8 Things I Learnt At The Age Of 25

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► 8 Things I Learnt At The Age Of 25

Leave a comment with any 'things' you've learnt and feel myself or others reading the comments might benefit from. Lets all make the comment section on this video really helpful to each other.

Music • Andrew Applepie

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"Life is *fair* because it's unfair to everyone" -Unknown


the name change!! i dig it but also let’s take a moment


Can we have a the secrets out episode with joe dianne and Zoe


I really respect your attitude towards life, I know this is kinda random but your just such a genuine, kind and caring guy, which is rare !! keep being your amazing self and don't let the opinions of small minded people affect what you do with your life x


I have one, you can't think your way out of depression, you have to act your way out of it. People often wait to feel good or motivated before doing the things they use to enjoy, the motivation rarely comes through. Therefore we have to do those things with the goal being to get the motivation.


i learnt that sometimes letting go friendships is a really good thing. it is hard and sad, but some friendships run its course and it doesn‘t have to be someone‘s fault or because of a single event or a situation. people change, relationships change and people develop and go in different directions in life, especially in their twenties. it is often called 'losing' a friend. however, you had a great time together, made great memories and gained a lot of experience, there is nothing lost. it is difficult to wrap your head around because that person may not be in your life anymore, but they will always have been a part of your life and you as a person and that‘s something to be grateful for.


This has made me feel so motivated to get things done this year !!


I’m really glad that you posted this video. I’ve been watching your videos for the last 4-5 years and this came right when I needed it. I was an English teacher in China for a year and then decided that I didn’t want to spend my life being an English teacher. But with this I really discovered that I love living overseas and meeting new people and learning about their cultures. I’ve taken the last 7 months or so off to reevaluate and figure out exactly what I want out of life. I’ve always felt passionate about helping people who are less privileged than me as a white American, so I’ve decided to get into helping refugees. And I’ve since then learned that I need to continue on with my education and get a masters degree. School in America is really expensive, so I know that I want to go somewhere else to get my degree. I’ve been watching your videos and a lot of the other creators from the UK and because of that, I realized I want to go to the UK for school. And since you always are talking about Brighton, I decided to look into programs that are based from there. I discovered that the university of Sussex has like 4 different programs that I’m super interested in and am hoping I get accepted into the program to get that education I need to help people in a meaningful way. I’m really thankful for the unintentional influence you have had in my life because without your videos I wouldn’t even be aware of this potential future path for my life! Keep it up!


Can you talk about going going after your dreams and ambitions at an early age? I'm almost 18 and all of my friends get up late, go out late and I'm trying my best to be the best version of myself but I think this would be an interesting topic


Speak on it brother... nothing is cooler than growing old. Being young is wasted on the youth, 30 is your prime. I survived cancer twice and lost half my face to amputation.. a tumor destroyed my jaw and changed everything.. I was labeled a freak. I decided to start over, travel South America and start a youtube channel to inspire others who feel ugly and not good enough for this world.. it's all about energy and mindset.. my scars will not define me. with optimism and positive projection you can overcome any mental or physical hurdle. self love from within overpowers any physical shell! go check me out and subscribe if you want to help me grow. i want to give people a spark of change and join me on my journey!


This is why I’m subscribed to Alfie, he’s so positive and inspiring that every time I finish watching his video I feel like I can do anything in the world 🌎 thanks Alf


You can't be everyone's cup of tea. Otherwise you'll be a mug. My fave quote 😉😆🙂


Alfie - “some people speak to themselves I don’t “
Me - “I do”

I dint mean to say it out loud 😂


Your videos have gotten so much better, it's wonderful to see that progress


Love this Alfie! The "can't be good at everything" hit me hard, but I needed to hear it. I spend so long trying to be the "jack of all trades" and just end up being very average at everything. Need to pick something and stick to it!


Good video Alfie, a lot of the things you said were things I've come to accept in the last couple years as well as I approach my late twenties. One of the most important things I've learned is the power of positive thinking. It's very easy to be cynical about everything, but I realised that this wasn't really doing anything for me other than make me a more negative person. Now I try to flip that on its head every time I'm presented with something, and I feel a lot better as a result, it's so much nicer when you can enjoy things for what they are and not twist it into why it's not good enough.


One of my favorite quote to live by is "You can't control the wind but you can adjust your sails.". It really resonates with me. Sometimes life throws things at you and you have to adapt to them the best way possible. It's not always easy but it's always better to try :)


Things I've learnt :
Empathy - I always try to look at things from someone else's perspective and it's helped me learn a lot about myself and others and socialisation in general.
Always take time for yourself - sometimes I burn the candle at both ends and I have to remind myself I'm only human and need time to reflect and recharge.
Know when to take time away from social media - comparison is the thief of joy and when I'm feeling down I think social media is a massive triggger and doesn't help at all
Mental health is just as important as physical health and they should go hand in hand!


I'm really enjoying your recent content Alfie! I started watching your videos when you just started and i'm 21 years old now, I feel like I've grown up a lot and clearly you have too - your content has become great!


I am looking forward to watching this video! Didn’t know this was coming X
