How to Play: Spoons
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This is an exciting, fast-paced game for 3+ players. The aim of the game is to be the first person to complete your set of cards and grab a spoon.
How Many Players: 2+
Equipment: 1 standard pack of decks, using the same amount of sets as players in the game. You also need various spoons, with one less than the amount of players.
Set Up: Place the spoons in the middle of the table. Shuffle the sets and deal them out evenly to each player.
If you enjoy playing, don’t forget to tag us on social with #GibsonsCardGames.
How Many Players: 2+
Equipment: 1 standard pack of decks, using the same amount of sets as players in the game. You also need various spoons, with one less than the amount of players.
Set Up: Place the spoons in the middle of the table. Shuffle the sets and deal them out evenly to each player.
If you enjoy playing, don’t forget to tag us on social with #GibsonsCardGames.