Top 10 Reasons Why People Fail on a Plant-Based Diet

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In this episode, I discuss the top 10 reasons individuals fail on a whole-food plant-based diet. Drawing from my extensive experience as a Family Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine Board-Certified Physician, I share insights on common pitfalls and misconceptions when transitioning to a plant-based diet. I emphasize the importance of understanding how to navigate a plant-based lifestyle successfully and offer valuable advice based on over a decade of working with plant-based patients and raising a family on a plant-based diet.

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Thank you. I went to a vegan diet 6 years ago after a heart attack. Conventional medicine told me there was no medical way to reverse hardening of the arteries. I found the work that Dr Esselstyn and Dr Ornish had published and watched "Forks Over Knives". A year after eating a vegan diet I had another series of cardiac tests I was told that whatever I was doing was reversing my heart disease. Keep spreading the word you are doing great things.


I know one of the reasons is food. A lack of recipes. Good recipes. I had a series of horrible recipes, and I thought, “I’ll never keep this diet up.” But then I thought about the fact I was doing this for my health, and Type 2 diabetes would come back. I just don’t want that. So I had to really hunt for good edible recipes that were plant based. It’s so important; I cannot stress that enough.


My husband and I are plant based about 80 percent of the time. We started almost three years ago and despite both of us turning 60 this year, many people have told us that we are aging in reverse. That will keep anyone motivated. 😊. It’s not always easy but the benefits are tremendous. My blood labs are improving but most importantly my Doctor told me my inflammation levels are very low.


I have been WFPB for 4 years. It's the best gift I've ever given myself!!! 4 years ago my cholesterol numbers were going up and the doctor wanted to put me on a statin. I decided it wasn't for me and started searching options. I came across Forks Over Knives and then Game Changers and so it began. My cholesterol numbers came in to normal range quickly and I've never been on cholesterol medication!! I love this lifestyle so much I even took Dr Campbell's WFPB course thru eCornell. Love watching you Dr Marbas with your calm knowledge of this lifestyle!!!


Thank you. I’ve been working toward plant based whole food eating. You have been very motivational.


As a 76 year old that recently switched to a plant-based diet, I have an app that I use to track my food that includes calories, protein, carbs and fat. I’ve been plant-based for 3 months and have yet to eat a salad. PS. The diet change allowed me to stop taking cholesterol medication … yay!


Thank you very much for your videos! Very emphatetic way of education. I have been on my way to become plant based but behavioural eating is very strong. Your approach to encourage mindset change, and how to think about challanges as opportunities is fantastic! 👍🏻


I can't imagine how to eat other than plant based! I have eaten this way for most of my life.


Thank you for your video. I am interested in starting a plant based diet, not only for health reasons (high cholesterol), but also I have a family hx of Alzheimer’s dementia and I have heard about the benefits of eating plant based foods. I am 56 and my husband is 61 and he told me he would give it a try as well.


Vegan for 35 years years. Raised my daughter vegan in 1989. She's still vegan, converted her husband to veganism, had a perfect pregnancy and gave birth to twin girls 6 months ago. Her OB admonished her to eat more protein, of course. She's 5' tall, weighed 115 before getting pregnant,
birth weigh of twins was 6.11 and 7.1! Docs were stunned, lol. Yup, it can be be done!


Nice . I switched on the notification bell . Looking forward to more .


Oh my gosh, the number of people who have told me their body can't handle beans. I thought that myself many years ago, but I kept eating them and my body adjusted. I can now eat a ton in every meal throughout the day and not have any issues whatsoever.


Hello dr laurie thank you for this video ❤ xx


Thank you for your videos! I just came across them recently. I am on week 3 and wasn't as prepared yo start as I should have been. Eating plenty of veggies and fruit but this video helped cause I wasn't getting the caloric density part enough. Thanks!


What is so funny is that so many recipes are trying to mimic meat. I am not eating meat because I actually dislike it.
I keep seeing carrot dog recipes and decided to try making some. The recipe that I tried was so spot on. Even though I knew that it was a carrot, it tasted just like a hot dog and that grossed me out. I threw them away.


This is my life right now and your video was perfect timing . I started to eat pescatarian about 7 months ago and am inching towards vegetarianism. I'm 61 years old. I went to visit family last week, and boy, it did not go over well. I feel belittled and ignored when they all chose the burger joint that had zero plant based options for me.


I should clarify, since vegan can include Oreos and Coke, we are all WFPB.


I have diverticulitis how do you handle that?


You dont mention nuts. Are those in your variety also?


Where can your fee schedule be found? Thank you!
