How This Depleted Land Was Transformed into Wilderness - Rewilding Britain

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We loved our visit to Knepp last year and felt it gave us such confidence in what we do on our own patch of 135 acres. We can’t have large numbers of free roaming animals of course but we can do many other things. Just a couple of pensioners in Northumberland trying to do our bit. ❤


Great video. Other encouraging news from here on the Isle of Wight, the results of the public consultation survey have been released. Out of the 4, 883 people who took part 89% said they welcome the re establishment of Beavers.


Amazing video Rob 👏 Knepp is such an exciting example of what rewilding can achieve :)


Great vid. To me, this method of land restoration - leaving it to nature - is been blindingly obvious. What I think is doubly-awesome is that the custodians make money. Surely a win win for large landowners. Vive this movement. Rob, you’re a breath of fresh air!! I salute you 👏🏼


Hi its Tina, thank you for doing an update on knepp, I only have an acre of land but I try to encourage as much wildlife in, I don't use any pestaside and haven't for years, about a 1/3 of an acre does its own thing for almost the whole of the year, I just cut a path so I can get to the other end and sit on a bench to watch the world go by, the rest of the land is part orchard and part woodland with a small area that I use to grow fruit and veg, no dig of course, we also have 5 ponds over the property, we harvest our grey water into underground tanks, and have a well, we hope to get solar panels as our next project keep up the good work best wishes


It's truly remarkable to see how restoring ecosystems can have a positive impact not just on the environment, but also on our own well-being! Thanks for sharing Rob! 👏


Hi Rob. Great video. I am working as a volunteer ranger at Doddington Hall in Lincolnshire and we are right at the beginning of rewinding the entire estate. Can't wait to see it develop over the next 20 years.


I have lived close to Knepp all my life. Now in my mid 70's I grew up in a small village not far away. Being a lifelong lover of wildlife, birds especially, I watched the change as 'improved' intensive farming methods changed the landscape, with the loss of hedge rows and small copses, and heavy use of artificial fertilisers, herbicides and pesticides, and the affect it had on the natural wildlife. Once common species of plants and animals disappeared, even things like the once ubiquitous Sparrow became a rare sight. Over the past 20 years though there has been the start of a change. Some farmers have begun to leave strips of seed crops at the margins of their fields and restore hedges. Buzzards, Kestrels, Peregrines and even Red Kites can be seen on the South Downs. Knepp is the jewel in the crown, showing what can be done if the will is there. I never expected to see White Storks, absent from West Sussex for over 600 years, but thanks to Knepp they are back and breeding. Other projects that give me hope for the future are the White Tail Eagles on the Isle of Wight and the Ospreys at Poole Harbour. Thank you for promoting projects such as Knepp though your channel. The more people who become aware and supportive the better chance these projects have to survive.


Another great video and you hit the nail on the head here, Knepp is managed its not 'wild', but follows sustainable principles. The same applies when we as individuals look to garden for wildlife. If you just stip gardenning you will be overrun with ivy and brambles, defeating the object, but uf you allow ivy and brambles but manage them sympathetically (i.e. garden) it benefits wildlife and allows you to also create different habitats. Isabella Tree's book 'wilding' is a great read.


Hallelujah! Love and Mother Nature wins the day. Thank you for being brave enough to implement this ' back to nature' initiative.


Great video, Knepp is definitely inspiring! It’d be great to see how other farms following in their footsteps are doing.


Great video! Knepp is inspirational. Let’s hope others follow in different parts of the UK, so the regional variation in biodiversity can be studied. And experienced by those living there and spreading the word locally.


I am always thrilled when land is turned back into the natural state! Especially when it was formerly non-sustainable suburbia!


Love your videos. They bring tears to my eyes. Man is NOT bad. Well done!


I love love love your site. It is so inspirational and has encouraged me to do more locally. Keep up the good work.


This is some amazing work! Thank you for being letting us know about it :)


I love watching something positive about our beautiful countryside! Intensive farming is so damaging but I understand the land has to be productive and profits have to be made.


Amazing video Rob! Knepp is such an exciting example for others to follow :)


Can't wait to see Ireland try some of this. Ireland is general 20 years behind the UK. Hopefully I'll get to see it.


Glad you acknowledged the necessity of culling.
