Isaac Newton will help you swim faster. Physics of swimming part 2

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On this video we will focus on another force that acts while you are actually swimming.

Friction is what makes us move and also what slows us down in the water. To understand this you need to understand the three laws of Newton. I’ll put it on my own simple terms since we don’t have of time and if you want a more scientific approach I’ll leave links in the description for you. The third law states that when you push the water, the water pushes back in the opposite direction. So when you push the water back with your feet and with your hands the water pushes you forward, this is called propulsive drag. The first law states that a swimmer in motion will stay in motion unless stopped by another force. As you know, you don’t keep accelerating, which means that another force is stopping you, a force thAt in swimming terms we can call frontal drag.

The second law states that your speed is a constant battle between these two forces. To go faster you can either increase propulsive drag or reduce frontal drag. On this channel we mostly give you advice on reducing frontal drag by perfecting your technique on every stroke, which in our opinion is the best way. You can also do other things like shave your body and wear a fast suit, also good but not as significant. However, you can also increase propulsive drag by changing the position of your hands, which are very important sources of propulsion or by kicking with very flexible ankles which will change the direction of your push and help you go faster. Another option is to move your arms and feet faster, assuming you keep the same technique.

On this study:
by co-author Josje van Houwelingen, a swimming fluid dynamicist at the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands.

it says that the optimal pull is with around a 10 degree finger separation. But I will have to leave the explanation of that for a later video.
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Biomechanics of Competitive Swimming Strokes

Newton”s laws of swimming

Newton’s laws of motion


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Рекомендации по теме

I find it funny how he re-worded the Newton laws of motion for swimmers. I also find it very smart.


that 10º separation came as a big surprise to me.


Thank you! I've finally found my answer in my module


Can you make a video about the fingers during the pull?


Nice video for swimming guidance. Thank you. Regards from India👌😊


When related to science, it is convincing


Thank you for the good video clip.
Thanks to you, swimming is fun.


nicely produced. You are making beautiful videos which offers very nice insights/tips. Can you link part 1 in comment or description?


I've a question: The propulsive force could be both longitudinal and tangential (due to frictional drag) right?
So can we swim in a liquid without viscosity?


Got a question. is it true that in freestyle your head and your leg kicks should break the surface of the water to be faster and the same apply for the other strokes?


do you gents still recommend using the S-shape movement for a stroke?


Why can't we swim easier when we swimming towards the edge of the waterfall?


I swimm for tacos lol... I want one...


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제 2 운동 법칙에 따르면 속도는 이 두 가지 힘 사이의 끊임없는 싸움입니다. 빠르게 헤엄치려면 우리는 추진 저항력(Propulsive Drag)을 늘리거나 아니면 앞 방향 저항력(Frontal Drag)을 줄여야 합니다. 우리 채널에서는 대부분 팔을 돌리 때마다 사용되는 기술을 완벽하게 가다듬으로써 앞 방향 저항력을 줄이는 방법에 대하여 조언 합니다, 우리 생각에는 그것이 최고의 방법입니다. 또한 털을 제거한다든지 최첨단 수영복을 입는다든지 할 수도 있습니다, 물론 좋습니다만 그렇게 중요하지는 않습니다. 어쨌든, 여러분은 또한 추진 저항력을 늘릴 수도 있습니다 추진력의 아주 중요한 원천인 손의 자세를 바꿈으로써, 또는 발목의 유연성을 늘려 참으로써, 유연한 발목은 물을 미는 방향을 바꿈으로써 빠르게 헤엄치는 데 도움이 됩니다. 또 한 가지 선택 사항은, 똑같은 기술을 지탱한다고 가정하면서, 팔과 다리를 더 빠르게 움직이는 것입니다.

이 연구에 따르면:
공동 저자인 네덜란드의 아인트호벤 기술 대학의 수영 유체역학 연구자인 Josje van Houwelingen가 수행한.

손가락 사이를 10도 정도로 벌리면서 당기는 것이 가장 좋다고 합니다. 그에 대한 설명은 나중에 만들 비디오에서 설명드리겠습니다.
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Help.. I Really want to swim when Im On vacation, But I can’t swim.. And Im 14...
