CADIA, its Rise & Fall: Warhammer 40k LORE in 20 mins!

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For eight millenia the Astra Militarum fortress world of Cadia guarded the Eye of Terror and stood ready to repel the forced of Chaos, until it's final destruction during the Despoiler's 13th Black Crusade. In this video, let's find out WHY?

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Copyright: Unless noted in the video, all images © Games Workshop 1987-2022. Title music is 'Black Rainbows' by Karl Casey @White Bat Audio

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Is this the start of an Every Regiment of Guard in 20 Minutes series? By the Throne!


I know this is a VERY minor thing, but one thing I've always appreciated about Cadia is its name. There's a lot of names in fantasy and scifi which *sounds* like someone made it up to sound fantasy-ish or science-fiction-y. But Cadia is just so simple and flows so well and just feels like it's a real world that came into being naturally. It could've easily been a region in Italy or a roman town or whatever. Simple, no frills, just solid. I really appreciate those touches in fiction.


I was there when Cadia fell. . . The Eye of Terror codex and campaign was right in the middle of my group's 40k phase so we played games and reported them to GW to determine the planet's fate.


Watching this gave me a chuckling flash to the game Darktide and when given the option to have ya character originate from Cadia it just shows a collection of rocks floating in space.


Memes aside, I love how totally fucking metal Cadians are with their children. "You were born on the edge of an abyss. Now stare into the eldritch horrors lurking in the sky so they may stare back at you. Happy two day birthday! Hope you like your new purple eyes."


The planet broke before the guard did!


the only appropriate comment to leave on this video, take up the cry: CADIA STANDS!


Fall of Cadia and Cadian lore one of the best things GW ever did. I love the world breaking before the people did.
The story they decided to write carrying on from that, well at least it wasn’t the End Timess.


In many ways, Cadia was its own mini empire. In the number of worlds its war machine controlled, and in the military traditions it inspired across the galaxy. Even when Cadia proper died, its military - its civilization - persists. Supplying men and munitions, trained in the style of Lost Cadia, to protect the Imperium for as long as they breathe.


Your videos are exactly how I think a WH40K lore video should be. Maybe the best channel on the topic?


Just wanted to reiterate; love all your content - please do keep it up. From an OG Rogue Trader (almost) greybeard.


! It's always great to listen to you talk as I'm sitting at my desk, fingers glued together, scratch building all my basilisks.

With the fingers glued together I'm often at the never ending arbitor ian loop because the videos keep on coming and it's not like you can pause anything haha


For me that's your best lore video, and one of your best videos, to date. Absolute banger


Fantastic video Cadian's troop are my second favorite and I look forward to seeing more Regiments. Most of all being Krieg!
Also Lore wise I love the struggle and ultimate fall of Cadia even though I am a massive Imperial player it felt right. Even if i wish it hadn't been Cadia Still i like the idea of them in dozens of armada's traveling and making more only to continue to fight.
With that said as a player i also kinda wish once Cadia fell that GW took the chance to bring one of the other major Regiments to the forefront for awhile.


these are so comfy to watch, the script, the delivery and the attention to detail, what a treat of a video


More of this types of videos, im 40 now and back in the day i used to buy second hand warhammer white dwarfs issues just for the lore, i was there when the fall of cadia campaign was played and my spacewolfs fall against caos.


Great video. Informative, concise and entertaining. Did not know about the Word Bearers pre heresy lore. Looking forward to future videos. Keep up the good work.


I'm currently reading Ravenor series and after that I wanted to read the Dark Imperium series, but I changed my mind. So before the Dark Imperium series I will read Cadia Standing, Cadia Honour and Belisarius Cawl: The Great Work. Thanks for the video. :D


Great video! You really communicate the vents well and make it enjoyable as opposed to 'dry'. Thank you.


Thanks for taking the time for covering the Astra Militarm. This has always been close to my heart. I painted more modern and WWII soldiers than I ever did Citadel miniatures as a kid and never got a full army together. I have recently binged my way for the Cadia Stands novel series and harbour a weird crush on Minka Lesk. A moody slavic lass with combat gear and a laser rifle! It doesn't get much better than that! Or is it just me? I apreciate my favourate debition of her is the cover of your video :) I'm a sad old git!
