REWILDING BRITAIN - The Pretty Garden Culture of Britain and Rewilding

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The Pretty Garden Culture of Britain and Rewilding

Rewilding is one of the best topics in nature conservation, it’s the return of an area to its ‘natural state’ without or very little human interference. It naturally preserves and increases, biodiversity. Biodiversity is the variety of plants and animals in an area. Increasing biodiversity requires a variety of habitats that will attract different species.

Symbiotic relationships enable our planet to remain inhabitable. Entire ecosystems are built up from the millions of complex interactions between organisms and their physical environments. By rewilding an ecosystem we are allowing relationships to form as naturally as possible. These webs of interdependencies play a fundamental role in raising the level of biodiversity in the UK.

Humans have destroyed many key features of natural landscapes, interactions with the environment, like farming and forestry, seek to control nature and claim resources. In Europe, you will struggle to find a landscape that is not dominated by farming, commercial forestry, or urban areas. Rewilding is about radical change and therefore threatening - people are scared of the unpredictability of rewilding and the untidiness of the wild natural environment. What appears to be destructive and untidy may be a beneficial ecological change. The upturning of soil by wild boar is often viewed as destructive to a landscape. This behaviour naturally ploughs and fertilises the soil, it unearths insects which attract birds. The dug up areas can also become ponds and mini wetlands. It creates a mosaic of tiny ecological niches’ which are important to increasing biodiversity. This need for ‘tidiness’ makes rewilding harder to do in nature reserves that require public support.

Every urban park could have more uncut and unkempt grassland, and every nature reserve could move towards unmanaged areas. UK National Parks such could become major centres of rewilding with natural treelines and native species like the pine marten, and the beaver.

Rewilding is an exciting part of our future provided we act now. Some great projects are happening across the country, lets hope for some radical rewilding proposals that benefit wildlife and people.
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hey I just found your channel and it's interesting, so I proceed to subscribe.

Rewilding seems fascinating to me, in my country Argentina an important NGO called "Fundación Rewilding Argentina" is doing a spectacular job to recover the ecosystems of this nation, if I am not mistaken, they currently work in the Esteros de Iberá, the Chaqueño Forest, the Patagonian Coast, the Patagonian Southwest and Tierra del Fuego also have minor projects in other regions and the truth is that they are achieving great advances, such as the creation of new reproductive nuclei of Jaguars, protecting wetlands, recovering the masses of Ungulates and helping to decontaminate the waters between others renewed the national environmental system, something necessary, taking into account its failure in other times.


really lovely. I hope to be working with rewilding over the next few months


Umm.. no wildness in Europe?, well, I’m definitely no expert but I’ve travelled through the majority of Europe from Sweden to Switzerland & many other countries & I can say with confidence that even today there’s still a significant portion of Europe that is still wild, with even the most populous areas of countries like Spain & France still being significantly untamed & wild. England on another hand is unfortunately completely different story, but hopefully, that’ll change with time.
