A Pragmatist’s Introduction to Wardley Mapping with Ben Mosior

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A LeSS Toronto Meetup group event:

Thursday, September 3, 2020
6:00 PM to 7:30 PM EDT

A Pragmatist’s Introduction to Wardley Mapping

Wardley Mapping is a tool for strategic intent that supports you in your role as a knower, communicator, and leader. There are three fundamental aspects of the practice:

1. Visualizing systems and how they change,
2. Knowing the basic patterns of capitalism, and
3. Leveraging those patterns with strategic intent.

In this short but enlightening experience, Ben Mosior will engage you in discussions designed to explore decision-making, world-modeling, and the essence of strategic thinking. You will leave the session with your own Minimum Viable Wardley Map and a list of opportunities unique to your context that just might earn the label, “strategic."

All we ask is that you bring something to write with, something to write on, and the willingness to make a few bold guesses. We look forward to seeing you there!

About Ben Mosior
Principal, Hired Thought

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