The Best Diet for Cancer Patients

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What diet should oncologists recommend? The number one cause of death from breast cancer patients may actually still be cardiovascular disease, making dietary choices critical for survival.

Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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My mom was given 2 months left to live due to stage 4 breast cancer. She is now going strong after 6 months. I completely changed her diet to whole foods and organic if possible. Family also sneaks in bad food for her, but the main thing is she's not eating processed junk food anymore. I have her on Fenbendazole, high doses of vitamin C IV drip, and Rick Simpson oil (cbd/thc). What a game changer!! She was unable to assist herself to the bathroom, but now that I have her on these protocols, she's able to go to the bathroom by herself, she has meat in her face now and gained a few


Because of learning about you years ago, I haven’t been sick in years. I’m 63 and in the best shape of my life. Thank you so much!


Is also the best diet for prevention!

Eat your organic G-BOMBS daily.
Greens (cruciferous and colorful vegetables)
Beans (legumes)
Onions (red and raw)
Mushrooms (cooked)
Seeds (and nuts and spices)

Hydrate with 99% pure filtered water 6-8 glasses daily.

Daily exercise.

Quality 7-8 hours of sleep.



I have a relative with triple negative breast cancer. Her dietician told her to "eat whatever she wants". I'm surprised that a dietician would give her that advice. Meanwhile, my husband has advanced prostate cancer and has tried to stick to your diet plan as closely as possible, though he's been leaning towards a more fatty, processed vegan diet lately. He'll be watching this. I hope it'll motivate him to go back to sticking to your diet recommendations more.


Nice work. My dad got colon cancer and that made me go WFPB. Sure miss my dad. Definitely want to hang around for my kids.


Raw vegetables and fruit and sprouted grains are best for cancer patients, and they should avoid refined sugar, and salt. Early bedtime is really important, too, as cycles of light and darkness affect all of our cells.


Great info! It's nice to see him pointing out the shortcomings of a "vegan" diet vs WHOLE FOOD PLANT BASED.


I think this might be the only wfpb advice I've seen for people who are currently suffering from cancer. Thank you Dr. Greger. More please.


Cancer is NOT caused by mutations in our DNA. It's caused by disruption of the mitochondria in the cytoplasm, which then causes damage to the DNA in the nucleus. Read Dr Thomas Seyfried's book, "Cancer As A Metabolic Disease", or look at one of the many Seyfried videos YouTube. This does not make Michael Greger's dietary advice in this video wrong. Not at all. However, understanding the metabolic theory of cancer, as opposed to the conventional somatic mutation theory of cancer, provides an understanding of WHY Michael Greger's advice in this video works.


I love Dr G but did I hear his intro correctly? Yes I replayed it back and Dr Greger said “not like some superficial skin cancer like ductal carcinoma of the breast” having just being diagnosed with breast cancer I need to say it is far from a superficial disease. I hope he revises this video


If you read the warnings for the chemo drugs, cardiac arrest is one of the potential side effects. Chemo often causes secondary cancers. And it weakens people so much that they suffer falls which happened to a friend of mine. She cracked some ribs, a blood clot formed and traveled to her heart. So she really died of complications of the chemo not the cancer.


The stress of a cancer diagnosis may also contribute to CV disease outcome in cancer patients.


Went to doctor's appointment with my aunt. (Stage 3 triple negative bc. Starting treatment soon) Chemo education nurse told her to eat anything she wanted." If only ice cream taste's good to you, eat it". Another nurse educator advised against eating too many fresh vegetables and fruits "because the same anti oxidants that feed health cells, also feed cancer cells!" I was dumbfounded! Doesn't always seem to be a good idea to listen to the "professionals". Do what feels right to you and try to be at peace about it.


How can a doctor talk about nutrition for his cancer patient when the doctor knows squat about nutrition?


0:36 I enjoy how doc is sliding from right to the left 🤣👍


I had all kinds of health and other issues (gastrointestinal, energy level, brain fog) during the 12 years I was vegetarian, vegan, raw food, etc. Over the past 10 years (I’m in my mid-40s), I began eating LOTS of organic grass-fed meats, 15-20 eggs per week (from my own happy free range chickens), and all of my blood work is immaculate. My family has a massive history of heart disease and cholesterol issues. My sister has been a vegetarian for 35 years, and has really high cholesterol (LDLs and triglycerides). My other sister is about the same with health issues, but eats a decent omnivore healthy diet. My dad (in his mid-70s) has been a vegetarian almost 20 years, while on statins, and continues to struggle with high LDL and triglyceride levels. I focus on the quality of my food. I eat lots of fats (even bacon!), and some veggies for most meals. Meat or eggs in almost all meals. I FEEL GREAT, and my health is excellent. All bodies and genetics are a little different. Please don’t think this guy’s recommendations are automatically true for you! Population studies are not individual studies!


Hospitals, doctors offices and schools should be places where good nutrition is taught and provided not places that contribute to disease and obesity. It is crazy the hospitals are feeding people the very food that caused the heart disease, high blood pressure or cancer that they are treating. Every person in the hospital should receive some nutrition education before being released. Every doctor visit should be an opportunity to educate patients about how food choices impacts their health outcomes. The fact that doctors do not get nutrition training as part of their training makes no sense. Medicare and Medicaid should require nutrition education as part of patient care. Focus should be on food choices.


The name WFPD alienates a lot of people from considering it regardless because they use the word plants in the name. In a lot of circles that has a negative connotation. In order for people to consider it has a lot to do with there current health condition and there social network, the farther it is from mainstream eating the less likely it becomes for people to consider it regardless of how healthy it might be for them. Some of it has to do with education or what part the country your from etc. I know that sounds strange but people are influenced by the company they keep. So no matter how compelling a diet might be there has to be acceptance and support for people to stick with it. No one wants to be an outcast and people can be cruel so that is a factor. So I think how you market a good thing has to be done in away that is not too over the top and education plays a big part of it as well and why people like Dr. Greger are so important in delivering the message. The more health care practitioners get the word out to there patients the more a WFPD will gain acceptance. Doctors add credibility and a lot of people listen to them when they don't push pills. We're only beginning to discover all the benefits WFPD but not everyone has gotten the message yet and those who have my still be reluctant because they don't have the support network to follow through with it. I have family members who have gotten dramatic benefits that have NAFLD and Type 2 diabetes but they have a hard time sticking to it because they don't have the support none of their friends, spouses or other family members even know they even have these health issues. Most people don't understand that majority of diseases we have are self inflicted by poor diet and lifestyle. So no matter what you call it awareness and education is part of the solution but it takes decades to make changes unfortunately for some people that is too long.


The statement at :19 implies that “ductal carcinoma of the breast” is not “serious cancer”. That is not accurate. IBreast cancers can develop in the ducts or the lobes and ductal carcinoma is most common. Its “seriousness” is indicated in designation of stages 1-4 which use multiple measures to estimate how much the cancer has invaded other parts of the body, how fast it is growing, what types of receptors are driving growth and what treatments may be helpful. Ductal carcinoma “in situ” has not yet moved beyond the duct in which it formed. In some cases it will never spread but in other cases it will progress to a stage 1-4 cancer. Because of this some people choose not to pursue treatment at this stage, but we do not yet have tests that can tell us which cases will be harmless and which will grow and become invasive killers. Designating DCIS in general as “not serious” ignores differences in tumor size, growth rate and receptor type and takes decision making power away from women, who should be encouraged to make their own decisions to watch-and-wait or treat now with their medical team. In this video, brushing aside all “ductal carcinoma” as not a serious cancer is potentially dangerous and irrelevant to the topic.


If Ketogenic is not good for cancer patients? Why are so many people able to defeat cancer through fasting and ketogenic/LCHF diet? Then again, the best way to actually find the best diet for cancer patients is to have many subjects following different diets.

Once there are enough people with cancer following vegan way, LCHF way, carnivore way, etc.. As a statistician, i will appreciate the resulting data. Which diet actually help more for people with cancer only can be said with actual numbers, not theories.
