Jordan Peterson's Resignation

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In this video, Dr. Bill Roach reflects upon Jordan Peterson's Latest article: Why I am no longer a Tenured Professor at the University of Toronto.

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How is it possible Ford any University to antagonize a professor when they receive federal dollars?


Jordan Peterson is now reaching more people through his videos, podcast, and books. Thank you for dissecting the article.


Dr. Peterson is the only Doctor I've ever liked.
Bad first impression here.


14:30 im finishing my BS degree in Grievance Studies 🎓


Good video that helped to explain Peterson’s article, and what is going on in our culture more today!


The reason why it won't change anything is because everybody knows merit has nothing to do with social success. The demographic changes make those policies inevitable economically and politically, and on top of that, laws are forcing it. Add to that his own worship of individuality, then diversity is a thing, and the rest follows. It's a pointless battle if you love the cause, but don't like the results. He's also wrong historically, it has been going on for at least 70 years, not a few decades. The whole cold war that he liked so much, was actually to do just that, bring diversity/freedom to the world. It was about opening up the USSR to the world on the US term of course. It's defeat simply accelerated the process. Now with no external enemy to speak of, the US and Western countries turn to the enemy inside, those that don't comply or follow.

Just the psychopathologizing should clue him in, since its his field. It means there is a new normal, and the people that fail to adjust are diagnosed and treated. That is his job, or was, since he left. But as he said, he was not up to the task anymore, so it is probably better this way. Now of course, it does not mean the new normal is good, just the same as the old normal. The craziness just keeps growing and changing, but its been a lie for a long time, if not forever.


Galatians 6:7-8 (KJV) Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.


Btw black soldiers were exclude from access to the benefits of the GI bill after WW2. That GI bill built small town America and afford the families of those white soldiers a substantial measure of financial and social stability.


Jordon is a no shit kinda guy im not surprised he did what he did.


Canadian here. The little known Peterson was written off here as a nutbar by both the left and right years ago.
