Why Tom thought Clemenza would be the traitor?

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This has honestly got to be one of the best channels on YouTube. Short and precise so it doesn't waste your time, and always provides a fresh and interesting perspective. All that without bait titles and thumbnails, or 15-20 minute videos that pretentiously drag out the subject. Well done Sir, and keep it up!


Like Michael said at the funeral, "Tessio was always smarter."
Clemenza screwed up with Paulie and quickly took care of the problem personally.
After the hospital disaster Tom had to hire a private firm to guard Don Vito.
Pattern early?


McCluskey was on the "take" and rounded up the Tessio crew earlier in the evening. Good to spend the 14 hours looking listening that audiobook over the past 2 days, it explains some things that were only implied in the film.


tessio men ordered out by capt mclosky


I think Tessio men were sent home by the cops when they were protecting Vito.


The movie made it out like Vito and Michael knowing whoever from their family does the mediating between the rival family head to arrange a meeting is the obvious traitor as if they have this clever 4d chess insight but to me when tessio during the funeral was all talky talky with barzini then approaching michael I thought 'yeah no shit sherlock ! What's tessio doing with all this barzini familiarity arranging meetings '


Clemenza played a key role in helping Sonny after Vito was shot, despite the fact that he was initially being accused of being a frame-up. When it was discovered that Paulie Gatto was the true betrayer, Clemenza was assigned to get rid of him: Clemenza entrusted the task to Rocco Lampone. Peter took Paulie's betrayal to his own credit, for he personally helped Paulie go over the heads of more experienced and loyal soldiers. To put Gatto's alertness to sleep, Clemenza and Rocco rode in circles for several hours, looking for suitable places where Corleone's soldiers could "lie down on mattresses" in the coming war. Clemenza then ordered Paulie to stop the car to take a piss, and then Rocco shot Paulie three times in the back of the head. Rocco took over Paulie's role in the family and also became Don Vito's new driver.


At the hospital, cops on Solozzo's pay roll cleared Tessio's men out of the area. Tessio wasn't a traitor at that point.


Do a video on : Why didn't the Corleone henchmen assassinate The Turk and Capt.McCluskey themselves given they already knew of the restaurant venue, instead of Michael shooting them and had to run to Sicily ?


Michael was intentionally appearing weak so that the other Families would underestimate him. That's why turning on Michael was the "smart" move - because it appeared like the Corleone family was over. Clemenza was "dumb" and more willing to go down with a sinking ship. Little did they know...


Because he's a simple minded guy. He thinks if someone's louder and more noticable they're more likely to be a traitor.
