Slain in the Spirit | Costi Hinn

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In our third installment of “Filtered: with Costi Hinn:”

Being “slain in the spirit” has long been one of the most prolific charismatic practices in the church.

With people shaking, convulsing, and manifesting at the mere touch of a supposedly anointed man or woman (or the wave of their jacket), many people are convinced they’re experiencing a special encounter with the Holy Spirit. But is that what the Holy Spirit does? Does He cause people to shake, bark, scream, convulse, and topple on a stage? Is any of this biblical? Does it match the ministry of Christ, His apostles, or the Holy Spirit?

In this video, Costi Hinn unpacks.

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I remember many years ago, your uncle came to a church I belonged to. As a matter of fact he came quite a few times. I thought something was wrong with me because I wasn’t falling. I know now why it didn’t happen. I believe God was protecting me from what was happening


Thank you for revealing the truth ☺️ I’ve been so caught up with the physical manifestations thinking that they were from the Holy Spirit. I thank God that he lead me to this video and gave me conviction. May you continue to do the Lord’s work and expose the lies of the enemy 🙏 ✝️


I was attending a Assemblies of God church for years as a teen and young adult and even served as a pastor. I was “slain in the spirit” a couple times. The first time was at a conference and had a speaker start just pointing at people and they were falling down. He pointed at me and I passed out and woke up on the ground. It was scary and I now believe it was demonic. Another time I have been pushed and told to let go! Let god touch you. Let go! And other buzz words! Thank you for this video Costi and team!


Pastor Costi THANK YOU for pointing people to the TRUTH of JESUS HOLY WORD!!! 🙏


Hi This is Bharat from Mumbai India

I was 12 when pastor Benny Hinn visited india in 2004.
I didn't know who he was.
I heard a preacher came from USA

I was so far from him.
Huge crowd.
Almost 2 million people were attending the congregation.

I wasn't able to see him.

I don't remember how and why
But I was slain in the spirit
I fell down bavkwards for 3 times it was like heaven was open form me i could not stand up so touched by something powerful.

Second time when I fell i felt that wave of water or something hit me and an i fell again.

And that presence and power gripped me for 3 days

When I came home whenever I closed my eyes i felt i was flying or siting in heaven.

Fast forward after 20 years

I am baptised 32 year old man

Whenever I pray to God I can feel that same presence around me not that powerful but same presence. its so pleasant presence of God I can pray for hours.

It's not just falling backward

I don't listen pastor Benny hinns messages but it's my personal experience with Lord, there is nobody in my room who can hypnotise me a simple prayer brings Lord presence in my room.

That's my testimonyI


Thank you so much for this, brother. This is the best treatment of this issue I've seen - including my own. Great job.


Well done Costi. Thanks for shedding light on dark places that blind people from seeing the Truth 🙏🏻


I have to agree. I was at Benny Hinn's crusade in Arkansas in 2001 and I went with some college friends and we were on top of the balcony and when your uncle stated that he was going to blow on everyone, I remember the music slowing and the atmosphere was charged but the moment he said something it was like dominos how the front went down all the way up and when I was sitting on the stairs I promise until this day we still talk about this (our experience) but something like a fire was in front of me and I tried to resist and i felt it on me. It was crazy. And since we came out of the NAR and WOF into biblical teaching we have yet to figure out what threw some people and the rest of us had a crazy experience. I am always ministering the scriptures and encouraging others to read the word it is sufficient! Good teaching, I will share this video.


I got saved in 1999, and from the get go, I rejected this whole thing as a deception.
One of my elders said, "the Holy Spirit is calm and gracious, and when He fills you, you could be holding a cup of water full to the brim and not a drop would pour because the spirit doesn't author chaos"
And I still believe it to this day


Thank you Costi❤ I have been saved out of the charismatic movement. I have been in that mess since a young girl. I left it in 2019. I totally have had to detox from it. It is dangerous😢. I thank God a lot that am out of that. Followers of this are so injured and I have grieved, been angry, cried, doubted, but I am learning the true gospel with pastors Voddie Baucham, John McArthur, Paul Washer, Justin Peter's and you. I don't chase the devil anymore or speak about him. Being set free from this has been hard, but thank you Jesus He set me free!!


From my experience, some of it was demonic (I was taken aside as a "project" by a female Kenneth Copeland), some of it was fake (I know because that was me at times), some of it was peer pressure that resulted in "real" experiences (me, again). I find myself praising God even after all these years (20 years have passed) for removing me from these unbiblical practices and doctrines. I still have friends who are "cautious but open" and it breaks my heart. I pray for them all the time.


Thank you, Costi. I was raised by Charismatic parents. I was "slain" in the spirit (I use a little s because it wasn't the Holy Spirit) as a child to "get it over with". I literally, threatened those behind me that if they didn't catch me I'd be after them first! Then I stood where I was supposed to, waited for the praying to heat up, and pulled my toes up. It was done. That was after being "taught" how to "speak in tongues". I was tired of constantly being hounded by -- admittedly well meaning -- but absolutely insistent grown ups after every service! And we went every single night. You can only take so much of that at age 11. So it's nice to hear you lay that out the way it can be in different ways for different people. So glad I escaped it all! Mine was totally fake because I faked it to get them to STOP.


Amen brother! Thank you for shining light on the darkness and workers of iniquity.


Thank you, Pastor Costi. This is so incredibly helpful. As you may remember, my husband, Brian Lightfoot, was your Uncle Benny’s administrator at Orlando Christian Center. He worked alongside Gene Polino in the early 90’s.
God was so merciful and kind to bring us out of the prosperity “gospel” and into a right biblical worldview, but being involved in that “ministry” really took a toll on our family. I definitely can relate to the attitude of “touch not the Lord’s anointed”…aka “Do not question the teaching, methods, or practices of the spiritual leader.

Brian and I are now part of a Reformed Baptist Church in NC but it took many years to “deconstruct” the faulty belief system we participated in and perpetuated while part of OCC.

You are in our prayers, brother, as you rightly divide the Word of God and expose the dangers of a false “gospel”. The Lord bless you and your family. I’m sure all this comes at a great cost, but Jesus is worth everything! To Him be all the glory forever!


I once went to one of those churches and went forward. There were say 20+ of us. In the end, I was the only one still standing upright. When that Pastor looked me in the eyes, I can describe it as a look of hatred. He however walked away from me without saying a word. Must just say that at that stage I was for many years already a born-again child of God.


Amazing praise God for pulling you out of the deception Costi

Grateful for you ministry


i have been slain in the Spirit - in that, God has healed me of anxiety, insecurity and strengthens my inner being.


Thank you Costi, I'm embraced to say . I was one of those who were court up & descived in the Pentecostal Charismatic movement for 25 years. I feel down in the so called power of the spirit, I once spoke in tongues & experienced the so called laughing in the spirit .
I thank my Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, for His mercy that lead me to repentence & out of that false Christianity that is the Pentecostal Charismatic movement . I'm now reformed & a cessationlist , who now loves sound doctrine of God's Holy Word the Bible, that is the closed cannon of Scripture 🙏♥️.


Thank you Costi. God is glorified through your boldness to proclaim the truth.


I was a part of this movement for many years.
If I could add another one to this list it would be the need to prove to other believers just how in tune and receptive I am to the spirit of God by falling down. And to take it a step further, once I fall down, if I shake and quiver and moan etc I am displaying that God must be doing a thorough work !
The whole practice is really rooted in pride and self exultation, almost a competition to see who’s affected the most by the Holy Spirit. The degree of my experience determines the degree of my closeness to God !
The real problem with this practice and the question that really needs to be put forward is this,
If the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, which indeed he is, how could he possibly endorse a practice based on falsity ?
If I’m falling down because it’s expected and it’s not really God doing it, then the reality is I’m practicing a lie !
