How Changing Your Story Can Change Your Life – Dr. Bruce Lipton on How to Reprogram Your Mind

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"It's not what we say out loud that really determines our lives. It's what we whisper to ourselves that has the most power."


For me learning about stoicism has changed my life. I keep a journal which allows me to repeat the practice of it and a constant evaluation.
All my parents taught me was fear suffering and anxiety.


Don't be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.


I read a very old book that worked with repetition, it worked wonders with me! You have to read every chapter (4 pages long each chapter) 3x a day for 30 days, so it basically takes 10 months to finish this book. It's truly magical that some chapters only after 20 days into it I was like "wait, was that written here before?? How come I'm reading this every day and never notice it?", truly amazing how repetition works. If you are interested, it's a book about self-development, but it's called "The Greatest Salesman In the World" by Og Mandino.


I was physically abused in the first 7 years of my life. What I got out of that is I never became evil like the 2 people who physically abused me. I dont know if that's a good thing. But this I can say child abuse can destroy child. But I came over that I remain positive onward on my life


“The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.”
― Isaac Asimov


You know this is a bit of an epiphany. In my younger years, I strongly felt that my mind, and who I wanted to be was limited by my parents knowledge, experience, and education. I decided to move away, about 1000 miles away from them, where I would only have to give the occasional call, and I had the reasonable excuse why I couldn't visit regularly due to distance. I noticed as soon as I did this, I became more successful, I decided to try things, and excel at them, where if I was still with my parents, I would of gotten that push back, and felt the limitations programmed into me, to not even try those things. I still become angry at myself when I notice these trends that align with the way my family is or thinks. I realized I was doing things in this video without me realizing it was the right thing. Repetition, and developing around the people I consider successful have brought so much to me. What my point is, the content in this video is telling the truth, I am an experiment without realizing. Obviously mentality has a huge impact, because I could of easily moved away for the wrong reasons. However, fortunately I was self aware to the fact that the way my family is programmed leads to limited success and accomplishments.


The stories about ourselves we repeat in our minds shape reality! If we think we are bad and don't deserve success, we won't even try hard!


What he is saying is very true I I repeated to myself several things and they actually manifested. I repeatedly told myself I am a stoic that values quality over quantity and if happened. I repeatedly told myself that I am a gifted successful writer and I actually became one. I have done this in area of my life includes my behaviors, and way of living.


I remember studying genetics in college and on the side I was also reading Nature Via Nurture. I was blown away by the fact that one can change certain genetic expressions based on nothing but thoughts. It was a very freeing thought and made me realize how important and powerful our state of mind is.


This is 100% true. One has to work hard EVERY DAY to change the brain from the original programmed thoughts, behaviors and reactions.


I love how everything that he said was life changing.


I went through SERE in the Army. I had an instructor that recommended several books and why to read them; Victor Frankl’s book “Mans search for meaning” and Roger Bannisters book on how he broke the 4 minute mile.

It comes down to the power of your mind, your belief is what you make it. Make it strong, powerful and accomplished.

My son asked “how is it possible for me to do everything?” I said “because I can.”


This video lends excellent support to the suggestion to turn off your TV, stop watching/listening to/ reading the news. They don't call them "programs" for the hell of it.


We cannot suppress an emotion, but we can change the thought that is the source of it. We can change what to focus on 👀. We can control what we tell ourselves repeatedly and use empowering language and affirmations instead 💪🏽🔥.


When you want to change your life/ behavior you must practice continuously and it takes time but don't worry.


The bestest thing you could ever do for yourself is drop all the stories.
You are not your stories.
And they don't matter.
Operating from stories prevents you from living in the now.


I would say even at two years old, before you can even talk about yourself or the world or have any idea of how it actually works, you are forming a self concept from your interaction with adults. Looking back, I try to forgive that child who couldn't have known any better with the mental equipment and environment he had at two years old. Realizing this was an epiphany that helped me overcome years of depression and self doubt.


It can be changed. I grew up in such an emotionally abundant childhood. Lots of freedom and nature. Then for 10 yrs in my adulthood I experienced so much darkness from ppl I couldn't escape as I needed to be there to protect my kids. A psychopath was after me and the legal system didn't do shit. It traumatised me - the fear, the threats, constant fight or flight. It reprogrammed my body. I could no longer physically move. All up to this point I was one of those ppl who was always happy with loads of energy and then I turned into stone and fatigued. Only hypnotherapy pulled me out as I rediscovered the happiness before it was reprogrammed by the abuse of threats and punishment.
