python argparse boolean

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Argparse is a module in Python's standard library that makes it easy to write user-friendly command-line interfaces. Boolean arguments are a common feature in command-line interfaces, allowing users to specify true/false options for a program. In this tutorial, we'll explore how to use argparse to handle boolean arguments in Python scripts.
Start by importing the argparse module at the beginning of your Python script:
Create an instance of the ArgumentParser class. This object will hold all the information necessary to parse the command-line arguments.
The description parameter is optional and provides a brief description of your program.
Add boolean arguments using the add_argument method. For boolean arguments, use the action='store_true' or action='store_false' parameter to handle the presence or absence of the argument.
In the example above, --enable-feature is a boolean argument that, when present, sets its value to True. Conversely, --disable-feature sets its value to False when present.
Call the parse_args method on the ArgumentParser object to parse the command-line arguments.
The args variable now contains the values of the command-line arguments.
Now, you can use the boolean arguments in your code based on the values provided by the user.
In this example, the script checks the values of --enable-feature and --disable-feature and prints a message accordingly.
Save your script and run it from the command line. Here's an example:
Adjust the command-line arguments based on your script's requirements.
Congratulations! You've successfully created a Python script with boolean arguments using the argparse module.
Start by importing the argparse module at the beginning of your Python script:
Create an instance of the ArgumentParser class. This object will hold all the information necessary to parse the command-line arguments.
The description parameter is optional and provides a brief description of your program.
Add boolean arguments using the add_argument method. For boolean arguments, use the action='store_true' or action='store_false' parameter to handle the presence or absence of the argument.
In the example above, --enable-feature is a boolean argument that, when present, sets its value to True. Conversely, --disable-feature sets its value to False when present.
Call the parse_args method on the ArgumentParser object to parse the command-line arguments.
The args variable now contains the values of the command-line arguments.
Now, you can use the boolean arguments in your code based on the values provided by the user.
In this example, the script checks the values of --enable-feature and --disable-feature and prints a message accordingly.
Save your script and run it from the command line. Here's an example:
Adjust the command-line arguments based on your script's requirements.
Congratulations! You've successfully created a Python script with boolean arguments using the argparse module.