python argparse flag boolean

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Argparse is a Python standard library module that makes it easy to write user-friendly command-line interfaces. In this tutorial, we'll focus on using argparse to handle boolean flags, which are often used to enable or disable certain features of a script or program.
To get started, import the argparse module in your Python script:
Create an ArgumentParser object to define and manage the command-line arguments:
Add a boolean flag to the parser using the add_argument method. In this example, we'll add a --verbose flag:
Here's the complete example script:
This will enable the verbose mode. If you run the script without the --verbose flag, it will run in standard mode.
That's it! You've successfully created a Python script with a boolean flag using argparse.
To get started, import the argparse module in your Python script:
Create an ArgumentParser object to define and manage the command-line arguments:
Add a boolean flag to the parser using the add_argument method. In this example, we'll add a --verbose flag:
Here's the complete example script:
This will enable the verbose mode. If you run the script without the --verbose flag, it will run in standard mode.
That's it! You've successfully created a Python script with a boolean flag using argparse.