4 Mistakes 'Older Guys' Make w/ Younger Women

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Welcome back to the channel! Today, Rob explores common yet fatal dating mistakes that older men often make with younger women. Learn how to navigate the complex dynamics of age-gap relationships effectively. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and turn on notifications for more expert dating insights.

00:00 - Hook
01:10 - Introduction
02:50 - Mistake #1: Centering the Age Gap
05:04 - Mistake #2: Having Your Authority Usurped
09:04 - Mistake #3: Not Qualifying Her Enough
13:25 - Mistake #4: Adopting Limiting Beliefs
16:40 - Conclusion and Call to Action

Video Chapters:
🎬 Introduction: Dive into today's hot topic influenced by your insightful comments!
🚫 Mistake #1: Centering the Age Gap: Discover why emphasizing your age difference can turn your charm into a turn-off.
👑 Mistake #2: Having Your Authority Usurped: Learn the critical impact of maintaining your authoritative allure in any interaction.
❓ Mistake #3: Not Qualifying Her Enough: Understand why setting high standards is key to attracting and keeping younger women.
💭 Mistake #4: Adopting Limiting Beliefs: Explore how detrimental self-imposed beliefs can sabotage your dating success.
🔚 Conclusion: Recap and actionable advice to enhance your dating strategy.

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#DatingAdvice #OlderMenYoungerWomen #RelationshipTips #DatingMistakes #RobJudge
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You look like the College Professor who creeps on his students!


I'm 55. I'm fit, the same measurements I was when I was 25, and I play the guitar and sing in a band. Being just an older man isn't enough; you need to not look 'old', and not act 'old'. As you say, it's one thing to have her think of you as her daddy, but not literally so. I recently had a brief but amazing fling with a 25 year old girl in our office. Some of the things she said she really liked were my confidence, my gentlemanly conduct (pulling out chairs, opening car doors etc), and my assertive demeanour (telling her to take her top off, kneel on the bed, stick her arse in the air etc), because she simply hadn't had that with guys her own age


Being 48 and divorced unwillingly has kinda messed me up, having to get back out there. I greatly appreciate your guidance on attraction in any way, shape, or form. I was never good at it to begin with, before the internet. So I'm really grateful my friend. Thank you. Subscribed.


I have had many intimate interactions with women. Not once has it been sidetracked by concerns about money, appearance, age, material possessions, race, ethnicity... IMHO, women of substance and character are not overly concerned about about these things. And many, many women are creatures of substance and character.😉👍


Great presentation Rob. I've made all those mistakes😂😂. Liked and Subscribed.👍👍


You're sooo spot on with the Sir Lancelot/fix-a-lot act thing Rob. I knew a man (lets call him Skinny A.) that came over with a bevy of tools from god knows how many hardware stores to do home repairs for a woman to which he was utterly enthralled. He fixed what needed to be fixed (poorly), left his tools laying about in the hope that she'd invite him back to retrieve them which he believed would secure him another night at her place, but he never saw those tools again. His most favorite hammer was gone. It turns out that the other man, the man who won her, this Hank Moody type character, immured that very hammer behind the laths in a newly finished piece of drywall. Skinny A. lost the girl, his tools, and his most favorite claw hammer.


You are so right! You are right about relationships and you are right about life in general! Keep up the great videos!


Thanks for the info! I like the music! more please. I also like the "in the tv" thing.


Good content, keep it coming! And out of curiosity, you and Bobby Rio did a video probably 7 or 8 years where you were wearing this badass purple leather jacket. If you don't mind, what name brand was it, and where did you get it?


I’ve learned to just not care about what they say. I just think of it as; it’s just my turn she’s not mine. That’s very helpful; so I don’t care what I say or they think. I’m there for one thing only. Then I bounce. They chase. It’s as simple as that, back handed compliments are a must.


So correct about the bouncer mentality. 50 years ago a friend had his jaw broken by a bouncer but faced charges for battery. Nothing’s changed here. Avoid campus bars or bars in general.


I'm 39 and in great shape, look like I'm in my 20's, I'm outgoing, charismatic and love talking with people. I've had lots of girls show initial interest, then lose it when they find out my age. I've tried giving comically exaggerated numbers, playful answers, and answering straight up with no apology in my tone. No matter what, they lose interest and that's that.

To make it worse, in places that I frequent, I'll have guys come up afterwards and say things like, bro, you know she's 23 right? What are you doing? I don't care what they think, but it sucks.


So you're just going to ignore the fact that there is an abundance of videos from younger women saying they only want men that are over 6 feet tall, have six pack abs, and have a over 6 figure income? Older men need to vet these younger women into proving that these women are really serious about their relationship and if they are really attracted to the older man. Far too many modern women of all ages still have not matured enough to actually be relationship material, instead what you have is immature adult little girls playing games with grown men just to use these men as ATMs.


She loses interest when a ten year younger man than her hits on her - and she has the old man's money.


Hi Rob...
RAS!!!???? You had me flashback to grad school with that one. I hope there isn't a GRE type exam hiding somewhere in your content.

I posted a comment to one of your earlier videos (barbeque with a latin hottie) that perfectly exemplified your points.

Sending my younger and hotter date home in an Uber served to first, reestablish my frame as dominant to my male contemporaries displays of embarrassing eagerness to please submissiveness.

Second, it gave me the opportunity to use the incident as a seminar on why mature successful men are without girlfriends.

So to the guys that posted "money" to your previous videos let them know there are very rich men who can't get a date. (Date not a professional (OF) appt.)


You lost me with the background music...


Recently made that #2 mistake with a guy every one at my job knew how he was and warned me bout to many times. 20 years older then me and he was finally able to get under my skin (long story) and things been off-ward since thin now I am doing damage control 😅🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


I like the content so far but when bringing up a tip and showing it on screen the music is so loud in comparison to your voice…constructive criticism only here. Dial the music down or wait to talk so it’s easier to hear what you are saying. Otherwise, thank you for putting out this content. Men need help with these things that their dad’s never taught them. Keep it up!


From my experience, if you have a cynical world view, you'll likely attract cynical women and that's a formula for misery. You'll never trust each other, always expecting the worst and that's no foundation to build a healthy relationship on.


On the money comment. A man should 'never' lead with his money. A lady that is truly attracted to you won't penalize you with being expensive to you. Ladies that 'demand' or 'expect' to exact costly investments from you are not really 'into you' (that's why they make it expensive... it justifies spending time with you when they aren't genuinely attracted enough to not 'penalize' you). I consider my 'financial situation' to be privileged information. There is an 'art of restraint' in how you get to 'know someone first' and at what stages 'disclosure' becomes appropriate or necessary. Your primary task is to see if this lady is suitable for whatever you have in mind with her.

All said, if you're a man who has already created his 'legacy' but has found himself eligible for dating in his later years, you have to 'rewire' what your intentions are with what you have in 'mind' with introducing a new lady into your life. I've had other men I know still 'thinking' like they were when 'creating a legacy' was their 'purpose' for their stage in life. If the kids are still 'under the age of majority' so to speak, you aren't completed and you can't lose focus on that until those kids are 18 and out of your home (you don't want to find a lady 'competing' for time reserved for finishing that legacy you created). If those kids are now functioning adults and you have your home to yourself, you certainly can allot more 'time' associated with your 'intentions' for introducing a new lady into your life.

So, a man has to reflect on "what are his intentions" and "what is appropriate for where I am in life". For an "older guy", he has to prioritize retirement and hopefully leaving something for his kids when his time come (preferably much later of course). He may elect (as it's 'voluntary' after his legacy have become adults) to occasionally extend some financial 'charity' to his offspring under certain circumstances (particularly when they are creating their own legacy and you're not 'enabling' bad financial behaviors). A new lady has to be prioritized behind all this (family first). Can such a lady handle not being #1 in your life? Does she know and respect that your family comes first always? Beyond creating your legacy, new ladies are really for 'recreational' purposes (you're not asking them to create a legacy with you so it's not the level of sacrifice and importance you had with your earlier intentions you've already satisfied in life).

I'd say "have a purpose", "know your intentions" and never prioritize a "new lady" over your pre-existing family. Be clear about that and enforce that boundary. You're not asking much of her and your not offering the "create a legacy with me" deal anymore. It's a different deal when you're an "older guy". A man has to "figure out" what "deal" he's offering _before_ introducing a new lady that doesn't conflict with his preexisting priorities. That's not like "I miss being married" (that's a sacrifice you make for the betterment of your kids... not for 'feelings' as marriage doesn't serve you without that legacy purpose). If you have the finances to entertain a new lady in your life, set some boundaries and enforce them. A few reasonable boundaries are 1) Marriage is for family so it's not an option now, 2) I don't do "live in girlfriends", 3) I may make a loan but never more than I can afford to lose and you're credit is no longer good with me if I don't get paid back on the terms agreed to, 4) I'm not running a 'charity' and, if you need 'help', contact your family first (and most 'help' is girl code for 'charity' and know the difference). I may give you the option of 'working it off' at my discretion or, like any adult, you can visit a formal institution for 'charity' (church) or for 'loans' (bank).

A man only has a set number of years he's going to pursue creating a legacy. That's the only 'serious' relationship you'll have on behalf of creating that legacy and raising them. That's what a 'serious' relationship means to a man (one that serves a purpose beyond just hedonism.. has a greater purpose and one that justifies the sacrifices he's willing to make for that purpose as well as the sacrificial 'deal' he would make with a lady to secure her fidelity and raise those kids under a common roof). When a lady says she's looking for a 'serious' relationship, that very likely doesn't mean the same thing to a man (so find out what she means by that... you may find that in direct conflict with your 'family first' priorities which should be 'unbend-able and nonnegotiable'). That last statement can make dating a younger woman quite difficult (aka: she's looking for the 'legacy' deal and you're not offering that anymore and she's just recreational to you at your age... and she may 'mistake' herself 'as the prize'... and no, that's the 'kids' and but she's looking for the 'grand bargain' of the 'legacy deal' really for doing nothing... the 'delusion' thing you have to take a 'hard pass' on).
