2 Cycle Trimmer Only Runs on Choke | Won't start - How to Diagnose & Fix

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How to Diagnose & Fix a 2 Cycle Trimmer that Only Runs on Choke. You need to see this!
This trimmer is almost brand new and the landscaping company ruined the engine by running straight gas (no 2 cycle oil mix) in the engine. They had to replace the engine and after doing that it would only run on choke. They couldn't figure out what the problem was and asked me to take a look at it. I found 2 common problems for the reason it would only run on choke.
If you have a 2 cycle engine that will only run with the choke on, I think this video will help you diagnose and repair that problem.

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Although I have been following these procedures for many years; I assume no liability for any damage that may occur to any person or property as a result of the information provided in this video. I take necessary precautions (that I am aware of) when working on these projects but that in no way implies or creates any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any kind of particular result. Any injury, damage or loss of any kind to anyone or their property or anything related to information in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not Helping U Online (this video).
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You've just help extend the life of thousands of small engines.. That was worth 15 minutes. Learned something new. Thanks!.


You've just help extend the life of thousands of small engines.


You are a genius. I have about eight weedeaters people gave me that only run on choke. I tried so many different solutions and never even thought about the tank vent. Thank you so much now I have to look at eight of them again LOL😂


Outstanding! Based on this video I compared our trimmer that starts but won't keep running with the one that is o.k. and darn if the fuel lines weren't crossed! Thank you so much! Glad I didn't have to try all the other things but I WILL remember them!


the joy of finding the problem I know it well, sometimes I'm not so lucky but with the help of people like your self we have a better chance. Thanks from Graeme in Australia


That's the happiness you feel when we start something running thanks for the video


This may seem common sense but the way you methodically you troubleshoot is super satisfying and really awesome to see.


I have 2 weedeaters and each one has a similar opposite problem you described. Thanks for sharing your experience. I know what to look at now. 👍🏽


I like that you showed the trouble shooting steps to finding the problem.


I’ve been fighting sluggish equipment, replacing plugs and rebuilding carbs etc. I never ever would have expected the gas tank vents to be the problem. I can’t wait to give this a try.


Boy how simple you make things, would not have even thought about a mix up in the fuel and return line, great help to start sorting out my problem with my Ryobi weed eater, just replaced the carbie but wont run without choke, now know where to start looking, just hope i have the same problem. also didn't know how to tune the carbie but now have an idea, knew about the small adjustment screw in the top of the throttle body but wasn't sure what it adjusted. Thanks heap, am now going to watch your other videos.


Looks like the sort of thing that happens to me every year preparing for bushfire season, and every year I take it in for a service. You've just saved me a ton of money and heaps of time waiting. Thank you!


Be blessed for sharing quietly wisdom. 🙏😊


Your tutorials are very well executed, coupled with your high energy personality. A delight to watch! Thank you with gratitude from New Rochelle N.Y.


Excellent explanation on how the fuel lines work!! Thank you!


Ok, you are the ONLY one that addressed the crossed fuel lines....which was my problem. Thank you so much for the walk-through. +1 subscriber.


I agree: step by step 101 instruction is masterful! Thanks a bunch!


That was worth 15 minutes. Learned something new. Thanks!


Thanks. I picked up one that was doing the same thing. The fuel cap wasn't venting good and I think it caused the primer button to vapor lock. Cleaned the fuel cap up and unplug the line between the carburetor and timer button and had to pump the primer button a few times to get the air out and now it runs great. Thanks for sharing the knowledge


Bingo! Just bought a new carburetor, and still had issues. This is exactly what it needed!! Runs like a champ now! Thank you!
