You Might Get Sued For Using GitHub Copilot

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Did you know that you might get sued for using GitHub Copilot? In this video, we'll explain how GitHub Copilot works and how you might be at risk of being sued if you use it.

GitHub Copilot is an AI-assisted tool that many developers use to help them manage their code. However, there is a possibility that you could be at risk of legal action if you use it without proper licensing. So be sure to read the GitHub Copilot terms of use carefully before using it!

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GitHub Copilot? Don't Get Sued Unless You Know This!
GitHub Copilot: 5 Things You Need to Know
How To Make Sure You're Not Sued When Using GitHub Copilot

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I don't use Github Copilot -- I write my own code (googling, copy/pasting from StackOverflow) -- like a man 😎


Ability to copyright stuff leads to everyone copyrighting, even if they don't have mercantile intentions, because if you don't, someone else (an asshole) will do so on your code and keep it behind a paywall. The GPL licence is exactly this, i.e. it's a protective (from bullshit) licence.

It's a necessary evil. And so the lawsuit is legit.


I'm a bit mixed on this. We need AI to evolve to make all of our experiences better. AI evolves on huge datasets. I don't use github co pilot myself, so I'm not sure how big of a potential copyright problem it could be and if it's just straight up line for line taking code then maybe I could see an issue. But then again the use usually differs, just like taking code from stack overflow.


For that I think it's the time to move to gitlab or self hosted cgit/gitweb server.


I also saw this news on hacker news, quite disappointing, but I really need github copilot. so what i did was to just use github copilot for helpers, so the main function i made stick with my design


It would be alot better if you share these documents as resources


People could also train/teach themselves on the same code learning from it and then write their own code from scratch that does the same stuff without needing to attribute to anyone... this is just an automated way of doing the same thing.


What are the chances of me uploading and copyrighting my code in github and then reusing it with sub accounts without copyright to be picked up by copilot and joining this class lawsuit for some juicy $$$?


Just curious, if a function is written by copilot and its in the backend server (its never gone public in client browser) then how the owner of the code will claim?


If Microsoft is not sued while charging Github Copilot subs you won't either.


Release copilot as opensource like sd, that's all I care.


"Some people don't think" vs multi-billion dollar global corporation with entire offices around the world just for legal teams.

I'm willing to bet Microsoft has more of an idea of what constitutes "fair use" than "some people". Considering the average Internet user doesn't even know the very basics of fair use or DMCA (or similar legal frameworks), I would not go to the average Internet user for legal advice.

One thing courts will look at when determining fair use is whether the infringing work actually infringes on the original work.
A prime parameter the court will look at is whether any damage is done.
When training an AI, attribution means nothing because only the machine will ever see the code and there is no human to display the attribution to.
When using code snippets that other people have written, it is considered fair use (or at least unprotectable).

Unless you're telling the AI to write out an entire project exactly as it is, there is no need to give attribution, as it is either unprotectable or under fair use. And if you're going through all that trouble to copy a codebase instead of just cloning the repository for the same effect, you're not the smartest crayon in the stable.


I though Microsoft is people problem solving company but it is people effort looting company after looking GitHub co-pilot now the fate of playwright is not clear.


Making a project open source and saying that no one can ever reuse this to make something bigger and get some money is insane,
I think it would be better to just donate back to your opensource dependencies, but no one does that :/


They used peoples public repository and made it a paid product 🤣🤣


To me, this is just evidence that our current copyright system is rather broken, when it comes to the future of AI.. Indeed, it exposes that the very idea of knowledge being copyrightable in itself, is deeply flawed. Many of the open-source licenses were by their very nature, created in opposition to the idea of knowledge being copyrightable, but in order to protect them, they had to play by similar rules to protect that availability.. Technology is quickly becoming actually intelligent.. And that concept changes a LOT of how our laws work. You can't copyright the idea of a particular software, when an AI can write a similar equivalent on the fly, just as a dedicated programmer might.


Fair use can't devalue original content. With what's happening to StackOverflow I'd say there's a case to be made because codex was also trained on SO. The current state of AI right now is data - ours, responsibility - yours.
