Understanding Platforms through Wardley Maps |13:00 GMT 29th Oct

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In this webinar Simon Wardley, creator of the homonymous and renowned Value Chain mapping method Wardley Maps and Simone Cicero, creator of strategy-making methodology Platform Design Toolkit will be part of an online conversation, hosted by Leading Edge Forum’s Bill Murray, author of recent Liberating Platform Organization report.

After an initial conversation, the two speakers will hold an AMA session on how to create powerful contextual awareness before trying to shape a market and organization with a platform strategy.

Participants to the webinar will learn:
the basics around Platform Design and Value Chain Mapping;
basic common traits of platforms and aggregators in value chain terms;
how important is to ensure to understands a context thoroughly before burning energy and money on an unaware endeavor
how this can prevent wasting money in marginal value creation, or even worse, creating a strategy to mobilize an ecosystem of third parties that don’t exist.

Bill Murray will facilitate a conversation between Simone and Simon, as they’ll speak about the latest developments in harmonizing platform thinking and strategic awareness, and explain how aggregated markets present a Z-shaped value chain.

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The Z shape is inherent in the mapping model. It describes evolution steps and each step is interconnected.
