What is Vertigo?

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Animated Video explaining Vertigo, What is Vertigo? Why it happens? What are the different types of vertigo? How to treat it? A project of FreeMedicalEducation.

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What is Vertigo?
Vertigo is a sense of rotation, rocking, or the world spinning, experienced even when someone is perfectly still.

What is the Physiology of Balance?

The human balance system works with our visual and skeletal systems to maintain orientation or balance. Visual signals are sent to the human brain about the body's position in relation to its surroundings. These signals are processed by the brain, and compared to information from the vestibular, visual and the skeletal systems.

Our brain receives inputs from our eyes, muscles, joints and vestibular system in our ears, then it process these nerve impulses so that it can give the person a correct perception of the environment.

Our ears contain special parts like the saccule, utricle and three semicircular canals which are all part of the vestibular apparatus. The purpose of vestibular apparatus is to provide the brain the correct perception of equilibrium (balance), spatial orientation and motion. The parts that are responsible for vertical orientation are the saccule and utricle.

The rotational movement is detected by the semicircular canals that contain fluid known as endolymph. The endolymph moves and triggers the sensory receptors within the canal which sends nerve impulses to the brain regarding the movement. Impulses from both canals of the side of the head would normally send symmetrical impulses in order for the brain to interpret the impulses properly.

Types of Vertigo?
There are two possible causes of vertigo: peripheral vertigo and central vertigo

Peripheral Vertigo:

The common disorders that may affect the inner ear thereby causing the person to experience dizziness or vertigo include:

Vestibular Neuritis – Inflammation of the vestibular nerve which is responsible for taking the nerve impulses from the semicircular canals in the inner to the brain.

Labyrinthitis – Inflammation of the labyrinth which is also in the inner ear and most of the time may also involve the vestibular nerve.

Both of these disorders are usually caused by a viral infection that may have reached the inner ear.

Other causes include:

Meniere’s Disease:
This occurs due to increased fluid in inner Ear.

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo or BPPV:

This result from the movement of the otolith, which is a very small particle made of calcium inside the ear. The otolith organs detect the movement of your head and its relation to gravity. For some reason the otolith can be dislodged and move into the semicircular canals and affect the movement of the fluid inside thereby causing it to send irregular nerve impulses to the brain making the person get dizzy.

How to treat BPPV?: The most common and effective treatment for BPPV is known as the canalith repositioning procedure. The procedure consists of several simple and slow maneuvers for positioning your head. The aim is to move the particles from the semicircular canal to the utricle where they don't pose a problem. Each position is held for around 30 seconds after which any symptoms or abnormal eye movements stop.

#FreeMedicalEducation #FME #Vertigo


00:00 What is Vertigo?
00:16 Physiology of Balance
01:32 Types of Vertigo
03:32 How to Diagnose
04:19 Treatment of Vertigo
04:43 Surgical Treatment
05:34 Prognosis
05:46 Support us!
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These comments are so comforting. It really is the worst and for those who have never experienced it don’t understand. I’ve had it for almost 2 weeks now, it’s so scary.


It’s feels like you just got off a farriswheel and the spinning keeps on going. Mine lasted 2 days then started slowly down. Sleeping helps the most. Good luck.


Dec 3, 2010 as I was walking into my high school just seconds after getting off the bus I suddenly got dizzy. I then collapsed hitting my head center on the concrete floor. I’ve had memory problems and a history of seizures ever since. It’s crazy how your life can change so suddenly.


I used to get very bad vertigo only at work. Usually always around the same time. It scared me so bad, it triggered major anxiety and panic attacks I thought I had something seriously wrong with me or I was dying. Come to find out, I used to stick my ear plugs to far into my ears and it gave me bad vertigo. Ever since I stopped putting the earplugs so far in it completely stopped. Thank God!


First time I experienced vertigo, it scared me so much. It came on suddenly. Luckily I was at home so I could immediately lay down. The whole room was spinning fast and I felt like I was going to throw up and pass out. It's one of the worst things to experience.


I’ve only experienced it twice in my life and it’s scary as hell. The abrupt out of nowhere tilting of the world, the swirling vision, heartbeat in your ears, unable to move your body correctly, the headache.. my god, I can’t even imagine those who have to endure that terror frequently-


I had an episode so violent that I thought I might be having a stroke. I went from feeling mildly “off kilter” to be so sick I couldn’t deal with any level of light stimulus without throwing up. I’ve never felt that miserable in my life. I ended up being hospitalized for 3 days due to it. It took almost 6 weeks for me to fully recover. I had after effects of feeling almost drunk and still having balance issues. This stuff is no joke.


Me:i feel dizzy


I have been experiencing this for the past month or two and did not know what was going on and felt like nobody experienced this and could understand. But from the comment section it seems like other people have it worse, saying they are puking and what not. I pray for everyone with vertigo 🙏


I’ve been having a vertigo spell for 2 days now. I feel like I’m going back and forth side to side around and around. I loose my balance a lot and it’s hard for me to focus I’m glad I’m not the only person suffering from this🥺😭


sudden vertigo and covid scare is the worst! 😭
I just slept and glad that i'm better now. not wishing for it to come back!


14 years old I’ve been having this so many times. I always thought it was symptoms of just almost fainting but that was not true at all. And what was worse is that i always got vertigo in public places. Every time i get off the bus or when i walk home from school. The most painful one was when i went to a restaurant and it hit so hard that my eyes were just trying to shut and i couldn’t even eat due to the amount of dizziness and how much my vision was going sideways like if i were falling. Its truly scary. I felt nauseous and it was so bad to the point i didnt eat for a whole day*


I literally have to keep my eyes closed until the dizziness goes away because looking at the spinning makes me sick


I get this often and when it happens I jus chill wit it n it’s pretty cool


Who is watching this after watching JESSI suffering VERTIGO in BB5 TELUGU


*I don't wish this vertigo to anyone. It's not even fun to have this. I hope everyone will get cure by the power of our God. Thank you and be safe to everyone*


I'm 15 and today I have been having my first vertigo attack. It started 3 days ago when I was sleeping, I rolled over and woke up because I felt like my bed was tipped over and I was rolling off. It kept happening throughout the night. The next day wasn't too bad, but if I stood up to quickly or moved my head too fast I would get really dizzy. I also had somewhat of a headache, so I thought maybe I was dehydrated or maybe since I hadn't taken vitamins that day (I'm deficient in a few vitamins) that it was causing the dizziness. Again that night, rolling over made me feel like the world was spinning. This morning I woke up to get breakfast and start my online class, but immediately after sitting up, I nearly fell out of my bed. I almost fell down the stairs too so I asked my mom about it and she said it sounds like vertigo, which she suffers from. All day I've been nauseous and dehydrated so I've been sleeping it off. It really sucks.


Its like ur drunk without taking any drugs


I get vertigo when i get a fever it feels like im about to fall off a roller coaster going down


i stood up from my chair because i heard my dad call me for a hug before he sleeps. i stand up a little quickly. as i am hugging him, i become light headed and dizzy and my awareness of everything arround me seems to vanish. i “wake up” standing in the kitchen, forgetting what happened and i thought i was on my way to hug my dad. but instead im somehow in the kitchen, scared. and my dad is walking in to his room talking, but i dont understand what he said.
