144,000 are being sealed now. They think the earth is flat.

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Trying to make better sense of this complex story. But Jesus tells us to do that and read and understand it. So that is what I am doing. In order to understand this book, I have only received the information from the Spirit of Truth in the Word. It is like having a relationship with the Word. He teaches without the doctrines of men. Truth is found in Him.
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I am on the same path. Something is leading me. I have been drawn away from this world. And i am so happy each and each day...


For the last 2 years i have experienced the Holy Spirit changing the hearts of people who seek the truth. I believe the truth seekers are shown the flat earth as a part if the truth seeking process. The FE people may not necessarily be the 144000 but they have been touch by the holy spirit. Truth is being shown in so many areas right now. These last 2 years have been amazing!!!


I quit drugs bcus the voice would get louder and my spirit unrestful, I accepted Jesus n my mission here n I feel like I'm becoming the real me. I can feel the light and the vibes


I know how you feel.FE completely solidified my faith.i am no longer comprised & I feel grounded in truth & filled with his love.i have never felt like this ever


Not all flat Earther's are going to rule and reign with Christ. But many may. Yashewa has created the 144, 000 and scattered all the tribes around the globe. He has chosen them and created them for this purpose, at the moment of their creation. Many people are aspiring to be part of this group, but it's not something to aspire to, it's the purpose that they were created for. And the people who are not created to be in this group are just as loved and special, this simply is not their purpose. But they have other purposes that are perfect for them, that they were created for. God has a perfect wonderful purpose for each of us! I'm not talking about you, because you seem very genuine, and i sense a pure spirit in you, although only God knows your purpose, but there are many people all claiming to be this group. And they all have very different belief systems. There are things that stand out to me about the people that I believe my be correct about this calling, they have a heart to serve others, they glorify God not themselves, and they have been through many trials and tribulations. My deepest wish is to complete whatever purpose that God created me for, I have recieved messages about what that purpose is, but all will be revealed in God's perfect time. I pray for his will to be done, whatever that may be, not my will. Shalom brother.


I totally agree. He leads me.
Its like an awakening!
My dpirit OVERFLOWS!


Two years ago. A light (meteorite). Flew towards me. As I looked up. It was maybe 50 yards out. It stopped mid air and I felt like it was staring at me. I was in disbelief. Suddenly it flew off like the silver surfer. It’s color was greenish blue. Vibrant. I was in awe. So I read the book of Enoch again.


I've watched this twice tonight and I am left just sitting here reading my bible and those scriptures and totally astonished. I do believe that you are spot on with this. Praise our Most High! He has really used you my Brother to share His precious truth.


Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy out loud


2012-2015 my truth seeking journey was earth shattering to me …everyone thought I was crazy. I got baptized 2 years later after being a confirmed catholic. Truth will set you free. Blood of Yah! Love you all!


My Brother! it has been 2 years since I became enlightened with the "spirit of truth"! And I cried 3 days bc of learning the DECEPTION and the 100% TRUTH of our creator..For the last year I have been studying scripture, AND feel the holy spirit leading me.I feel I must warn the People of the truth. unfortunately not to many are listening..In any event, I enjoyed your video, and continue to spread the message!! May we all be Blessed By the "MOST HIGH"!!!


After having three prophetic dreams and telling my brother about them, he looked at me very strange and said that I would be one of the 144, 000.


I see many who want to believe they are of the 144, you better hope your not, this is a ride you can't get off of, you accept, your sealed and thats it. the suffering is so unimaginable you'll beg Yahweh every night allow death to take you while at the same time rise up to the challenge, for you have no choice, you even offer up your ticket to Heaven, and salvation to make it stop. Great study my brother, you have a sincere heart, and yep the Earth is Flat.


Man let me tell you, I would’ve laughed at this flat earth concept 7 months ago And I DID!!! I made fun of people and all this and that had arguments over social media. Then Out of nowhere I was called, rather yanked, Grabbed swept off my feet by Spirit just recently. Suddenly I was streaming all these flat earth videos and BOI Black Sun and Sophia and Agartha and 144, 000 and all these words strange dreams I had “superpowers" of Psychic ability and life has just changed drastically especially in the last 2 years. I have been fueled rather on fire with what burns deep inside me, and I am just in awe at the glorious light that’s within me that has seeped its way into me by god and the spirit of truth, I never thought in a million years I would become part of something so grand with the ascension of Consciousness and all sorts of things. So much has happened and I can’t believe it, but now I do, an am a very Firm believer, all the synchronicities and everything else, and every video I watch just comes through and tops it off. I was swept off my feet by the spirit so to say. Swept away by the storm but in a very loving gracious and positive sense. It’s one thing to hear or see these things, and it’s another thing to experience these things just as you said and it’s beautiful #Namasté🙏🏾❤️


Yes the earth is flat. The Roaman Catholic Church has lied for centuries to the sleeping sheeple. They removed over 30 books in the hebrew scriptures . 1 the book of Enoch which speaks of the fallen angels and flat earth👍. The 144, 000 will fight for his true name Yahuwah in his sons name Yahuwshuwa( i come in my fathers name. (Luke) they have faught for truth sence the beginnibg and veing deceived by the false white Jesus made up by Rome only triggers their need to serve and teach others of the true name! Halle lu YAH!


Without a doubt the Spirit of truth is here guiding people.


Let the Bible interpret itself, but also realize how fractal ( layered) it is. Chuck Missler Hidden treasures video shows a taste of this.


I just want to say before I start watching this that I know the Earth is flat Beyond any shadow of a doubt


I am pretty sure there are more than 144000 Christians who know earth is flat. And I don't think flat earth belief is what seals anyone.


FE from Genesis to Revelation with love of the father and sons name is a common theme among believers with whom I agree. YHVH and Yehoshua, Yeshua
