What To Do If You Get Sued [Legal Walkthrough]

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*** —
* Getting sued is a scary feeling, but don't panic! In this video, we will walk through the steps you should take if you think you've been sued.

We will discuss the difference between "personal service of process" vs. getting something in the mail, how you can get served, how to respond to your summons and complaint, what happens if you ignore a lawsuit, and more.

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All videos are for educational and entertainment purposes only. This is not legal advice and should not be relied on as such. Every case is different. Consult a licensed professional in your state. Mark Lyda is a Colorado-licensed attorney. Viewing this channel or its content does not create an attorney-client relationship with Lyda Law Firm or any of its lawyers.

Рекомендации по теме

If you ignore it, it’s called default judgment


these advice videos always assume people have money to hire a lawyer.


My son was the one driving. Why are they suing me?


My neighbour is threatening to sue me over aphids in his garden. For some reason he believes that our yard is the source of the aphids. Even though it's spring time in my country and aphids are common in every garden at this time. I honestly don't have the money for a lawyer. I'm pretty sure he has no case however the man has money and lots of time.


Lyda, I am being sued and I’m 100% innocent but I’m being sued by someone very manipulative and I need help and advice. Could I call you for an over the phone consultation? If so please respond, I only have a couple of weeks left.


I had a paper left on my door during covid. Lawsuit. It was to late. I was in Defaukt.the only paper i got.I have no knowledge how to do any of this. I was sued for a quad that was a charge off? That these people bought from somewhere?
Yet I was under the understanding it was paid for. All of them. I bought 3. I have lien off papers. For all my quad accounts. What can I do this was 2020 I think. I'm clueless, no money. I just need advice . If you can help.


I had a Civil Processor tape the summons to the door in Colorado. She has never been there before. What could I do about this?


Of course the advice differs in different countries.


Can i sue a company . A call center called me about a payment. He was annoyed i wouldn’t give my card info due to todays breech of bank information. So he got flustered and i hung up. Then my girlfriend who gets a message stating they work at a call center ect and that im cheating. I called the business wont say name lol. Then i tracked his number and the reps name matches the cell. Do i have a case? Also i have screenshots of his messages she received.


No one ever showed up .. but I got mines in the mail. Came a summon


hello i have been sued on ebay by a company the problem is that i didn t know that product was branded and i didn t make any profit what i should do please


A lawyer’s page says you cannot go to jail if you don’t pay a lawsuit…


Hi Mark Lyda, i watch your video, my question is, concerning school loan an officer came at door to deliver a mail but i didnt answer is that a problem its been 13 yrs ago ..please give advice ..


My parents are getting sued for something serious I can’t talk about, I’m not sure what to do because they want to just not hire a lawyer and represent themselves, They think it’s not there fault they’re innocent…which is true but for 3 million I think we should get a lawyer or just sell everything I’m not sure


I got a call but didn’t answer and text me being sue and to call them back to find a court details so I’m not being sued? Until I get the documents


chain slipped while I was riding my e bike chain slipped and I hit a parked car put a scratch in it and broke the mirror.
Tried to do the right thing went and knocked on a couple of doors and talked to him now his insurance is billing me for over 4000
Got a letter from a lawyer with the bill.
I don't have any way to pay it off


What if a vendor is bringing suit against a small business owner for claims of an unpaid balance? And what type of attorney should they be seeking?


What if you weren't driving the vehicle an it was someone else an took the car out of permission an they had an accident an the car didn't have insurance an the car that the other person hit was a coca cola truck tryna sued me for something that i didn't do just cus the car is under my name


A local business pulled a gun on me and I told him I would never be back then he sent me a certified letter that I never signed for saying not to come back and I haven't he sent me another certified letter and I sent it back a certified letter from an individual is just harassment right now
