Head and Shoulders Shampoo - Does It Cause Hair Loss?

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In this video, we’re going to look into Head & Shoulders Shampoo and discover if there is a possible link between head and shoulders and hair loss.

I’ll then discuss how the product may contribute to hair loss, especially in individuals who are already susceptible. And finally, I’ll offer a few alternative recommendations for treating dandruff without Head & Shoulders.

This video is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease
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Ima save u guys some times head and shoulders does not cause hair loss 😂😂 this is clickbait


I'm 53 years old and I've been using Head and shoulders since 1986. I use it everyday and I scrub my scalp thoroughly. I have almost no gray hair and zero hair loss. There's almost never any hair in the drain of my shower. I'm not sure if the shampoo is the reason or not. But it certainly didn't cause me any problems and it definitely controlled my dandruff nicely.


My opinion over the shampoo is : you can use any kind of shampoo (mild or concentrated) if you add some amount water, strenght of chemicals in the shampoo will get reduced and it becomes free from chemicals strength.


Get to the point!!! It’s a YouTube video not a Uni assignment 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Been using it for over 10yrs. I dont have a hair loss problem. Its helped a lot!


My friend has been using head and shoulders for 10 yrs. No hair loss, no receding hairline, no dandruff, no greying. Strong genes? Possibly. But if a shampoo causes hairfall, he should be bald by now after such prolonged usage.


I use 2 in 1 Head and Shoulders with Almond Oil and my hair is not falling out any more than normal. I think its normal to lose some few hairs a day.


i used this stuff for more than a year its fine and leaves my hair thick and shiny


My mom has been a barber for 30+ years and advises AGAINST using head & shoulders, because most of her clients that would start using it…..start losing their hair. She sees this ALL the time. It’s really sad and tragic.


Idk it’s a tough one. I like h&s becoz it makes my hair feel so nice and fluffy, and smell nice. It doesn’t cause a burning sensation unlike other brands I’ve tried which I have to rinse like almost immediately after. H&s is affordable but becoz I do have genes where my parents and grandparents became bald in their Middle Ages, I am a bit concerned if this one is doing me good or harm. Unfortunately I do sweat a lot so I do wash my hair with shampoo every day but I just want peace of mind that h&s is okay.


I’m confused... I’ve been using it for a year, and haven’t had any of these happen.


Head and shoulders has helped me significantly in maintaining a healthier scalp. I have a naturally oily scalp prone to irritation and have found comfort using the product.


yes it does, at least it did to me, I have curly hair and it used to be super thick and i had a lot of volume, since I've been using h&s my hair falls a lot and it's super thin, I thought it was something about hormones but I found this video and some of this comments saying the same things I have experienced and I'm definitely going to stop using it . Thanks for the video !


I use head and shoulders once a week . I wash my hair Tuesday and Friday and Sunday. I only use it on Tuesday’s- which means I use my regular shampoo Friday and Sunday. Maybe head and shoulders isn’t meant to be used daily or all the time, I have tested it out and everything is fine with me.


Well obviously if your hair follicles are weak and compromised from a dry scalp, you're going to have hair fall when you're massaging the product into your hair and washing it out. The first few times using the product will present this problem to most users. If you're still having issues with hair fall after multiple times of use than you probably have much more serious issues with your hair health than simply blaming it on a hair product you're using.


When my hair started to fall out, I didn't know what the cause was. But thanks to this video, you helped me clarify what is really worth so far. I've been looking at Head & Shoulders shampoo for a long time. But in the end, it's true that this shampoo will blow your head out...


Head and Shoulders shampoo does NOT cause hair loss. Millions use it daily without any issues.


I’ve been using head n shoulders all my life 46yrs and my braid is thick down to my butt even though I cut my hair every year and do micro trimming.


I believe that it has been asserted that zinc is a DHT blocker. Topically and internally.


I've been suffering a lot of dandruff and after many of shampoo i used, i chose head and shoulders mint. After using it, my head feels refreshing and doesnt scratch for the first few days of using it. After many weeks of using it, i dont have any head scratches and when i scratched my head real hard. Not a single bit of dandruff is spotted, and no hair losses either. So im safe
