙏🏽*


I was born a Muslim in Iraq. I was worried and depressed, sitting and looking at the Tigris River in my city.Jesus' face appeared to me in the water and told me. "Son, you're not alone" And now I'm a Christian, and I pray every day at the edge of the river.Thank you Jesus for this grace. I'm not alone right now. Jesus is with me.✝🙏


My husband Paul has had several strokes and now is unresponsive and in nuro critical care unit but God is still our healer, our great physician and the lifter of our heads ! HE has the final word in every situation in Jesus Mighty name !! Amen !!❤❤


Even when bad things happen to us, keep Jesus in the forefront of our heart and mind! He will always hear! PRAISE JESUS ❤


My doctors diagnosed me with leukemia/bone cancer in 2021-2022.
My white blood cells kept dropping drastically low. I remember every day crying out to Jesus asking him to heal me. One morning i felt a hand grabbed me and the moment i felt the hand trumpets blasted louder then anything iv ever heard and my entire body was vibrating and shaking but i was calm and not afraid. I was at peace and i remember the hand slipping away, 2 weeks later i got my test results back from my operation, they extracted bone marrow tissue from my hip. They said i had no signs of cancer. And my white blood cells shot back up to normal. They couldnt explain what just happen. God is good. Praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


I was attacked by a man in 2008 in Johannesburg who wanted to stab me with a knife in town, he placed the knife on my chest i was with someone & she ran away & i called the name of Jesus saying i refuse to die/stabbed then the lady returned & joined me calling Jesus, the knife couldn't penetrate my skin, until the attacker got tired & said your Jesus will help you & he stopped. I said yes Jesus is my Father, Doctor & Medical Aid. He ran away & the people who were watching undressed my top & couldn't believe that the knife couldn't penetrate my chest.

The name of Jesus is super powerful.

Thank you for the song


JESUS freed me from depression, panic syndrome, inferiority, self-pity, homosexuality. Jesus took me out of the place of humiliation and put me in a place of honour and did and does things that no one believes in my life! He will do it in yours too, believe me, He frees, heals, heals and takes care of us, I am living proof of several, several of His miracles in my life!


I was abused verbally/physically by my late dad. He had allowed demons to operate in his life (family, work, etc.). During a short period of time, we had been able to connect with each other well but it went downhill again. We did not let him into our house until his passing. I was so filled with hatred until I was completely set free by the Most High Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord, Hallelujah! 🙌🙌🎉🎉
