I bought FAKE LEGO Minifigures...should you?

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I bought a bunch of minifigures that people ACTUALLY THOUGHT were OFFICIAL LEGO! Watch this video so you don't get scammed! And don't forget to comment which one is the worst!

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I know many people don’t like fake figures, but I think they are actually really good because it really depends on the brand of fake figures, some are good and some not great, nice vid tho!


Lego could make so many clones, and enable army building for many different famous legions.
Lego could open an army building pick-a-clone store.
Lego could even just rerelease past battle packs.

But they don't, so my money goes to its competitors. It's that easy.


The fact that official MF are WAY too expensive is the problem. 3rd party creators and companies like Koruit and Xinh will continue to make money and offer better alternatives to Lego. The customs are superior and the alternate companies make army building so much easier and offer many more variations. When it comes to other themes it is even more clear how deficient Lego is. Anyone who holds on to the mothership as some kind greater validation is welcome to waste their money. Lego is lazy and will never make what most AFOL's want.


Sometimes I buy fake Lego because I kinda have to (sometimes they look really good)


Sometimes, unofficial Legos are actually better, I have an unofficial Jango Fett and it's awesome (and just for 2$)


if you're not a dyed in the wool Lego collector, they definitely have a niche for those financially bound.


I find it absolutely hilarious that fans think the saber hilt part only goes one way. As you know Dani I’ve worked for both LEGO & Star Wars professionally as a creative. I can assure you that the saber hilt was designed to be used both ways. I was there when the first SW set was created for NYC toy fair and Vader was purposely designed with the hilt the “opposite” way. Ask any pro creative from LEGO they all will & have stated it’s meant to be used both ways so kids can choose what side looks best for each character. Sorry it’s just a pet peeve of mine cause the fans are completely wrong with that theory. 😆. Awesome video. Hope you’re well. In the instructions the graphic designers pull the art from a library & mostly just grab in the one way. It’s just laziness…I was guilty of that as well 😆. Some sets have it the other way.


You probably have been told a million times already, but the waistcape is attached incorrectly. The side lashes have to be attached from the front, resulting in a much tighter fit.

It's a bit fiddly, but once you get the hang of it it works really well.


Bought some fake 332nd at my last convention. Then bought the 332nd battle pack the other day...had to swap the helmets cause the printing on the real ones (main body) sucked compared to the fakes


This channel is underrated . Keep up the good


IMO Some fake legos are really bad but some could be really good. Clones and some other alien figures are really good but sometimes they can be really bad.


I absolutely love you for including “PORTABLE HIGH GROUND!!!” 4:04


There are 2 tipes of fake minifigures :
1 knockoffs who are low quality replicas of expensive minifigures

2 customs that might be called knockoff based on the quality, that are mostly to create minifigures that doesn't exist


its very hit and miss, however i have found an amazing seller who do flawless fakes with the 360 printing, so much so that i have replaced a lot of my offical figs with these fakes for my displays and then i keep the real figures sealed and protected, i have also noticed a lot of fakes these days have higher quality printing when it comes to R2D2, Legos is always a mess or tilted etc but some how the knock offs can do it better


Instead of buying pure FAKE's buy pure CUSTOMS from good stores, their quality is higher, and prints are better.


A good fake minifig makes me pretty happy, I have a few custom DragonBall mini figures and a ton of fake clones that while the print is a tad different they are just a pretty standard clone troopers.
I feel like if you're just looking for filler on big mocs you're making, or just want a specific figure that's hard to find, if you find a good fake then you'll be pretty happy


If you're wondering why that's super Battle Droid looks like that it's because in Star wars battlefront 2 there is a class where the B2 battle droid has that paint job and one of the abilities is a rocket arm


Coconut brick studio has custom galactic Marines for his Mygeeto moc


For building custom figures and droid armies these figures from other brick companies are very useful. I even found a very gorgeous android figure on Kopftoy. The android could visually belong to the UFO (97) aliens and a nice metallic blaster with trans green bullets was included. It cost 80 cent per figure and i bought a bunch of them there. I now use them as battle droids for the UFO (97) theme. 😍🥇


1:40 “Oh My GoD yOu KnOcKeD mE oVeR” thats the best ahsoka line
