Quiet PC - Fanless CPU cooling technology, how it works and how we use it in our systems

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Welcome to this our second in a series of regular on-going videos with Andy Ford.

In this video Andy will be taking a look at fanless CPU cooling technology, explaining how it works and showing you three of our systems that implement it in different ways in order to keep the systems cool without the need for noisy fans. He'll also be showing you the systems heating up with a thermal camera so you can see each of the cooling methods in action.

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Nofan IcePipe Fanless CPU Coolers:

Other Quiet PC fanless PC Systems:

Рекомендации по теме

I got my compete quiet pc from you guys


Some B-roll would do a lot to make the video more interesting.


Same problem as with a lot of silent PCs - the other components on the mainboard get no cooling and get terribly hot, as you can see in the infrared footage. Its like putting your main board into an oven but cooling only the CPU. Really horrible for those M.2 SSDs we can mount on most recent main boards.

Preferable to have a case that allows you to do a hybrid solution, where you can turn off all fans if you are recording audio and need it absolutely silent. Then, once you are done recording, you can reactivate a fan to cool mainboard and SSD.


Do you have anything available to passively cool a Threadripper 1950X? Been looking for this for 2 months already, but nothing yet as it seems?


Why is his right arm so much more muscular than his left...


Skull canyon with a Akasa fanless case is the better choice than all. You have option to thunderbolt it with a external gpu for gaming and have quiet pc when not gaming.


Hi, what about VRM temperature? Do you guys take it into consideration? Majority of AM4 motherboard for Ryzen uses inefficient VRM that generates a lot of heat. Pretty much a majority of motherboards these days uses art work for VRM heatsink, they are not functional, very poor surface area except for EVGA motherboard.


Does the Nofan CR-95C leave enough space in the Jonsbo UMX4 Case to place a case fan at the back? Would it fit?


Does your product include warranty for processor damage due to overheat? (Just in case...)


Great products and great idea, I can see its benefits and usage of such cases, but the thing that bothers me most is that computer case and CPU fans actually have secondary benefits, they move air over the RAM, VRM and other components within the computer, with no air movement these components will run at a higher than normal temperature, but yes, great product but personally I don't mind a few fans set to come on when required.

Here is a how cool would these run with a small fan or two helping to remove the heat?


Do No Fan cooler have AM4 adaptor included or I have to order one from the maker?


Hello, I've got a PC for music recording and 3D Rendering. I currently have an i7 7700 on an msi b250m pro-vh, all mounted inside an NZXT H440 case.

I'm trying to silence it down as far as I can, so I'm thinking of getting 4 noctua nf-12a uln fans for the case and the Nofan CR-80EH for the processor. Do you think it would be a good configuration?


Can i cool down a fx 9590 with a fanless cpu cooler?


what temp does evap occur and what temp does condensation occur... and what is normal operating temperature for that pc....


Would i be able to cool a 8700 with a passive cooler?


Haven't they ever thought of using a combined approach of using the seebeck effect and the peltier effect in a close loop cycle inside a pre-vacuum prepared and ultrapure filtered nitrogen gas filled chamber? The top thermocouple seebeck end is on top of the CPU that in turns powers the bottom peltier effect terminal just below the CPU at freezing temperature. The connecting wires to the outside passes through the nitrogen-filled chamber that prevents frost from forming. The seebeck-peltier cycle is close-loop and solid state at the North and South top to the North and South bottom, while the connecting wires are at the left side and right side. This design was tested to ensure a dust-free and contaminant-free environment where the heat is counteracted by the cold. It was an experimental success in Russia and is now in use in our military computers. The answer has always been staring at everybody. The seebeck and peltier effect, the close-loop cycle self-powering with CPU waste heat, the ultra-pure and contaminant-free and dust-free nitrogen gas filled chamber, and the connecting platinum-iridium-tantalum alloy connector wires.


@quiet pc: please create a highpower passive computer


the NOFan CR80 is huge. wouldnt allow my GPUs to fit as covered the 1st card slot. Slight design flaw


Конвекция? Нет, не слышали. Даю подсказку, тёплый воздух поднимается вверх. Ему нужно куда то выходить, возможно он будет проходить по канавкам радиатора? Тёплый выходит сверху и засасывает холодный снизу, логично?


I wonder why any silent PC guy tries to build a small Computer whereas a BIG Case has better thermal properties ?! FULLSIZE ATX masssive big housing with a BIG passive cooler
