Insider's Secrets to Becoming a Vendor for Hotels

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Overall topic: Insider's Secrets to Becoming a Vendor for Hotels.

Question 1: Why is the purchasing process so complex?

Question 2: What's the best way to market your products or services to hotels?

Question 3: What red tape or special certifications could be involved?

Question 4: What's the greatest misconception or secret about selling to hotels?

Jill Dean Rigsby, Ideal Hospitality Partners
Andy Hayes, Ideal Hospitality Partners
Cory Falter, Lure Agency


Well. Hey, guys. Happy Friday.

Thank you. Happy Friday to you.

We have Jill and Andy from Ideal Hospitality Partners.

Appreciate you guys sparing a few minutes
on on the end of the day here.

Excited to chat with you guys.

We are too thanks for having us. Thank you.

Insider secrets to becoming
a vendor for hotels.

I couldn't think of anybody better
than you two would.

You guys can you a quick intro
for yourself it's who

a little bit about who you are.

Sure. Andy, I'll let you go first,
since your name begins with a.

I'm Andy Haynes.

I'm the Vice President
of Strategic Growth.

For ideal, the whole idea is driving
revenue for hoteliers

and finding the suppliers
that are going to help do that.

And I'm Jill Dee Rigsby.

I'm the CEO and founder of Ideal
Hospitality Partners Group.

And I met Andy while working
for the same GPO group that we did.

I was there for sixteen years.
He was there for ten.

I think collectively, we have 80 years
experience in hospitality,

and we felt like
there was a really missing niche in

finding ways to bring suppliers
into the hospitality ecosystem,

those that can solve problems and provide
sustainable and wellness type solutions

and to help them,
you know, learn about hospitality.

We found that that was something
that needed to be addressed.

And that's the reason we exist
Wonderful and I to support that.

Obviously, I found you guys because of our

renowned passion
of working on the B2B side of hospitality.

Did some use the good old Google search?

I realized there's not a lot of people
out there doing exactly what you guys do.

So I thought that
this would be a fantastic conversation

because there are so many layers to this.

Admittedly, I'm not a hotelier,
not I'm not I haven't worked at hotel.

So some of these are been eye
opening, enlightening elements to this.

So one of which is been the entire process
of how becoming a vendor in hotels.

Why is the process
for becoming a vendor so complex?

Well, I think when you most people

think about retail
and becoming a supplier for retail,

they see a very simple eco
structure there.

You've got an owner of a building
that's going to that houses the store.

That owner is basically a landlord.

The brand of that store

is the manager, the purchasing,
the operator of the store.

So if you're going to sell to stores,
you're going to go to that brand.

Hospitality's Just the opposite.

There are actually five different
stakeholders in the hospitality industry.

Owners, management,
companies, brands, group

purchasing organizations,
and then the individual property itself.

So if you're trying to find an easy way
to find a broker

who can go in and talk to one person
that does not exist in hospitality,

you've got to know
which one of those stakeholders

you need to get to
and who is the right fit for your product.

And then go talk to them.

If you go to the wrong one,
you're going to get bounced around trying

to figure out who the right person is,
and you're wasting a lot of valuable time.

That's a really, really good point,

because often times
the person that you're seeking.

Right. Is the man in the hotel.

Exactly right. Yeah.

You know, so much
depends on the product itself.

You know, that's going to drive
who the decision maker is going to be.


The InnSync Show is proudly produced by Lure Agency.

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Thank you this was such an incredible and insightful video! This is exactly what I was looking for. I wasn't even sure where to start marketing as a vendor and now I know about targeting the right employee, knowing the industry and so much more.
